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- GBV Online Contents 4,189 Hits
- China Science & Technology Journal Database 185 Hits
- BASE 156 Hits
- wiso 148 Hits
- Gale Business: Insights 139 Hits
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- NewsBank 134 Hits
- Gale General OneFile 113 Hits
- OpenAIRE 77 Hits
- MEDLINE 31 Hits
- Science Citation Index Expanded 27 Hits
- Academic Search Index 26 Hits
- Complementary Index 21 Hits
- PASCAL Archive 20 Hits
- Gale OneFile: News 17 Hits
- EMIS University – Company Information 14 Hits
- Supplemental Index 13 Hits
- Bibliotheksverbund Bayern 13 Hits
- Gale Academic OneFile 12 Hits
- OAIster 12 Hits
- EMIS University – News Sources 11 Hits
- Gale Academic OneFile Select 11 Hits
- Applied Science & Technology Source 10 Hits
- British Library Document Supply Centre Inside Serials & Conference Proceedings 9 Hits
- Gale eBooks 8 Hits
- African Journals 6 Hits
- Scopus® 5 Hits
- Springer Nature Journals 5 Hits
- Directory of Open Access Journals 5 Hits
- China/Asia On Demand 4 Hits
- J-STAGE 3 Hits
- Networked Digital Library of Theses & Dissertations 3 Hits
- Journals@OVID 2 Hits
- eScholarship 2 Hits
- E-Dissertationen der Universität Hamburg 2 Hits
- Gale In Context: Global Issues 2 Hits
- vLex 2 Hits
- Music ID 2 Hits
- Environment Complete 2 Hits
- NUKAT 2 Hits
- USPTO Patent Applications 1 Hit
- British Library EThOS 1 Hit
- Business Source Ultimate 1 Hit
- ScienceDirect 1 Hit
- SwePub 1 Hit
- Zad Newspapers 1 Hit
- IEEE Xplore Digital Library 1 Hit
- NARCIS 1 Hit
- DACH Information 1 Hit
- Gale OneFile: High School Edition 1 Hit
- eBook Index 1 Hit
- ECONIS 1 Hit
- OpenDissertations 1 Hit
- Energy & Power Source 1 Hit
Source Type
Subject Heading
- business 101 Hits
- banking industry 67 Hits
- deutsche bank ag (frankfurt, germany) 66 Hits
- exchange-traded funds 44 Hits
- chemistry 31 Hits
45 additional values:
- stocks -- prices and rates 26 Hits
- zahnkrone 26 Hits
- stocks 25 Hits
- dentalkeramik 23 Hits
- condensed matter physics 22 Hits
- in-vitro-untersuchung 22 Hits
- physics 21 Hits
- zahnprothese 21 Hits
- crystallography 20 Hits
- density functional theory 20 Hits
- electron paramagnetic resonance 19 Hits
- zahnrestauration 19 Hits
- zahnbrucke 18 Hits
- exact sciences and technology 17 Hits
- guinea-pig cochlea 17 Hits
- materials science 17 Hits
- news, opinion and commentary 17 Hits
- sciences exactes et technologie 17 Hits
- zahnmedizin 17 Hits
- airbus s.a.s. 15 Hits
- business, international 14 Hits
- electromotility 14 Hits
- aircraft industry 13 Hits
- electronic structure 13 Hits
- general interest 13 Hits
- physique 13 Hits
- zahnimplantat 13 Hits
- mechanical responses 12 Hits
- physical and theoretical chemistry 12 Hits
- versuchsergebnis 12 Hits
- cad/cam 11 Hits
- dentalkomposit 11 Hits
- info:eu-repo/classification/ddc/610 11 Hits
- law 11 Hits
- law.invention 11 Hits
- parodontologie 11 Hits
- physical chemistry 11 Hits
- zahnfleisch 11 Hits
- anisotropy 10 Hits
- karies 10 Hits
- outer hair cell 10 Hits
- stock prices 10 Hits
- 01 natural sciences 9 Hits
- adsorption 9 Hits
- condensed state physics 9 Hits
- comtex news network, inc. 153 Hits
- wti-frankfurt-digital gmbh 145 Hits
- accretive capital llc dba 72 Hits
- deutscher arzte-verlag 63 Hits
- syndigate media inc. 21 Hits
45 additional values:
- elsevier b.v. 20 Hits
- elsevier bv 14 Hits
- athena information solutions pvt. ltd. 13 Hits
- american institute of physics 12 Hits
- elsevier 12 Hits
- elsevier science bv 9 Hits
- tenders & projects information 9 Hits
- escholarship, university of california 8 Hits
- gale, cengage learning 8 Hits
- royal society of chemistry 8 Hits
- wiley-blackwell 8 Hits
- american chemical society 7 Hits
- carl hanser verlag 7 Hits
- kharkiv national air force university named after i. kozhedub 6 Hits
- nature publishing group 6 Hits
- wiley 6 Hits
- харківськии національнии університет повітряних сил ім. і. кожедуба 6 Hits
- харьковскии национальныи университет воздушных сил им. и. кожедуба 6 Hits
- frontiers media s.a. 5 Hits
- frontiers research foundation 4 Hits
- lippincott williams & wilkins 4 Hits
- quintessence verlags-gmbh 4 Hits
- springer nature 4 Hits
- newstex llc 3 Hits
- novus print (pty) ltd t/a 3s media 3 Hits
- staats- und universitatsbibliothek hamburg carl von ossietzky 3 Hits
- wuchu (usa - china) science & culture media corporation 3 Hits
- institute for condensed matter physics 2 Hits
- new media publishing 2 Hits
- pleiades publishing 2 Hits
- quintessenz verlags gmbh 2 Hits
- springer-verlag 2 Hits
- sumy state university 2 Hits
- taylor & francis ltd 2 Hits
- the japan society of vacuum and surface science 2 Hits
- university of cambridge 2 Hits
- бргту 2 Hits
- 上海音乐出版社 2 Hits
- crop science society of china 1 Hit
- elsevier inc. 1 Hit
- northwest institute for nonferrous metal research 1 Hit
- schattauer 1 Hit
- schattauer gmbh 1 Hit
- university of southampton 1 Hit
- اليوم السابع 1 Hit
- deutsche zahnarztliche zeitschrift : dzz : mitgliederzeitschrift der deutschen gesellschaft fur zahn-, mund- und kieferheilkunde e.v. 4,184 Hits
- smartrend market maven 148 Hits
- 致富时代:下半月 136 Hits
- deutsche zahnarztliche zeitschrift - dzz 129 Hits
- 72 Hits
45 additional values:
- deutsche zahnarztliche zeitschrift 18 Hits
- mena report 15 Hits
- tenders & projects information 9 Hits
- journal of chemical physics 7 Hits
- molecular physics 7 Hits
- surface science 7 Hits
- acronyms, initialisms & abbreviations dictionary 6 Hits
- hearing research 6 Hits
- journal of the american chemical society 6 Hits
- tendersinfo news 6 Hits
- catalysis letters 5 Hits
- 5 Hits
- e-journal of surface science and nanotechnology 4 Hits
- geophysical research letters 4 Hits
- journal of alloys and compounds 4 Hits
- journal of applied physics 4 Hits
- physica e 4 Hits
- technical physics 4 Hits
- computers & operations research 3 Hits
- crystal research & technology 3 Hits
- ecological indicators 3 Hits
- energy 3 Hits
- european journal of radiology 3 Hits
- frontiers in neuroscience 3 Hits
- leading architecture & design 3 Hits
- meteorological & environmental research 3 Hits
- physical chemistry chemical physics (pccp) 3 Hits
- solid state sciences 3 Hits
- advanced electronic materials 2 Hits
- applied physics letters 2 Hits
- australian journal of chemistry 2 Hits
- biogeographia - the journal of integrative biogeography 2 Hits
- chemical science 2 Hits
- condensed matter physics 2 Hits
- dalton transactions: an international journal of inorganic chemistry 2 Hits
- journal of experimental and theoretical physics letters 2 Hits
- journal of fluid mechanics 2 Hits
- journal of nano- & electronic physics 2 Hits
- journal of organometallic chemistry 2 Hits
- liquid crystals 2 Hits
- master's theses 2 Hits
- med-dent-magazin: der wegbegleiter vom studienanfaenger zum praxisgruender 2 Hits
- music lover 2 Hits
- physica e: low-dimensional systems and nanostructures 2 Hits
- precambrian research 2 Hits
- undetermined 4,256 Hits
- english 538 Hits
- german 253 Hits
- unknown 11 Hits
- russian 5 Hits
- 11 additional values:
Geographic Context
5,435 Hits
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In: Anhui nong ye ke xue, Vol. 44 (2016), Issue 32, P. 177-178Serial PeriodicalAccess:
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