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23 Treffer


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23 Treffer

  1. Doreille, A ; Lombardi, Y ; et al.
    In: Kidney international reports, Jg. 8 (2022-12-17), Heft 3, S. 596-605
    Online academicJournal
  2. Chauvet, S ; Hauer, JJ ; et al.
    In: Kidney international, Jg. 102 (2022-10-01), Heft 4, S. 904-916
  3. Ruiz de Pereda, G
    In: Journal of the neurological sciences, Jg. 28 (1976-08-01), Heft 4, S. 469-83
  4. Moret, L ; Ganea, A ; et al.
    In: Kidney international reports, Jg. 6 (2021-05-06), Heft 8, S. 2134-2143
    Online academicJournal
  5. Chan, RR ; Beaulieu, J ; et al.
    In: Explore (New York, N.Y.), Jg. 14 (2018-03-01), Heft 2, S. 122-130
  6. Gilquin, B ; Louwagie, M ; et al.
    In: Talanta, Jg. 164 (2017-03-01), S. 77-84
  7. Nagano, H ; Shin, JH ; et al.
    In: Journal of infection and public health, Jg. 16 (2023-03-01), Heft 3, S. 467-473
    Online academicJournal
  8. Suk, M ; Kümmerer, K
    In: The Science of the total environment, Jg. 857 (2023-01-20), Heft Pt 3, S. 159454
  9. Akahane, M ; Enoki, Y ; et al.
    In: International journal of infectious diseases : IJID : official publication of the International Society for Infectious Diseases, Jg. 103 (2021-02-01), S. 464-468
    Online academicJournal
  10. Shaw, G ; Bailey, E ; et al.
    In: The Science of the total environment, Jg. 692 (2019-11-20), S. 966-974
  11. Baba, K ; Sekine, Y ; et al.
    In: Journal of infection and chemotherapy : official journal of the Japan Society of Chemotherapy, Jg. 24 (2018-08-01), Heft 8, S. 637-640
  12. López, RI ; Castro, JL ; et al.
    In: ESMO open, Jg. 3 (2018-03-15), Heft 3, S. e000315
    Online academicJournal
  13. Iida, Y ; Inoue, Y ; et al.
    In: Journal of infection and chemotherapy : official journal of the Japan Society of Chemotherapy, Jg. 22 (2016-03-01), Heft 3, S. 157-61
  14. Karbowiak, G ; Vichová, B ; et al.
    In: Veterinary parasitology, Jg. 204 (2014-08-29), Heft 3-4, S. 372-5
  15. Lecomte-Pradines, C ; Bonzom, JM ; et al.
    In: The Science of the total environment, Jg. 490 (2014-08-15), S. 161-70
  16. Shigemura, K ; Tanaka, K ; et al.
    In: Journal of infection and chemotherapy : official journal of the Japan Society of Chemotherapy, Jg. 18 (2012-08-01), Heft 4, S. 479-84
    Online academicJournal
  17. Suzuki, M ; Miyaki, M ; et al.
    In: Journal of infection and chemotherapy : official journal of the Japan Society of Chemotherapy, Jg. 17 (2011-02-01), Heft 1, S. 34-9
    Online academicJournal
  18. Ishiwata, Y ; Nagata, M ; et al.
    In: Drug metabolism and pharmacokinetics, Jg. 20 (2005-04-01), Heft 2, S. 117-20
    Online academicJournal
  19. Takahata, M ; Sugiura, Y ; et al.
    In: Journal of infection and chemotherapy : official journal of the Japan Society of Chemotherapy, Jg. 10 (2004-12-01), Heft 6, S. 338-42
    Online academicJournal
  20. Kitao, T
    In: Journal of infection and chemotherapy : official journal of the Japan Society of Chemotherapy, Jg. 9 (2003-03-01), Heft 1, S. 30-4
    Online academicJournal
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