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- NewsBank 18,478 Hits
- EMIS University – News Sources 12,729 Hits
- Gale OneFile: News 10,811 Hits
- Gale OneFile: Informe Académico 8,321 Hits
- Gale General OneFile 5,546 Hits
186 additional values:
- BASE 5,258 Hits
- OpenAIRE 3,328 Hits
- Gale In Context: Global Issues 2,556 Hits
- NewsBank - Archives 2,397 Hits
- Janes Terrorism & Insurgency Centre (JTIC) - Terrorism Events 2,207 Hits
- Gale Academic OneFile 1,906 Hits
- vLex 1,874 Hits
- Gale Business: Insights 1,803 Hits
- GBV Online Contents 1,503 Hits
- MEDLINE 1,466 Hits
- Gale OneFile: Health and Medicine 1,268 Hits
- Complementary Index 1,141 Hits
- Supplemental Index 944 Hits
- Academic Search Index 862 Hits
- China Science & Technology Journal Database 861 Hits
- Janes Military & Security Assessments (JMSA) – News 779 Hits
- OAIster 756 Hits
- Gale in Context: College 733 Hits
- Gale Academic OneFile Select 652 Hits
- Directory of Open Access Journals 529 Hits
- Science Citation Index Expanded 464 Hits
- Gale In Context: World History 444 Hits
- Scopus® 432 Hits
- Gale In Context: High School 393 Hits
- Gale Health and Wellness 351 Hits
- Springer Nature Journals 293 Hits
- Gale OneFile: High School Edition 286 Hits
- Gale in Context: Biography 266 Hits
- wiso 263 Hits
- Business Source Ultimate 245 Hits
- Gale In Context: Canada 232 Hits
- Europeana 192 Hits
- Gale OneFile: Computer Science 191 Hits
- British Library Document Supply Centre Inside Serials & Conference Proceedings 188 Hits
- Zad Newspapers 177 Hits
- PASCAL Archive 153 Hits
- Applied Science & Technology Source 146 Hits
- ScienceDirect 129 Hits
- Journals@OVID 117 Hits
- Gale In Context: Science 115 Hits
- Networked Digital Library of Theses & Dissertations 102 Hits
- Springer Nature eBooks 100 Hits
- Dialnet 96 Hits
- Bibliotheksverbund Bayern 84 Hits
- Emerald Insight 68 Hits
- IEEE Xplore Digital Library 67 Hits
- NARCIS 66 Hits
- Gale In Context: Opposing Viewpoints 66 Hits
- 59 Hits
- MLA International Bibliography with Full Text 57 Hits
- Gale In Context: Middle School 57 Hits
- SwePub 54 Hits
- Leyex 53 Hits
- Political Science Complete 53 Hits
- Media Archive 50 Hits
- Sociology Source Ultimate 45 Hits
- Gale eBooks 45 Hits
- NORA (Norwegian Open Research Archive) 45 Hits
- OpenDissertations 43 Hits
- Harvard Library Bibliographic Dataset 43 Hits
- Anopress 39 Hits
- ProjectMUSE 37 Hits
- Gale OneFile: CPI.Q 37 Hits
- APA PsycInfo 37 Hits
- Environment Complete 36 Hits
- arXiv 34 Hits
- 29 Hits
- MathSciNet via EBSCOhost 28 Hits
- Japanese Periodical Index - 雑誌記事索引 24 Hits
- Gale In Context: U.S. History 23 Hits
- British Library EThOS 22 Hits
- ERIC 21 Hits
- VLeBooks 20 Hits
- Gale Literature: Book Review Index 19 Hits
- eScholarship 19 Hits
- Gale Business: Entrepreneurship 19 Hits
- TDX 17 Hits
- JSTOR Journals 17 Hits
- SZ LibraryNet 16 Hits
- USPTO Patent Applications 15 Hits
- Gender Studies Database 15 Hits
- J-STAGE 15 Hits
- dblp computer science bibliography 14 Hits
- EconLit with Full Text 14 Hits
- eBook Index 13 Hits
- SciTech Connect 13 Hits
- Credo Reference 13 Hits
- RCAAP 13 Hits
- SSOAR – Social Science Open Access Repository 12 Hits
- Library, Information Science & Technology Abstracts 11 Hits
- Research Starters 11 Hits
- Informit Collections 11 Hits
- FRANCIS Archive 10 Hits
- Beeld en Geluid op school 9 Hits
- USPTO Patent Grants 9 Hits
- Social Sciences Citation Index 9 Hits
- Australian Public Affairs Full Text / APAIS Index 9 Hits
- DACH Information 9 Hits
- Korean Studies Information Service System 9 Hits
- BiblioBoard 7 Hits
- Psychology and Behavioral Sciences Collection 7 Hits
- National Diet Library Digital Collections - 国立国会図書館デジタルコレクション 7 Hits
- Energy & Power Source 6 Hits
- HeinOnline 6 Hits
- Central and Eastern European Online Library (CEEOL) 6 Hits
- Open Research Library 6 Hits
- SciELO 6 Hits
- Persée 5 Hits
- GreenFILE 5 Hits
- Latin American Periodicals Tables of Contents (LAPTOC) 5 Hits
- ORBi 5 Hits
- Credo Reference: Academic Core 5 Hits
- Wiley Online Reference Works 5 Hits
- Digitalia Hispanica 5 Hits
- China/Asia On Demand 5 Hits
- DBPIA 5 Hits
- KERIS Theses & Dissertations 5 Hits
- Arts & Humanities Citation Index 5 Hits
- F1000Research 4 Hits
- Digitalia Public Libraries 4 Hits
- Oxford Scholarship Online 4 Hits
- 4 Hits
- Knovel 4 Hits
- RACO (Revistes Catalanes amb Accés Obert) 4 Hits
- Gale Literature Resource Center 4 Hits
- African Journals 4 Hits
- Idealonline 4 Hits
- NUKAT 4 Hits
- HumanIndex 4 Hits
- Films on Demand 4 Hits
- ASTM Compass 4 Hits
- Index New Zealand 3 Hits
- Oxford Reference 3 Hits
- A+ Education / Australian Education Index 3 Hits
- Janes Defence Industry & Markets (JDIM) - Defense Industry 3 Hits
- Nexis Uni: Law Reviews 3 Hits
- Janes Defence Equipment & Technology (JDET) - News 3 Hits
- eArticle 3 Hits
- EMIS University – Company Information 3 Hits
- KoreaScholar 3 Hits
- FIS Bildung Literaturdatenbank (German Education Index) 3 Hits
- OnePetro 3 Hits
- 스콜라(Scholar) 3 Hits
- ScholarVox 3 Hits
- ABC-CLIO Social Studies Databases, School Edition 2 Hits
- PSYNDEX Literature with PSYNDEX Tests 2 Hits
- Marketline Advantage 2 Hits
- DigitalNZ 2 Hits
- University Press Scholarship Online 2 Hits
- Memòria Digital de Catalunya (MDC) 2 Hits
- ABC-CLIO Social Studies Databases, Academic Edition 2 Hits
- E-LIS (Eprints in Library & Information Science) 2 Hits
- Music ID 2 Hits
- SAGE Knowledge 2 Hits
- Alexander Street 2 Hits
- Air University Library Index to Military Periodicals (AULIMP) 2 Hits
- Manuscriptorium Digital Library 2 Hits
- Bloomsbury Collections 2 Hits
- LGBTQ+ Source 2 Hits
- EduSearch 2 Hits
- ECONIS 2 Hits
- Oxford Research Encyclopedias 2 Hits
- Allgemeines Künsterlexikon Online 1 Hit
- Australian Research Data Commons 1 Hit
- Westlaw UK 1 Hit
- American Antiquarian Society (AAS) Historical Periodicals Collection: Series 5 1 Hit
- Bridgeman Education 1 Hit
- utb elibrary 1 Hit
- 1 Hit
- APA PsycArticles 1 Hit
- The New Republic Archive (DFG) 1 Hit
- International Edition 1 Hit
- Learn360 1 Hit
- EcoLink 1 Hit
- Choice Reviews 1 Hit
- Hoover's Company Profiles 1 Hit
- American History Online 1 Hit
- HyRead Journal 1 Hit
- RAMBI 1 Hit
- Routledge Handbooks Online 1 Hit
- Philosopher's Index 1 Hit
- Mergent Online 1 Hit
- Modern World History Online 1 Hit
- UC Press E-Books 1 Hit
- Biodiversity Heritage Library 1 Hit
- World Book 1 Hit
Source Type
Subject Heading
- news, opinion and commentary 10,035 Hits
- political 5,155 Hits
- business 4,488 Hits
- general interest 2,847 Hits
- government policy 2,722 Hits
45 additional values:
- international 2,688 Hits
- general 2,454 Hits
- elan corporation plc 2,367 Hits
- events 1,958 Hits
- medicine 1,812 Hits
- company 1,798 Hits
- company marketing practices 1,769 Hits
- business, general 1,549 Hits
- business.industry 1,455 Hits
- business, international 1,323 Hits
- industry 1,303 Hits
- medicine.medical_specialty 1,289 Hits
- hematology 1,206 Hits
- pacific settlement of international disputes 1,167 Hits
- diplomatic negotiations in international disputes 1,166 Hits
- national liberation army 1,161 Hits
- biotechnology industry 1,131 Hits
- internal medicine 1,080 Hits
- marketing 1,031 Hits
- peace negotiations 1,016 Hits
- cell biology 976 Hits
- immunology 970 Hits
- eln 933 Hits
- risk and compliance 932 Hits
- biochemistry 930 Hits
- medicine.disease 897 Hits
- kidnapping 858 Hits
- legal 837 Hits
- oncology 830 Hits
- army of national liberation 734 Hits
- elastin 713 Hits
- humans 698 Hits
- acute myeloid leukemia 652 Hits
- prognosis 624 Hits
- colombia 612 Hits
- pharmaceutical industry 539 Hits
- medicine.drug 530 Hits
- elections 529 Hits
- myeloid leukemia 526 Hits
- rebels 519 Hits
- negotiation, mediation and arbitration 510 Hits
- biology 498 Hits
- geopolitical risk 494 Hits
- 03 medical and health sciences 493 Hits
- leukemia 440 Hits
- contentengine, llc 13,845 Hits
- comtex news network, inc. 6,753 Hits
- pr newswire association llc 1,398 Hits
- united press international 1,220 Hits
- cnn newsource sales, inc. 1,036 Hits
45 additional values:
- american society of hematology 886 Hits
- wiley 468 Hits
- springer nature 361 Hits
- wiley-blackwell 340 Hits
- elsevier 278 Hits
- elsevier b.v. 273 Hits
- biomed central 259 Hits
- mdpi 202 Hits
- mdpi ag 185 Hits
- nature publishing group 178 Hits
- frontiers media s.a. 161 Hits
- advantage business media 149 Hits
- bmc 141 Hits
- taylor & francis ltd 134 Hits
- ieee 127 Hits
- europa science ltd 120 Hits
- elsevier inc. 116 Hits
- public library of science 115 Hits
- springer 114 Hits
- universidad nacional de colombia 94 Hits
- pontificia universidad javeriana 91 Hits
- springer international publishing 87 Hits
- lippincott williams & wilkins 76 Hits
- oxford university press 75 Hits
- duke university press 72 Hits
- economist intelligence unit n.a. incorporated 66 Hits
- universidad de los andes 60 Hits
- american chemical society 59 Hits
- escholarship, university of california 58 Hits
- taylor & francis 47 Hits
- sage publications 28 Hits
- the washington post 28 Hits
- national public radio, inc. (npr) 27 Hits
- universidad complutense de madrid 27 Hits
- sage publications inc. 26 Hits
- university of southampton 26 Hits
- cambridge university press 23 Hits
- academic press inc. 20 Hits
- routledge 19 Hits
- royal society of chemistry 17 Hits
- universitat autonoma de barcelona 16 Hits
- de gruyter 14 Hits
- john wiley & sons, ltd 14 Hits
- american association for the advancement of science 10 Hits
- tnr ii, llc 5 Hits
- blood 1,462 Hits
- pr newswire 1,359 Hits
- xinhua news agency 1,197 Hits
- cnn wire (spanish) 985 Hits
- leukemia 203 Hits
45 additional values:
- annals of hematology 157 Hits
- scientific computing world 133 Hits
- derivatives week 115 Hits
- plos one 107 Hits
- frontiers in oncology 96 Hits
- scientific reports 95 Hits
- british journal of haematology 91 Hits
- journal of cheminformatics 78 Hits
- economist 77 Hits
- english language notes 74 Hits
- cancers 73 Hits
- blood advances 72 Hits
- leukemia research 67 Hits
- bmc cancer 66 Hits
- american journal of hematology 65 Hits
- european journal of haematology 65 Hits
- cancer medicine 62 Hits
- bone marrow transplantation 60 Hits
- the economist 54 Hits
- human genetics 50 Hits
- bmc genomics 42 Hits
- haematologica 42 Hits
- blood cancer journal 37 Hits
- international journal of molecular sciences 37 Hits
- bioanalysis 33 Hits
- hemasphere 33 Hits
- cancer cell international 31 Hits
- the guardian (london, england) 31 Hits
- international journal of hematology 27 Hits
- journal of chemical information and modeling 27 Hits
- proceedings of the national academy of sciences of the united states of america 21 Hits
- transplantation and cellular therapy 21 Hits
- clinical genetics 20 Hits
- american journal of human genetics 18 Hits
- r&d magazine 18 Hits
- human molecular genetics 17 Hits
- energy 16 Hits
- hematology 16 Hits
- bmc bioinformatics 14 Hits
- journal of biomedical semantics 13 Hits
- experimental dermatology 11 Hits
- science 10 Hits
- efsa journal 8 Hits
- applied geography 7 Hits
- energy policy 4 Hits
- spanish; castilian 31,586 Hits
- english 25,411 Hits
- undetermined 3,772 Hits
- unknown 1,019 Hits
- portuguese 991 Hits
38 additional values:
- spanish 456 Hits
- german 389 Hits
- french 337 Hits
- swedish 89 Hits
- chinese 68 Hits
- russian 44 Hits
- japanese 40 Hits
- turkish 34 Hits
- slovak 30 Hits
- czech 29 Hits
- danish 26 Hits
- hungarian 24 Hits
- korean 22 Hits
- polish 16 Hits
- croatian 14 Hits
- indonesian 14 Hits
- italian 14 Hits
- ukrainian 13 Hits
- catalan; valencian 12 Hits
- other 12 Hits
- slovenian 12 Hits
- dutch 10 Hits
- lithuanian 9 Hits
- arabic 8 Hits
- bokm�l, norwegian; norwegian bokm�l 3 Hits
- catalan 3 Hits
- norwegian 3 Hits
- thai 3 Hits
- dutch; flemish 2 Hits
- latin 2 Hits
- persian 2 Hits
- yiddish 2 Hits
- finnish 1 Hit
- ndonga 1 Hit
- nob 1 Hit
- romanian; moldavian; moldovan 1 Hit
- spa 1 Hit
- vietnamese 1 Hit
Geographic Context
91,142 Hits
In: Blood Advances, Vol. 8 (2024-10-22), Issue 20Online Academic Journal
In: Societies (2075-4698), Vol. 14 (2024-09-01), Issue 9, P. 188-206Online Academic JournalAccess:
In: 臨床血液, Vol. 65 (2024-07-01), Issue 7, P. 676-683Academic JournalAccess:
In: 血液内科 = Hematology / 血液内科編集委員会 編, Vol. 89 (2024-07-01), Issue 1, P. 82-97Academic JournalAccess:
In: Discover Education, Vol. 3 (2024), P. 14Online Academic JournalAccess:
In: 药物分析杂志 / Chinese Journal of Pharmaceutical Analysis, Vol. 42 (2022), Issue 3, P. 537Academic JournalAccess:
In: Discover Education, Vol. 3 (2024-12-01), Issue 1Online Academic JournalAccess:
In: Experimental Hematology & Oncology, Vol. 13 (2024-12-01), Issue 1Online Academic JournalAccess:
In: Journal of Chemical Education, Vol. 100 (2023-11-01), Issue 11, P. 4287-4297Academic JournalAccess:
In: Redox Biology, Vol. 73 (2024-07-01), Issue 103204-Online Academic JournalAccess:
In: 海峡药学 / Strait Pharmaceutical Journal, Vol. 33 (2021), Issue 6, P. 50Academic JournalAccess:
For licensing reasons this title can be displayed in the campus network only or after Login!Online Academic JournalAccess:
For licensing reasons this title can be displayed in the campus network only or after Login!Academic JournalAccess:
In: Sociohistórica: Cuadernos del CISH, 2024-03-01, Issue 53, P. 1-24Online Academic JournalAccess:
For licensing reasons this title can be displayed in the campus network only or after Login!Academic JournalAccess:
For licensing reasons this title can be displayed in the campus network only or after Login!Academic JournalAccess:
In: 重庆医学 / Chongqing medicine, Vol. 51 (2022), Issue 17, P. 2932Academic JournalAccess:
In: JAAD Case Reports, Vol. 46 (2024-04-01), Issue 8-10, P. 8-10Online Academic JournalAccess:
In: Data Science Journal, Vol. 23 (2024-10-01), P. 50-50Online Academic JournalAccess: