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Fast Insertion-Based Optimization of Bounding Volume Hierarchies

Hapala, Michal ; Havran, Vlastimil ; et al.
In: Computer Graphics Forum, Jg. 32 (2013-01-22), S. 85-100
Online unknown

Fast Insertion-Based Optimization of Bounding Volume Hierarchies. 

We present an algorithm for fast optimization of bounding volume hierarchies (BVH) for efficient ray tracing. We perform selective updates of the hierarchy driven by the cost model derived from the surface area heuristic. In each step, the algorithm updates a fraction of the hierarchy nodes to minimize the overall hierarchy cost. The updates are realized by simple operations on the tree nodes: removal, search and insertion. Our method can quickly reduce the cost of the hierarchy constructed by the traditional techniques, such as the surface area heuristic. We evaluate the properties of the proposed method on fourteen test scenes of different complexity including individual objects and architectural scenes. The results show that our method can improve a BVH initially constructed with the surface area heuristic by up to 27% and a BVH constructed with the spatial median split by up to 88%.

We present an algorithm for fast optimization of bounding volume hierarchies (BVH) for efficient ray tracing. We perform selective updates of the hierarchy driven by the cost model derived from the surface area heuristic. In each step the algorithm updates a fraction of the hierarchy nodes in order to minimize the overall hierarchy cost. The updates are realized by simple operations on the tree nodes: removal, search, and insertion. Our method can quickly reduce the cost of the hierarchy constructed by the traditional techniques such as the surface area heuristic. We evaluate the properties of the proposed method on fourteen test scenes of different complexity including individual objects and architectural scenes. The results show that our method can improve a BVH initially constructed with the surface area heuristic by up to 27% and a BVH constructed with the spatial median split by up to 88%.

BVH; surface area heuristics; ray tracing; I.3.7Computer Graphics: Three‐Dimensional Graphics and Realism‐Ray Tracing

The current ray‐tracing based algorithms allow to capture complex illumination effects and reach high degree of realism of the rendered images. With advances in computational power and algorithmic efficiency the ray tracing based methods have also become an alternative to rasterization for interactive and real time applications. Unlike rasterization, ray tracing relies on a highly efficient acceleration data structure which allows to trace tens or hundreds million rays per second.

Constructing such high‐quality acceleration data structures is thus very important and it has received a strong attention in the last two decades. Even a relatively small improvement in performance can bring an interactive ray tracer closer to real‐time or provide significant time savings when rendering many high‐quality images of complex and detailed scenes in the movie industry.

There are two major classes of data structures used for ray tracing acceleration: spatial subdivisions (such as kd‐trees, octrees or grids) and bounding volume hierarchies (BVH). In this paper, we propose a method which allows to optimize a given BVH beyond the current state of the art techniques. The method is based on an iterative algorithm that changes the topology of inner nodes of a BVH to improve the quality of the hierarchy initially built with arbitrary method. An example visualization of the reduction of traversal steps achieved by the proposed method is shown in Figure 1.

Our method constructs more efficient BVH in shorter time than previous approaches, whereas it allows to easily trade‐off the time used for updating the BVH and the expected traversal cost. Compared to the current state of the art approach for high quality BVHs proposed by Kensler [Ken08] (simulated annealing), our algorithm is 25–147 times faster for architectural scenes, whereas achieving BVHs of comparable or even better quality. The method is applicable to a BVH built with an arbitrary technique, it is simple to implement and thus it has a potential to become a common optimization approach following the construction of the hierarchy.

The paper is further structured as follows. In Section 2, we describe the related work, Section 3 describes the proposed algorithm, Section 4 shows the results and Section 5 concludes the paper.

2. Related Work

There is a large body of literature on efficient spatial data structures for rendering. We restrict the discussion to the BVH methods for efficient rendering of static scenes.

The BVHs have a long tradition in the context of ray tracing. Rubin and Whitted used rectangular bounding volumes to create a BVH manually [RW80]. Weghorst et al. [WHG84] studied different types of bounding volumes for BVH and used a modelling hierarchy to build it. Kay and Kajiya [KK86] suggested to create a BVH by an automatic top down recursive algorithm with a spatial median method and studied the efficiency of different bounding volumes. Goldsmith and Salmon [GS87] proposed the measure currently known as the surface area heuristic (SAH) which predicts the efficiency of the hierarchy already during the BVH construction. However, as they have built up the BVH incrementally by insertion, the BVH was usually inefficient as shown in performance study by Havran [Hav00] and later by Masso et al. [ML03]. The improvements for the efficiency of BVH were discussed in several articles in Ray Tracing News [RTN] and suggested in literature more than a decade ago, for example in the paper by Smits [Smi98].

BVHs are mostly used with axis‐aligned bounding boxes as bounding volumes. Wächter and Keller [WK06] and Woop et al. [WMS06] used different bounding primitives resulting in light‐weight hierarchies. Another research effort was devoted to decreasing the memory size by hierarchical encoding of the bounding volumes [MW06, KMKY10] or their better memory layout with respect to data traffic [YM06].

The precise evaluation of SAH requires sorting and thus exhibits O(N log N) complexity (N is the number of scene triangles). To reduce the constants behind the asymptotic complexity Havran et al. [HHS06], Wald et al. [Wal07, WBS07, WIP08] and Ize et al. [IWP07] used approximate SAH evaluation based on binning and centroids of bounding boxes of triangles. Another method to reduce the sorting demands was proposed by Hunt et al. [HMF07] who suggest reusing the organization of geometric data in the scene graph. They show that when certain assumptions about the scene graph hold, it is possible to achieve linear time complexity of BVH construction. Dammertz et al. [DHK08] proposed the variation of BVH using the branching factor of four to gain better utilization of SIMD units in modern CPUs.

Wald [Wal07] proposed a CPU‐based parallel BVH construction by separating the build up process into two stages—horizontal and vertical parallel execution. Another asynchronous construction method was presented by Ize et al. [IWP07]. More recently, the parallel build‐up of BVH has been demonstrated also on GPU by Lauterbach et al. [LGS*09], using 3D space‐filling curve. Aila and Laine [AL09] identify the sources of inefficiency for traversing BVH on a GPU and propose a simple solution to improve the performance. Wald studied the possibility of fast rebuilds from scratch on upcoming Intel architecture with many cores [Wal12]. Pantaleoni and Luebke [PL10] and Garanzha et al. [GPM11] recently proposed GPU based methods for parallel BVH construction that are able to very quickly construct a BVH, however for complex scenes the BVH quality for these methods can be significantly lower than that of the full SAH builder.

Several papers have been published that relax the condition of having only one reference to each primitive. Ernst and Greiner [EG07] suggest to precompute several bounding boxes for each primitive and use them independently during top down construction. More recently, to achieve higher performance Stich et al. [SFD09] and Popov et al. [PGDS09] suggest to use spatial splits during the BVH construction, hence reintroducing some properties of kd‐trees to BVHs.

Recently more interest has been devoted to methods, which are not limited to top‐down BVH construction. Walter et al. [WBKP08], propose to use bottom‐up agglomerative clustering for constructing high quality BVH. Kensler [Ken08] proposes to optimize the BVH in post‐process using tree rotations with the hill climbing or simulated annealing optimization algorithms. Both these approaches allow to decrease the expected cost of BVH compared to the top down approach.

The goal of our work is the most similar to the paper of Kensler [Ken08], where the BVH is optimized beyond the common golden standard, i.e. BVHs built in top down fashion with the SAH. Compared to the method of Kensler [Ken08] our optimization procedure is significantly faster, and for complex scenes it results in hierarchies with lower costs.

3. Selective BVH Updates

This section describes our method starting with the algorithm outline, followed by a detailed description of individual steps of the algorithm, discussion of the design choices and providing further implementation details.

3.1. Algorithm overview

The BVH as an input of our algorithm can be built with various ways. We construct a BVH using a standard top down technique with the cost model based on the SAH as used for example in [Wal07, HSZ*11]. Alternatively we can use a faster BVH construction method based on object, or spatial median splits, or the method by [PL10]. Our algorithm performs the following steps (see also Figure 2):

(i)  Begin While Loop

1)  Select inner nodes for optimization.

2)  For each selected node,

a)  remove both its children from the tree,

b)  find a position to reinsert the children using a cost‐driven branch and bound search, and

c)  insert each of the two children at their new positions and refit bounding volumes of all affected nodes.

(ii)  End While Loop (until termination criteria are met).

The core of our method lies in steps (1) and (2) of the algorithm. In step (1), we select the inner nodes for optimization and in step (2) these nodes are removed from the tree and then reinserted back into the tree at more appropriate positions. In the next section, we recall the cost model behind our approach and then discuss individual steps of the algorithm in more detail.

3.2. Cost model

The SAH [MB90, Hav00] is usually described using a formula evaluating for each node the expected number of operations for processing a given ray, i.e. the cost of the node. In particular given a node N and assuming uniformly distributed unoccluded rays, which intersect the bounding volume of the node N, the expected cost of the node C(N) is given as,

where is the cost of traversing the inner node of the tree including the box intersection calculations, is the cost for ray triangle intersection, is the number of triangles in leaf N, is the surface area of the bounding box associated with the node x, and L(N) and R(N) are the left and right children of N, respectively. Note that for hierarchies with larger branching factor than two, the traversal cost would increase.

The SAH makes two assumptions: (1) the distribution of rays is uniform, (2) the rays are unoccluded thus the traversal does not terminate when a ray intersects a geometric primitive. Although these assumptions are generally not met in practice, the experiments indicate that the cost model with the SAH expresses the runtime behaviour of a ray tracing quite well (see Figure 3). Therefore, reducing the cost is directly reflected in reducing ray tracing times and as we show in Section 4.

The cost of the root node expresses the expected number of operations to process a ray intersecting the scene. By a simple derivation the recursion can be eliminated and the cost of the tree C(T) can be rewritten as:

  • where is the surface area of the bounding box of the scene. Note that the second term in the formula representing the ray triangle intersection calculations is constant for a given scene supposed there is a fixed number of primitives per leaf. Thus, the cost term which should primarily be optimized is the sum of surface areas of inner nodes in the tree which induces the traversal overhead of the interior part of the tree (). This is exactly the core of our approach—we perform global updates of the tree by removing and reinserting nodes to minimize the total sum of surface areas of inner nodes. This contrasts to previous BVH optimization techniques which use local operations on the tree, such as rotations.

    3.3. Updating nodes

    Let us assume that we have identified a node N in the tree which causes a cost overhead. The key idea of our method is to remove the child nodes of N from the tree and reinsert both of them back at more appropriate positions. For the two child nodes we perform a global search to find the insertion positions that will minimize the tree cost. Once the insertion position is found, the node is inserted in the tree using local operations. Note that although we use a global search for the best position to reinsert the nodes, the method performs a greedy optimization because we always choose the positions which minimize the current tree cost.

    The rest of this section describes the steps of removing, searching and reinsertion in more detail. In Section 3.4, we then describe how to actually select the nodes to be updated.

    3.3.1. Removing nodes

    When updating an inner node N, we remove N, its children L and R and its parent P from the tree. Then we update the links of the affected nodes to keep the topological consistency of the tree. We also update the bounding boxes of the affected nodes by traversing up to the root of the tree. We put the children L and R in an ordered list of nodes to be reinserted, whereas the nodes are ordered so that the node with larger surface area will be processed first. The nodes N and P are placed in a list of nodes which will be used to link the reinserted nodes with the nodes at the new positions of the tree. The removal operation is illustrated in Figure 4. Note that nodes L and R need not be leaves, but they can represent whole subtrees of the BVH.

    3.3.2. Searching for new positions

    We start the search for the new position to insert the node L at the root of the BVH and incrementally compute the total increase of the surface area. When reaching a node X, the surface area and therefore the cost increase is given by two components,

    1 The direct cost , where denotes the surface area of the box that is a union of bounding boxes of the node L and the node X.

    2 The induced cost , that is the accumulated increase of the surface area on the path from the root to the parent of the node X assuming the node L would be inserted in the subtree rooted at X. This can be defined also recursively so if X is the root node and , otherwise.

    The two components of the cost increase are illustrated in Figure 5. The total increase of the surface area of the tree is considered as the cost for merging L and X, that is. We search for such a node that minimizes this cost in the whole tree.

    We use a branch and bound algorithm based on a priority queue in which the priority is inversely proportional to the induced cost. We can prune the search along the tree effectively using the smallest cost corresponding to node found so far. We evaluate a lower bound of the cost in the subtree of X in order to decide whether to continue the search in that subtree. The lower bound of the cost is given by the induced cost above X and the surface area of L, which is the lower bound of the direct cost in the whole subtree of X—the induced cost represents the necessary enlargement of nodes above X and the surface area of L is the minimum size of the node inserted into the tree, which joins L with a node from the tree. The subtree of X is traversed only if the lower bound of the cost is smaller than. The whole algorithm can be terminated if the lower bound of the cost for the node on the top of the priority queue is larger than. The pseudocode of the searching algorithm is shown in Algorithm 1.

    Note that we have also experimented with using the total cost of the node X for driving the priority queue (instead of the induced cost), but in that case the pruning of the search was not as efficient as for using only the induced cost for computing the priority.

    Algorithm 1  FindNodeForReinsertion( node L )—pseudo‐code of finding suitable inner node or leaf for reinsertion of the candidate node L so the total cost increase is minimized. Constant ɛ is a small positive number (e.g. 10 −20 ), the entries with the highest priorities are removed first from the priority queue PQ.

    Similar cost model was used in the early work of Goldsmith and Salmon [GS87] who aimed to optimized the tree construction by minimizing the overall cost of the tree during incremental insertion of primitives. They proposed to track the ‘inheritance cost’ which corresponds to our induced cost. However, the actual search of the tree was limited either to a greedy decision and a traversal of a single path or spreading the search in all subtrees for higher levels of the tree. This method was later improved in independent work by Omohundro [Omo89] who proposed to use priority queue when constructing an optimized sphere tree for proximity searching. Our method differs from the search technique of Omohundro by using different metric for priority (induced cost instead of total cost). Also our target application is different as we use the search within the tree update procedure and work with complete subtrees instead of incremental insertion of scene primitives.

    3.3.3. Reinserting nodes

    After we select the node for insertion, which minimizes the cost increase in the whole BVH, we simply merge and L using one of the removed nodes (N or P) as their parent. After each reinsertion we update all the bounding boxes along the path from the parent of the merged nodes to the root. The algorithm is illustrated in Figure 6.

    3.4. Selecting nodes for update

    The update procedure described above process arbitrarily selected nodes in the tree. An obvious choice for selecting the nodes for updates is random sampling. When using a random sampling we observe that the BVH cost is reduced until a point where it converges.

    To accelerate the tree optimization we should first update those nodes that cause the highest cost overhead (surface area increase) in the tree. To achieve this we need a node inefficiency measure that would ideally correlate with the actual cost reduction when updating the node. We experimented with numerous node inefficiency measures and below we discuss the three most important ones which we finally combine together.

    The first node inefficiency measure corresponds to a component of the cost model used by Lauterbach et al. [LYTM06] and is evaluated as,

    where is the surface area of the evaluated node N, is the number child nodes of N and is the sum of surface areas for these child nodes. This measure estimates the relative increase of the surface area of the node with respect to average surface areas of the children. Thus, if there will be a lot of empty space inside the node this measure will be large.

    The second node inefficiency measure is evaluated as,

    where is the surface area of the evaluated node and is the minimum of surface areas of its children. This measure aims to handle the situation when the node contains child nodes of significantly different sizes (e.g. one large node representing the whole terrain and a small node representing a particular object on the terrain). Then the measure defined above might not identify such node as problematic as it takes the average surface area of the children which in this example will still be large. On the contrary the measure will detect such a situation.

    The third node inefficiency measure directly corresponds to the surface area of the node,

    The measure simple prioritizes the updates of the larger nodes of the tree because each such node has a significant contribution to the tree cost.

    These three measures are able to detect some situations in which high global cost decrease can be expected. We have experimentally verified that the steepest decrease of the tree cost as a function of computation time was consistently achieved by combining these three measures together into,

    Once the node inefficiency measure is defined, we can use it to prioritize the updates of the hierarchy nodes according to their inefficiency measure. Our method works in passes where in each pass it updates a specified number of nodes k (typically k=1% of nodes). These nodes are selected as follows: we evaluate the inefficiency measure for all inner nodes. Then we determine k nodes with the highest values of the inefficiency measure using a partial sort of the node array. These k nodes are then processed sequentially in descending order according to their inefficiency measures (the most inefficient nodes first).

    Note that an alternative would be to always update a single node with currently the highest inefficiency measure. The batch processing of nodes however speeds up the node selection procedure because the inefficiency measures are calculated only once per pass and are not updated after each change in the tree. In addition the batch processing makes the method more robust with respect to getting stuck in a local minimum for the case that the inefficiency measure of some node(s) is hard to reduce. A comparison of the decrease of the cost using the above described cost measures is shown in Figure 7.

    3.5. Terminating the BVH optimization

    In the beginning of the optimization, the vast majority of updates lead to reduction of the BVH cost. Because the removal operation removes two nodes from the tree and processes them sequentially (the first child is inserted in the tree while the second child is still removed), however, it is possible that after reinserting both nodes to the tree the BVH cost will increase. This behaviour becomes more apparent when the optimization converges and the BVH cost cannot be reduced anymore. Then the BVH cost oscillates in a small range near the reached minimum. Note that by a simple modification of the method which would always remove just one child from the tree we could ensure that the cost is either reduced in the given step or it remains the same. However, our experiments have shown that the BVH cost is reduced slightly more if we use the method of removing both children, although temporarily the optimization step might provide a small cost increase.

    As the optimization is progressively reducing the cost we can use different termination criteria deciding when to stop the optimization such as the maximum time or the number of passes. The criteria can also be based on evaluating the convergence of the cost. We propose to terminate the computation when the cost does not improve within a given number of update passes (recall that each pass updates certain number of nodes).

    When using the combined inefficiency measure the cost might stabilize at a slightly higher value than when using random sampling as there are some nodes that are never selected for optimization because their measure is low. To avoid this behaviour we switch to random sampling of nodes when we detect that the cost reduction becomes very low or even zero. Similarly to the termination of the whole computation this decision is made not for a single node but for sequence of processed nodes. We switch to the random selection if in the given number of passes pR () the cost of the BVH does not reduce.

    3.6. BVH tree compaction

    We assumed that the BVH trees are constructed until each leaf contains a single triangle (or a geometric primitive in general). It is usually more beneficial to construct leaves with more triangles (e.g. 8 to 10) following the actual traversal and intersection constants ( and ) used in the SAH cost model [ML03, HHS06, Wal07, WBS07].

    To get the most benefit from our optimization method we apply the method in two phases. First, we build the tree so that each leaf contains a single triangle. Second, we run the post‐processing phase using a post‐order traversal of the whole tree and evaluate the cost of each node using Equation (1). This requires also counting the number of triangles associated with the node during the post‐order traversal. Whenever the cost of an interior node N is larger than the cost for a leaf created for the triangles contained in the leaves of the subtree rooted in the node N, we collapse the subtree to a leaf that references all the corresponding triangles. As a result the cost of the compacted tree can be significantly reduced compared to the tree with a single triangle per leaf (see the ratios between the cost and ocost in Section 4). Note that this post‐processing phase happens after the optimization and before the use of BVH for ray tracing. The time needed for this phase is linear with the number of nodes and presents almost no computation time overhead.

    Note that our tree optimization method can be easily applied even to BVHs with more triangles per leaf (i.e. those compacted before the optimization). In this case we have a lower number of nodes in the BVH which reduces the optimization time. On the other hand the assignment of triangles to the leaves will not be changed, although we could potentially find a tree with better distribution of triangles to leaves which reduces the tree cost.

    3.7. Discussion

    The idea of our optimization algorithm is to repeatedly optimize the BVH, which is similar to the paper of Kensler[Ken08]. There are two major differences in the core of the optimization procedure that result in a different behaviour of our method. First, Kensler’s method always traverses the whole tree in a depth‐first‐search order to change the hierarchy around the traversed nodes. Our approach, on the other hand, selects the nodes to be optimized either randomly or using importance based decision. Second, the Kensler’s method changes the topology of the tree only locally using one of four possible rotations. Although the sequence of rotations can principally lead to any BVH including the tree with a globally optimized cost, the changes in a BVH for one optimization step are much smaller than in our algorithm, where the subtrees are removed and then reinserted into the most appropriate position. That is, in our algorithm one optimization step can change (and often changes) the tree globally and hence has the potential of improving the cost more significantly.

    Unlike Eisemann et al. [EGMM07] our search for the best candidate to reinsert the node intentionally starts at the root to find the best suitable position in the scope of the whole tree. Using the upwards traversal in the method of Eisemann et al. [EGMM07] reduces the number of traversal steps during the optimization, but does not necessarily find a good position for the inserted node.

    4. Results

    We have implemented the proposed algorithm in a single threaded C++ application. The results of BVH optimization and CPU ray tracing were evaluated on a PC with Linux OS, Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5440 with the frequency 2.83 GHz and 40 GB of RAM and GNU C compiler version 4.40. To compute the cost according to equation (1) we used and. As termination criteria described in Sections 3.4 and 3.5 we used k= 1%, and pR= 5.

    We have evaluated the method on fourteen models of different complexity which we classify into two distinct groups: (1) individual objects and (2) architectural scenes, i.e. models of larger spatial extent typically containing many objects. We have constructed the initial BVH by top down recursive procedure using a precise SAH builder which evaluates all discontinuities (two positions for each triangle) in the cost function for all three axes. The rendered images for objects and scenes are shown in Figures 9 and 10.

    4.1. BVH cost reduction

    We discuss separately the results for BVH built for individual objects and architectural scenes. As a reference for comparison we use our reimplementation of the state of the art BVH optimization algorithms of Kensler [Ken08] for both hill climbing and simulated annealing. For all tested methods we evaluate the BVH cost (denoted as cost), BVH cost optimized by compacting the tree with the method described in Section 3.6 (ocost), the time for optimizing the tree until predefined termination criteria (CPU update), the total build time including the optimization (CPU build) and the times for ray casting on the CPU and on the GPU for different ray types (primary rays, random rays, ambient occlusion rays).

    4.1.1. Individual objects

    As individual objects we have used five geometric data sets also used by Kensler’s paper. These models exhibit relatively uniform distribution of triangles and low depth complexity. Therefore, the traditional top down build algorithm with the SAH constructs a high quality BVH that is difficult to optimize. For these scenes the updates provide practically no reduction of the BVH cost (see Table 3). It is worth to mention the 5% cost reduction for the Hairball scene, which results from its higher geometrical complexity (and hence possible source of inefficiency).

    1 The results of the BVH optimization for architectural scenes. The base hierarchy for all methods (M) is created with a SAH top down driven build (method 1). For methods 2–5, the initially constructed BVH is followed by an optimization phase using different methods and settings: 2—our method with random selection, 3—our method with the combined measure of inefficiency, 4—Kensler's method, hill climbing, and 5—Kensler's method, simulated annealing. The values in brackets are the computed ratios against reference values (1.00).

    MCost [‐]0 Cost [‐]CPU update [s]CPU build [s]CPU primary [s]CPU random [s]GPU primary [ms]GPU random [ms]GPU occlusion [ms]
    Conference (283k triangles)
    1130.3 (1.00)110.5 (1.00)0.003.45 (1.00)0.56 (1.00)2.05 (1.00)1.31 (1.00)17.5 (1.00)20.45 (1.00)
    2103.8 (0.79)85.0 (0.76)5.569.01 (2.60)0.40 (0.72)1.48 (0.72)1.31 (1.00)13.5 (0.77)18.91 (0.92)
    3102.5 (0.78)83.7 (0.75)1.074.53 (1.31)0.39 (0.69)1.47 (0.71)1.29 (0.98)13.4 (0.77)18.56 (0.90)
    4122.9 (0.94)105.5 (0.95)1.164.62 (1.33)0.51 (0.91)1.92 (0.93)1.42 (1.08)16.2 (0.92)20.36 (0.99)
    5104.1 (0.79)85.7 (0.77)299.00303.00 (87.50)0.40 (0.71)1.50 (0.72)1.34 (1.02)14.0 (0.80)18.99 (0.92)
    Fairy Forest (174k triangles)
    195.1 (1.00)79.4 (1.00)0.001.96 (1.00)0.62 (1.00)1.41 (1.00)1.68 (1.00)19.7 (1.00)31.64 (1.00)
    292.5 (0.97)76.8 (0.96)1.393.36 (1.70)0.62 (1.00)1.39 (0.98)1.62 (0.96)19.0 (0.96)30.91 (0.97)
    391.5 (0.96)75.8 (0.95)0.402.37 (1.20)0.61 (0.98)1.33 (0.94)1.63 (0.97)19.1 (0.97)30.63 (0.96)
    493.9 (0.98)78.2 (0.98)0.602.57 (1.30)0.65 (1.04)1.38 (0.97)1.71 (1.01)19.5 (0.99)32.07 (1.01)
    593.8 (0.98)78.0 (0.98)179.00181.00 (91.80)0.67 (1.07)1.42 (1.00)1.94 (1.15)20.6 (1.04)32.92 (1.04)
    Sibenik Cathedral (80k triangles)
    182.3 (1.00)71.5 (1.00)0.000.66 (1.00)0.55 (1.00)1.19 (1.00)1.73 (1.00)8.7 (1.00)25.59 (1.00)
    270.2 (0.85)61.6 (0.86)1.191.85 (2.79)0.48 (0.87)1.00 (0.84)1.42 (0.82)7.1 (0.81)20.93 (0.81)
    369.5 (0.84)61.1 (0.85)0.721.38 (2.08)0.47 (0.85)0.96 (0.81)1.41 (0.81)7.1 (0.81)22.32 (0.87)
    477.9 (0.94)68.7 (0.95)0.220.88 (1.33)0.55 (1.00)1.15 (0.96)1.72 (0.99)8.5 (0.97)25.48 (0.99)
    570.8 (0.85)62.0 (0.86)79.1279.79 (120.00)0.52 (0.94)1.00 (0.84)1.73 (1.00)8.3 (0.95)25.49 (0.99)
    Sponza (76k triangles)
    1220.2 (1.00)189.7 (1.00)0.000.56 (1.00)0.61 (1.00)2.83 (1.00)1.34 (1.00)25.4 (1.00)26.26 (1.00)
    2183.3 (0.83)156.6 (0.82)0.951.52 (2.70)0.42 (0.70)2.16 (0.76)1.10 (0.82)18.9 (0.74)22.76 (0.86)
    3182.2 (0.82)155.2 (0.81)0.441.01 (1.79)0.39 (0.65)2.09 (0.73)1.10 (0.82)18.6 (0.73)22.86 (0.87)
    4206.1 (0.93)178.2 (0.93)0.220.78 (1.39)0.47 (0.78)2.61 (0.92)1.33 (0.99)24.1 (0.94)26.14 (0.99)
    5188.1 (0.85)161.3 (0.85)80.7081.27 (144.40)0.46 (0.76)2.27 (0.80)1.36 (1.01)22.9 (0.89)26.60 (1.01)
    Soda Hall (2169k triangles)
    1216.5 (1.00)188.9 (1.00)0.0040.96 (1.00)0.64 (1.00)1.44 (1.00)1.13 (1.00)11.3 (1.00)6.02 (1.00)
    2167.1 (0.77)141.4 (0.74)99.41140.00 (3.42)0.50 (0.77)1.16 (0.80)0.98 (0.86)8.6 (0.76)4.95 (0.82)
    3165.4 (0.76)139.7 (0.73)15.3956.36 (1.37)0.50 (0.77)1.22 (0.84)0.96 (0.84)8.7 (0.76)4.94 (0.82)
    4203.1 (0.93)177.2 (0.93)12.5353.49 (1.30)0.62 (0.97)1.41 (0.97)1.21 (1.07)10.8 (0.95)6.00 (0.99)
    5180.5 (0.83)154.8 (0.81)2570.002611.00 (63.70)0.59 (0.92)1.38 (0.95)1.12 (0.99)10.6 (0.93)5.73 (0.95)
    Power Plant, section 9 (122k triangles)
    157.9 (1.00)38.7 (1.00)0.001.36 (1.00)0.16 (1.00)0.75 (1.00)0.86 (1.00)4.5 (1.00)1.33 (1.00)
    251.8 (0.89)32.8 (0.84)2.784.14 (3.04)0.14 (0.86)0.64 (0.85)1.08 (1.25)4.2 (0.92)1.26 (0.94)
    351.8 (0.89)32.6 (0.84)0.261.62 (1.19)0.15 (0.88)0.64 (0.84)1.12 (1.30)4.2 (0.93)1.26 (0.94)
    454.9 (0.94)36.1 (0.93)0.591.96 (1.43)0.16 (0.99)0.72 (0.96)1.11 (1.29)4.3 (0.96)1.29 (0.96)
    551.9 (0.89)32.8 (0.84)124.00125.00 (91.50)0.15 (0.89)0.64 (0.85)0.98 (1.13)4.2 (0.93)1.28 (0.96)
    Power Plant, section 16 (366k triangles)
    193.5 (1.00)74.1 (1.00)0.004.70 (1.00)1.20 (1.00)0.86 (1.00)2.98 (1.00)5.7 (1.00)7.60 (1.00)
    280.2 (0.85)61.5 (0.82)8.7113.41 (2.85)1.00 (0.83)0.72 (0.84)2.68 (0.89)4.8 (0.85)6.62 (0.87)
    379.8 (0.85)60.9 (0.82)2.807.50 (1.59)1.07 (0.89)0.71 (0.82)2.93 (0.98)4.8 (0.84)6.83 (0.89)
    489.3 (0.95)70.7 (0.95)1.296.00 (1.27)1.19 (0.99)0.81 (0.94)2.99 (1.00)5.5 (0.96)7.71 (1.01)
    583.4 (0.89)64.9 (0.87)420.00424.00 (90.20)1.14 (0.95)0.77 (0.90)3.25 (1.09)5.3 (0.92)7.40 (0.97)
    Power Plant (12 748k triangles)
    1115.8 (1.00)85.7 (1.00)0.00396 (1.00)1.55 (1.00)0.86 (1.00)4.52 (1.00)6.2 (1.00)9.00 (1.00)
    298.3 (0.84)68.8 (0.80)808.001204 (3.04)1.03 (0.66)0.68 (0.79)4.37 (0.96)4.9 (0.79)6.86 (0.76)
    397.8 (0.84)68.3 (0.79)85.52481 (1.21)1.12 (0.72)0.68 (0.79)4.19 (0.92)5.0 (0.80)6.74 (0.74)
    4110.9 (0.95)81.5 (0.95)72.29468 (1.18)1.49 (0.96)0.82 (0.95)4.54 (1.00)5.8 (0.94)8.75 (0.97)
    5102.5 (0.88)73.1 (0.85)13468.0013863 (35.00)1.38 (0.88)0.75 (0.87)4.48 (0.99)5.4 (0.87)8.20 (0.91)
    Pompeii Ten (5646k triangles)
    1252.9 (1.00)190.5 (1.00)0.00102 (1.00)0.74 (1.00)3.57 (1.00)3.90 (1.00)44.0 (1.00)19.54 (1.00)
    2218.8 (0.86)159.1 (0.83)267.00369 (3.61)0.61 (0.81)2.81 (0.78)3.76 (0.96)34.2 (0.77)18.10 (0.92)
    3218.0 (0.86)158.2 (0.83)77.38179 (1.75)0.61 (0.81)2.92 (0.82)3.74 (0.95)33.9 (0.76)18.05 (0.92)
    4237.5 (0.93)178.6 (0.93)25.30127 (1.24)0.71 (0.95)3.35 (0.94)3.98 (1.02)41.3 (0.93)19.64 (1.00)
    5225.9 (0.89)166.6 (0.87)6049.006151 (60.30)0.67 (0.90)3.09 (0.86)5.25 (1.34)39.1 (0.88)19.19 (0.98)

    2 The results for architectural scenes where the base hierarchy for all methods is created with a spatial median top down driven build (method 1), which for methods 2–5 is followed by an update phase. These are as follows: 2—our method with random selection, 3—our method with the combined measure of inefficiency, 4—Kensler's method, hill climbing, and 5—Kensler's method, simulated annealing. The values in brackets are the computed ratios against reference values (1.00).

    MCost [‐]0 Cost [‐]CPU update [s]CPU build [s]CPU primary [s]CPU random [s]GPU primary [ms]GPU random [ms]GPU occlusion [ms]
    Conference (283k triangles)
    1842.2 (1.00)789.5 (1.00)0.000.44 (1.00)5.56 (1.00)16.55 (1.00)11.00 (1.00)198.6 (1.00)172.03 (1.00)
    2103.4 (0.12)84.7 (0.10)15.0515.50 (34.76)0.39 (0.07)1.49 (0.09)1.32 (0.12)13.8 (0.06)19.74 (0.11)
    3102.7 (0.12)84.1 (0.10)7.377.81 (17.53)0.38 (0.06)1.53 (0.09)1.38 (0.12)13.7 (0.06)19.27 (0.11)
    4213.7 (0.25)197.4 (0.25)2.743.19 (7.16)1.39 (0.25)4.43 (0.27)2.97 (0.27)41.7 (0.21)47.43 (0.27)
    5105.2 (0.12)86.6 (0.10)307.87308.32 (691.42)0.39 (0.07)1.51 (0.09)1.27 (0.11)13.8 (0.06)19.41 (0.11)
    Fairy Forest (174k triangles)
    1185.0 (1.00)171.3 (1.00)0.000.24 (1.00)1.95 (1.00)3.16 (1.00)4.73 (1.00)50.1 (1.00)93.52 (1.00)
    293.8 (0.50)78.1 (0.45)4.134.38 (17.55)0.66 (0.34)1.42 (0.44)1.76 (0.37)20.0 (0.39)32.83 (0.35)
    392.9 (0.50)77.3 (0.45)0.991.24 (5.00)0.65 (0.33)1.39 (0.44)2.23 (0.47)20.2 (0.40)38.28 (0.40)
    4123.5 (0.66)110.5 (0.64)0.911.16 (4.65)1.04 (0.53)2.10 (0.66)2.91 (0.61)30.7 (0.61)53.06 (0.56)
    595.6 (0.51)80.0 (0.46)182.62182.87 (731.61)0.68 (0.35)1.48 (0.46)1.88 (0.39)20.7 (0.41)33.71 (0.36)
    Sibenik Cathedral (80k triangles)
    1390.7 (1.00)380.4 (1.00)0.000.09 (1.00)4.14 (1.00)7.61 (1.00)10.11 (1.00)75.0 (1.00)188.32 (1.00)
    271.1 (0.18)63.0 (0.16)2.382.47 (26.92)0.50 (0.12)1.00 (0.13)1.50 (0.14)7.5 (0.09)25.17 (0.13)
    371.3 (0.18)63.3 (0.16)1.071.16 (12.75)0.53 (0.12)0.98 (0.12)1.68 (0.16)7.3 (0.09)27.98 (0.14)
    4121.1 (0.31)113.7 (0.29)0.961.05 (11.51)1.43 (0.35)2.17 (0.28)4.04 (0.40)17.7 (0.23)69.68 (0.37)
    572.6 (0.18)63.5 (0.16)81.6281.71 (888.42)0.56 (0.13)1.01 (0.13)1.53 (0.15)7.6 (0.10)26.48 (0.14)
    Sponza (76k triangles)
    11258 (1.00)1205.4 (1.00)0.000.07 (1.00)7.25 (1.00)22.45 (1.00)14.40 (1.00)288.2 (1.00)295.31 (1.00)
    2185.5 (0.14)158.8 (0.13)3.003.08 (39.14)0.45 (0.06)2.24 (0.10)1.20 (0.08)20.5 (0.07)25.08 (0.08)
    3183.4 (0.14)156.7 (0.12)2.032.11 (26.81)0.39 (0.05)2.17 (0.10)1.19 (0.08)19.7 (0.06)24.16 (0.08)
    4498.4 (0.39)476.5 (0.39)0.740.82 (10.47)3.25 (0.44)8.88 (0.41)6.29 (0.44)112.0 (0.38)121.37 (0.40)
    5196.5 (0.15)169.1 (0.14)83.7383.81 (1061.12)0.49 (0.06)2.49 (0.11)1.35 (0.09)22.5 (0.07)28.71 (0.09)
    Soda Hall (2169k triangles)
    11396 (1.00)1355.7 (1.00)0.004.29 (1.00)11.82 (1.00)18.09 (1.00)21.58 (1.00)261.8 (1.00)86.88 (1.00)
    2168.2 (0.12)142.6 (0.10)198.90203.20 (47.33)0.62 (0.05)1.29 (0.07)1.16 (0.05)9.4 (0.03)5.45 (0.06)
    3165.8 (0.11)140.2 (0.10)72.4176.70 (17.91)0.52 (0.04)1.21 (0.06)1.17 (0.05)8.7 (0.03)4.77 (0.05)
    4486.7 (0.34)468.9 (0.34)27.6331.93 (7.48)3.25 (0.28)5.27 (0.29)10.31 (0.48)60.1 (0.22)24.68 (0.28)
    5195.4 (0.13)170.2 (0.12)2399.952404.29 (560.03)0.69 (0.05)1.64 (0.09)1.41 (0.06)12.9 (0.04)6.75 (0.07)
    Power Plant, section 9 (122k triangles)
    1188.7 (1.00)169.6 (1.00)0.000.16 (1.00)1.03 (1.00)3.54 (1.00)4.95 (1.00)22.0 (1.00)3.28 (1.00)
    252.1 (0.27)32.9 (0.19)4.044.21 (24.82)0.15 (0.14)0.65 (0.18)1.13 (0.22)4.3 (0.19)1.27 (0.38)
    352.3 (0.27)33.1 (0.19)2.622.79 (16.57)0.15 (0.14)0.66 (0.18)1.21 (0.24)4.3 (0.19)1.28 (0.39)
    477.8 (0.41)60.8 (0.35)1.051.22 (7.18)0.33 (0.32)1.43 (0.40)1.82 (0.36)8.3 (0.37)1.77 (0.53)
    551.9 (0.27)32.8 (0.19)128.18128.35 (755.12)0.15 (0.14)0.65 (0.18)1.21 (0.24)4.2 (0.18)1.27 (0.38)
    Power Plant, section 16 (366k triangles)
    1505.1 (1.00)476.3 (1.00)0.000.60 (1.00)10.11 (1.00)6.32 (1.00)27.74 (1.00)49.1 (1.00)44.03 (1.00)
    280.2 (0.15)61.5 (0.12)20.8121.41 (35.21)1.03 (0.10)0.73 (0.11)2.84 (0.10)5.0 (0.10)7.01 (0.15)
    379.7 (0.15)61.1 (0.12)17.1817.79 (29.28)0.98 (0.09)0.69 (0.11)2.82 (0.10)4.8 (0.09)6.88 (0.15)
    4176.9 (0.35)161.4 (0.33)3.674.28 (7.03)3.04 (0.30)1.97 (0.31)6.94 (0.25)13.9 (0.28)16.70 (0.37)
    587.1 (0.17)68.6 (0.14)458.93459.53 (754.25)1.32 (0.13)0.84 (0.13)3.13 (0.11)5.5 (0.11)8.48 (0.19)
    Power Plant (12 748k triangles)
    1661.3 (1.00)612.8 (1.00)036 (1.00)12.73 (1.00)6.23 (1.00)45.93 (1.00)56.0 (1.00)74.42 (1.00)
    297.8 (0.14)68.3 (0.11)19581994 (55.51)1.05 (0.08)0.67 (0.10)4.45 (0.09)5.0 (0.08)6.80 (0.09)
    398.6 (0.14)69.0 (0.11)249285 (7.92)1.09 (0.08)0.69 (0.11)3.65 (0.07)4.9 (0.08)6.70 (0.09)
    4205.5 (0.31)179.9 (0.29)258294 (8.18)5.00 (0.38)1.96 (0.31)16.10 (0.35)16.0 (0.28)29.13 (0.39)
    5108.7 (0.16)79.5 (0.12)1380913845 (385.23)1.46 (0.11)0.83 (0.13)4.82 (0.10)6.0 (0.10)9.34 (0.12)
    Pompeii Ten (5646k triangles)
    1766.9 (1.00)703.8 (1.00)011 (1.00)3.00 (1.00)17.65 (1.00)17.79 (1.00)276.3 (1.00)81.87 (1.00)
    2220.3 (0.28)160.7 (0.22)416427 (38.92)0.63 (0.20)2.92 (0.16)4.05 (0.22)35.3 (0.12)18.51 (0.22)
    3220.0 (0.28)160.3 (0.22)105116 (10.63)0.63 (0.20)2.97 (0.16)4.27 (0.24)34.5 (0.12)18.98 (0.23)
    4316.5 (0.41)268.1 (0.38)6879 (7.20)1.28 (0.42)6.08 (0.34)7.02 (0.39)89.1 (0.32)31.84 (0.38)
    5229.5 (0.29)170.4 (0.24)62036214 (565.91)0.69 (0.22)3.20 (0.18)4.26 (0.23)39.7 (0.14)19.71 (0.24)

    3 Results of the BVH optimization for individual objects. The base hierarchy for all methods (M) is created with a SAH top down driven build (method 1). For methods 2–5 the initially constructed BVH is followed by an optimization phase using different methods and settings: 2—our method with random selection, 3—our method with the combined measure of inefficiency, 4—Kensler's method, hill climbing, and 5—Kensler's method, simulated annealing. The values in brackets are the computed ratios against reference values (1.00).

    MCost [‐]0 Cost [‐]CPU update [s]CPU build [s]CPU primary [s]CPU random [s]GPU primary [ms]GPU random [ms]GPU amb. occlusion [ms]
    Happy Buddha (1087k triangles)
    1165.3 (1.00)156.5 (1.00)0.0015.78 (1.00)0.20 (1.00)2.71 (1.00)0.94 (1.00)165.5 (1.00)6.45 (1.00)
    2161.9 (0.97)154.2 (0.98)26.3542.14 (2.66)0.20 (1.01)2.66 (0.98)0.97 (1.03)163.3 (0.98)6.49 (1.00)
    3163.2 (0.98)155.3 (0.99)15.0430.82 (1.95)0.20 (1.02)2.72 (1.00)0.95 (1.01)163.0 (0.98)6.48 (1.00)
    4164.2 (0.99)156.3 (0.99)2.5818.37 (1.16)0.20 (1.00)2.71 (0.99)0.94 (1.00)164.7 (0.99)6.51 (1.00)
    5165.3 (1.00)156.5 (1.00)1135.001151.00 (72.92)0.20 (1.00)2.71 (1.00)0.94 (1.00)165.5 (1.00)6.45 (1.00)
    Dragon (871k triangles)
    1145.4 (1.00)138.1 (1.00)0.0011.96 (1.00)0.26 (1.00)2.37 (1.00)1.00 (1.00)156.8 (1.00)8.80 (1.00)
    2144.5 (0.99)137.9 (0.99)6.2118.18 (1.51)0.27 (1.03)2.41 (1.01)1.07 (1.07)155.9 (0.99)8.92 (1.01)
    3145.4 (1.00)138.1 (1.00)1.2113.18 (1.10)0.26 (1.00)2.38 (1.00)1.08 (1.08)155.6 (0.99)8.88 (1.00)
    4144.7 (0.99)138.0 (0.99)1.8013.77 (1.15)0.26 (1.00)2.37 (0.99)1.01 (1.01)156.4 (0.99)8.85 (1.00)
    5145.4 (1.00)138.1 (1.00)911.00923.00 (77.14)0.26 (1.00)2.37 (1.00)1.00 (1.00)156.8 (1.00)8.80 (1.00)
    Blade (1.765k triangles)
    1190.3 (1.00)178.8 (1.00)0.0027.37 (1.00)0.21 (1.00)2.35 (1.00)0.97 (1.00)10.4 (1.00)4.01 (1.00)
    2190.3 (1.00)178.8 (1.00)3.2430.61 (1.11)0.22 (1.00)2.38 (1.01)0.97 (1.00)10.8 (1.03)4.03 (1.00)
    3190.3 (1.00)178.8 (1.00)2.3529.72 (1.08)0.22 (1.00)2.38 (1.01)0.99 (1.02)10.7 (1.02)4.03 (1.00)
    4190.1 (0.99)178.7 (0.99)4.6532.02 (1.16)0.21 (1.00)2.34 (0.99)0.97 (1.00)10.4 (1.00)4.00 (0.99)
    5190.3 (1.00)178.8 (1.00)1835.001863.00 (68.05)0.21 (1.00)2.35 (1.00)0.97 (1.00)10.4 (1.00)4.01 (1.00)
    Armadillo (307k triangles)
    186.3 (1.00)82.5 (1.00)0.003.35 (1.00)0.22 (1.00)1.53 (1.00)0.99 (1.00)56.7 (1.00)6.81 (1.00)
    286.3 (0.99)82.5 (1.00)0.333.69 (1.10)0.22 (0.99)1.52 (0.99)0.97 (0.97)57.7 (1.01)6.94 (1.01)
    386.3 (1.00)82.5 (1.00)0.343.70 (1.10)0.22 (0.99)1.52 (0.99)0.94 (0.94)57.1 (1.00)6.91 (1.01)
    486.2 (0.99)82.5 (1.00)0.523.87 (1.15)0.22 (0.99)1.52 (0.99)0.97 (0.97)56.8 (1.00)6.81 (1.00)
    586.3 (1.00)82.5 (1.00)316.00319.00 (95.13)0.22 (1.00)1.53 (1.00)0.99 (1.00)56.7 (1.00)6.81 (1.00)
    Hairball (2850k triangles)
    11415.2 (1.00)1057.1 (1.00)0.0048.75 (1.00)1.01 (1.00)7.30 (1.00)5.55 (1.00)180.1 (1.00)43.70 (1.00)
    21345.3 (0.95)985.9 (0.93)143.00192.00 (3.93)0.97 (0.96)6.61 (0.90)5.09 (0.91)165.0 (0.91)40.72 (0.93)
    31345.7 (0.95)986.0 (0.93)131.00180.00 (3.69)0.99 (0.98)6.82 (0.93)5.01 (0.90)165.1 (0.91)40.89 (0.93)
    41408.0 (0.99)1052.2 (0.99)10.0958.85 (1.20)1.05 (1.04)8.99 (1.23)5.54 (0.99)179.8 (0.99)43.70 (1.00)
    51409.9 (0.99)1052.8 (0.99)2948.002996.00 (61.57)1.05 (1.04)8.76 (1.20)5.73 (1.03)185.0 (1.02)45.07 (1.03)

    For BVHs initially constructed using spatial median splits our method optimizes the BVH cost close to the cost achieved by the top down SAH algorithm. The results are given in the Table 4. The final cost achieved by our algorithm is decreased the same or more than in the reference algorithm, the simulated annealing by Kensler [Ken08], however, the total build time achieves the great speedup, our algorithm is up to 10 to 25 times faster.

    4 The results for individual objects where the base hierarchy for all methods is created with a spatial median top down driven build (method 1), which for methods 2–5 is followed by an update phase. These are as follows: 2—our method with random selection, 3—our method with the combined measure of inefficiency, 4—Kensler's method, hill climbing, and 5—Kensler's method, simulated annealing. The values in brackets are the computed ratios against reference values (1.00).

    MCost [‐]0 Cost [‐]CPU update [s]CPU build [s]CPU primary [s]CPU random [s]GPU primary [ms]GPU random [ms]GPU amb. occlusion [ms]
    Happy Buddha (1087k triangles)
    1275.6 (1.00)269.1 (1.00)0.001.89 (1.00)0.34 (1.00)4.83 (1.00)1.64 (1.00)278 (1.00)12.37 (1.00)
    2166.4 (0.60)158.7 (0.58)37.8239.71 (20.97)0.21 (0.62)2.78 (0.57)0.97 (0.59)167 (0.60)6.59 (0.53)
    3168.9 (0.61)161.4 (0.59)43.6245.51 (24.03)0.21 (0.63)2.83 (0.58)1.08 (0.65)170 (0.61)6.83 (0.55)
    4217.5 (0.78)211.4 (0.78)7.889.77 (5.16)0.27 (0.79)3.79 (0.78)1.34 (0.81)220 (0.79)9.07 (0.73)
    5179.4 (0.65)171.8 (0.63)1152.001154.00 (609.33)0.24 (0.70)3.14 (0.65)1.14 (0.69)181 (0.65)7.18 (0.58)
    Dragon (871k triangles)
    1232.9 (1.00)227.6 (1.00)0.001.49 (1.00)0.46 (1.00)3.95 (1.00)2.05 (1.00)246 (1.00)16.01 (1.00)
    2146.2 (0.62)139.6 (0.61)32.5834.07 (22.85)0.29 (0.62)2.44 (0.61)1.17 (0.57)158 (0.63)9.06 (0.56)
    3149.3 (0.64)143.0 (0.62)39.5040.99 (27.49)0.29 (0.63)2.53 (0.64)1.19 (0.58)160 (0.65)9.26 (0.57)
    4189.3 (0.81)184.2 (0.80)7.148.63 (5.79)0.38 (0.82)3.31 (0.83)1.57 (0.76)207 (0.83)12.44 (0.77)
    5157.1 (0.67)150.5 (0.66)927.02928.51 (622.84)0.33 (0.70)2.73 (0.69)1.30 (0.63)173 (0.70)10.05 (0.62)
    Blade (1765k triangles)
    1345.9 (1.00)337.6 (1.00)0.003.03 (1.00)0.40 (1.00)4.53 (1.00)2.02 (1.00)21.5 (1.00)7.95 (1.00)
    2196.3 (0.56)185.2 (0.54)82.9786.00 (28.34)0.24 (0.60)2.45 (0.54)1.10 (0.54)11.4 (0.53)4.22 (0.53)
    3202.4 (0.58)191.5 (0.56)100.46103.49 (34.10)0.25 (0.61)2.52 (0.55)1.22 (0.60)11.8 (0.54)4.41 (0.55)
    4272.6 (0.78)264.6 (0.78)11.6414.67 (4.83)0.32 (0.80)3.55 (0.78)1.59 (0.78)15.6 (0.72)5.97 (0.75)
    5214.3 (0.61)203.3 (0.60)1872.491875.52 (618.05)0.29 (0.73)2.87 (0.63)1.45 (0.71)13.3 (0.61)4.66 (0.58)
    Armadillo (307k triangles)
    1143.5 (1.00)140.73 (1.00)0.000.47 (1.00)0.40 (1.00)2.63 (1.00)1.88 (1.00)95.8 (1.00)12.23 (1.00)
    289.7 (0.62)85.87 (0.61)6.216.69 (14.06)0.25 (0.62)1.64 (0.62)1.03 (0.54)60.1 (0.62)7.24 (0.59)
    391.4 (0.63)87.82 (0.62)7.067.54 (15.85)0.25 (0.62)1.67 (0.63)1.10 (0.58)61.5 (0.64)7.53 (0.61)
    4116.5 (0.81)113.67 (0.80)1.682.15 (4.53)0.32 (0.79)2.18 (0.82)1.48 (0.78)77.5 (0.80)9.53 (0.77)
    595.2 (0.66)91.39 (0.64)321.23321.71 (675.96)0.28 (0.70)1.80 (0.68)1.13 (0.60)65.3 (0.68)7.78 (0.63)
    Hairball (2850k triangles)
    12448 (1.00)2114.84 (1.00)0.005.24 (1.00)2.04 (1.00)17.00 (1.00)15.23 (1.00)476 (1.00)110.03 (1.00)
    21347 (0.55)987.64 (0.46)231.92237.16 (45.22)0.97 (0.47)6.63 (0.39)5.18 (0.34)166 (0.34)41.30 (0.37)
    31362 (0.55)1003.56 (0.47)285.32290.56 (55.40)0.98 (0.48)6.90 (0.41)5.28 (0.35)174 (0.36)43.33 (0.39)
    41892 (0.77)1576.44 (0.74)26.7832.02 (6.10)1.57 (0.76)12.58 (0.74)9.35 (0.62)318 (0.66)72.19 (0.65)
    51473 (0.60)1119.17 (0.52)3053.793059.04 (583.31)1.20 (0.58)8.34 (0.50)6.28 (0.42)202 (0.42)48.47 (0.43)

    4.1.2. Architectural scenes

    The results for nine more complex architectural scenes show our method can reduce the initial cost of the tree constructed with the traditional top down algorithm with SAH by 4–24% with an average of 17% (see Table 1). This cost reduction was achieved in time which was about three times smaller than the time of the initial tree construction (albeit the implementation of the exact SAH builder is not optimized). We can observe that the cost reduction of the BVH optimized by our method is larger than that of the current state of the art methods for high quality BVH proposed by Kensler [Ken08]. The build time for the hill climbing reference method is slightly lower than for our method (note that this also depends on the particular termination criteria used in our method), but the hill climbing is not able to reduce the cost more than by a few percent.

    The simulated annealing of Kensler [Ken08] achieves better cost reduction than the hill climbing, whereas the running time of the method is about two order of magnitude higher than for hill climbing. Our method however provides BVHs with even lower cost (up to 10% difference) than the simulated annealing by Kensler in computation time from 28 to 80 times smaller. This brings us to an observation that our proposed technique is currently able to construct the best known BVHs for the given scene and the cost model based on SAH. The BVH quality improvement over the previous state‐of‐the‐art method is not dramatic, however the speed in which we obtain these improvements is significant (almost two orders of magnitude compared to the simulated annealing), which can actually lead to using the proposed technique in practice as the BVH build time is only slightly higher than without our method.

    For BVHs built top down using a simple spatial median split the cost reduction achieved by our algorithm is very significant. The results are given in Table 2. Interestingly, the BVH cost quickly converges almost to the same cost as for the case when the BVH was built with top down build algorithm with SAH and optimized by our algorithm, but the optimization takes more computation time. This behaviour can be seen in Figure 8 where we show the optimization process using 200 passes and when updating 1% of inner nodes per pass. Again, the time needed for the build including optimization is 25–147 times smaller than the time of simulated annealing by Kensler.

    To provide more compact overview of the results we have summarized all results for the architectural scenes in Table 5, where the cost without the reduction described in Section 3.6 is reported. The cost and time for the top down BVH build with SAH is taken there as a reference.

    5 Summary results for our algorithm used for architectural scenes, where the reference method is SAH‐based build method in top down fashion without optimization of the tree (100%). The data are compacted from Tables 3 and 4.

    SceneCost[‐] SAH buildCost, our optimized SAH buildCost, spatial medianCost, our optimized sp. medianTime[s], SAH buildTime, our optimized SAH buildTime, spatial medianTime, our optimized sp. median
    Conference130.30 (100%)78.66%646.38%78.83%3.45 (100%)131.30%12.75%226.38%
    Fairy Forest95.10 (100%)96.21%194.52%97.70%1.96 (100%)120.92%12.24%63.27%
    Sibenik Cathedral82.30 (100%)84.45%474.74%86.60%0.66 (100%)209.09%13.64%175.76%
    Sponza220.20 (100%)82.74%571.25%83.30%0.56 (100%)180.36%12.50%376.79%
    Soda Hall216.50 (100%)76.40%644.96%76.61%40.96 (100%)137.60%10.47%187.26%
    Power Plant, sec. 957.90 (100%)89.46%325.87%90.33%1.36 (100%)119.12%11.76%205.15%
    Power Plant, sec. 1693.50 (100%)85.35%540.16%85.24%4.70 (100%)159.57%12.77%378.51%
    Power Plant115.80 (100%)84.46%571.10%85.16%396.00 (100%)121.46% 9.08%71.90%
    Pompeii Ten252.90 (100%)86.20%303.24%86.98%102.00 (100%)175.49%10.76%114.02%

    4.1.3. BVH structure analysis

    To find out what particular changes to the BVH our algorithm does we calculated histograms of the surface areas of the nodes at different depths of the tree for the initial BVH and for the BVH optimized by our method. These histograms are shown in Figure 11.

    The plots show that our optimization method reduces the sum of surface areas of inner nodes especially for the middle range depths. We can also observe that this is achieved by restructuring the tree so that certain nodes are placed deeper in the tree.

    4.1.4. BVH tree compaction

    We also evaluated the contribution of the tree compaction described in Section 3.6. The ocost after the compaction can be non‐negligibly lower than the initial cost before performing the tree compaction. In particular, the ocost is by about 8% lower than cost for individual objects. For architectural scenes the difference is even more significant, for BVH top down build with SAH it reaches 20% and for the BVH built with spatial median 17% on average. Interestingly, the impact of our tree optimization algorithm is typically a few percent larger when considering the ratio of ocost than the ratio of cost before and after the optimization. For example for the Soda Hall scene the cost is reduced by 24% (ratio 0.76), whereas the ocost is reduced by 27% (ratio 0.73) (see Table 1).

    4.2. Ray tracing performance

    We have evaluated the optimized BVH using two different ray tracers. The first one is a CPU based ray tracer with no low level optimizations, the second one is a GPU ray tracer derived from the implementation of Karras et al.’s [KAL09]. For the GPU ray tracer we have used an adaptor that converts the main memory data structures to the data structures used by the GPU application CUDA kernels.

    4.2.1. CPU ray tracer results

    The CPU ray tracing performance of the constructed BVH has been evaluated for two scenarios – casting primary rays and shooting random rays. The figures computed for casting primary rays are shown in Figure 10. Note that the time for tracing rays is in strong correlation with the cost irrespective of the scenario for both primary and random rays for all reported results.

    4.2.2. GPU ray tracer results

    The GPU ray tracing results were evaluated using a modified version of the Karras et al.’s [KAL09] GPU ray tracer. For measurements we have used a PC with Intel Core i7‐2600K 3.40 GHz, NVIDIA GeForce GTX 580 3 GB GDDR5 and Windows 7 OS. The application was built using Microsoft Visual Studio 2010, version 64‐bit, with CUDA Toolkit v3.2.

    We have tested the performance of primary rays, random rays and ambient occlusion rays. Karras et al.’s primary rays and ambient occlusion rays generation and general tracing kernels were used without changes. We have implemented a random rays generation routine, casting 8 million rays for each scene, where the rays are defined by generating two uniformly distributed points in the scene bounding box. For the ambient occlusion test we spawn ten rays at each hit of the primary ray.

    We can see that the GPU results correlate with the results from the CPU raytracer (see Tables 1 and 3). However, there are scenes, where the GPU version does not provide a performance gain comparable to the CPU implementation particularly for primary rays (e.g. Conference—CPU primary 69%, GPU primary 98%), though in these cases the reference method of Kensler exhibits similar behaviour. On the contrary on a few tested scenes the optimized BVH provides slightly higher performance gain for the GPU ray tracer than for the CPU version (e.g. Sibenik ‐ CPU primary 85%, GPU primary 81%). The analysis why this happens is a matter of future work when convenient profiling tools on a GPU will become available.

    5. Conclusion and Future Work

    We proposed an algorithm for building a high quality BVH by incremental updates of the BVH initially constructed by a top down method with SAH. The algorithm is based on performing selective updates of the BVH by identifying problematic nodes and reinserting them back in appropriate positions to minimize the total BVH cost. The updates are prioritized and the resulting method is highly flexible in terms of the update time with respect to the quality of the hierarchy.

    We have shown that for complex scenes our method achieves very good cost reduction in much shorter time than previous methods. In fact the results indicate that the method constructs the best currently known BVHs under the SAH cost model and thus it has a potential to become a common optimization technique, which further reduces the cost of the SAH builders used in practical applications.

    Currently, we work on a parallel version of the algorithm on modern GPUs in CUDA, where both the update and the rendering algorithms run solely on the GPU. We also want to study the properties of the hierarchy for other visibility computations such as occlusion and view‐frustum culling for large scenes. Another possible future work is to study other types of BVH such as those with explicit spatial splits or with higher branching factor.


    We would like to thank the contributors of the scenes used in our paper, Prof. C. Sequin for Soda Hall model, the University of North Carolina for the Power Plant model, Marko Dabrovic for the Sponza and Sibenik models, Ingo Wald for Fairy Forest, Greg Ward for the Conference model, Samuli Laine and Tero Karras for Hairball model and Stanford repository for other models.

    Further, we want to thank Andrew Kensler for providing us with the source code for his paper [Ken08] that allowed to reproduce the reference method exactly. We would also like to thank Tero Karras, Timo Aila and Samuli Laine for releasing their GPU ray tracing framework. Our research was supported by the Czech Science Foundation under research programs P202/11/1883 (Argie) and P202/12/2413 (Opalis), and the Grant Agency of the Czech Technical University in Prague, grant No. SGS10/289/OHK3/3T/13, supported by Ministry of Education of the Czech Republic.

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    Graph: 1 Visualization of the number of traversal steps for the view of the Sibenik Cathedral scene rendered with primary and ambient occlusion rays. (a) Rendered image. (b) Number of traversal steps per ray for BVH built with SAH. (c) Number of traversal steps for the BVH optimized by the proposed method. On this image, our method gives an approximately 16%performance gain over the base‐build algorithm with the SAH. (d) Bar‐graph with pseudo colours used in the two visualization images—blue colour corresponds to 0 traversal steps, red colour to 100 or more steps.

    Graph: image%5fn/CGF%5f12000%5ff1.gif

    Graph: image%5ft/CGF%5f12000%5ff1%5fthumb.gif

    Graph: 2 The core of our method is the removal of inefficient nodes from the tree and re‐insertion of their children to positions that decrease the overall cost of the tree.

    Graph: image%5fn/CGF%5f12000%5ff2.gif

    Graph: image%5ft/CGF%5f12000%5ff2%5fthumb.gif

    Graph: 3 Dependence of the ray casting time on the cost of the tree (measured on the Sibenik Cathedral scene) for different BVHs. The trees of different costs were obtained during the cost‐optimization algorithm described in the paper.

    Graph: image%5fn/CGF%5f12000%5ff3.gif

    Graph: image%5ft/CGF%5f12000%5ff3%5fthumb.gif

    Graph: 4 Illustration of removal of node N—RemoveNode(node N, list U, list I, root P) operation. The children of N are put into the list I that contains the nodes to be inserted. Nodes N and P are put to the list U that stores the nodes that can be reused.

    Graph: image%5fn/CGF%5f12000%5ff4.gif

    Graph: image%5ft/CGF%5f12000%5ff4%5fthumb.gif

    Graph: 5 A 2D example of how the total cost increase of adding the node L to the tree at node X2 is computed. The induced cost  results from enlarging ascendants of X2 when inserting the node L as the bounding boxes have to be refitted (Algorithm 1:line 20). The direct cost CD(L, X2) is surface area of the box for the union of X2 and L (Algorithm 1:line 11).

    Graph: image%5fn/CGF%5f12000%5ff5.gif

    Graph: image%5ft/CGF%5f12000%5ff5%5fthumb.gif

    Graph: 6 Illustration of reinserting the node Lback to the tree. The node L is merged with the node Xbest while using the node N as their new parent. The same procedure is used for inserting the node R (using P as the parent node).

    Graph: image%5fn/CGF%5f12000%5ff6.gif

    Graph: image%5ft/CGF%5f12000%5ff6%5fthumb.gif

    Graph: 7 Cost reduction using a random selection and the proposed node inefficiency measures on the Soda Hall scene. Note that the area measure and the combined measure achieve very fast decrease of the expected cost from 216 to 165. In one pass we update k= 1% of nodes.

    Graph: image%5fn/CGF%5f12000%5ff7.gif

    Graph: image%5ft/CGF%5f12000%5ff7%5fthumb.gif

    Graph: 8 BVH cost optimization for BVHs built by spatial median and SAH. (left) Sibenik Cathedral, (right) Power Plant. Our method can quickly optimize a tree, which was built either with spatial median or SAH. Note that both trees converge to very similar costs and the convergence is significantly faster for the MCOMB metrics (the plots show 200 update passes with 1%of updated nodes per pass).

    Graph: image%5fn/CGF%5f12000%5ff8.gif

    Graph: image%5ft/CGF%5f12000%5ff8%5fthumb.gif

    Graph: 9 Snapshots of scenes representing individual objects: Happy Buddha, Dragon, Blade, Armadillo and Hairball.

    Graph: image%5fn/CGF%5f12000%5ff9.gif

    Graph: image%5ft/CGF%5f12000%5ff9%5fthumb.gif

    Graph: 10 Snapshots of architectural scenes: Conference, Fairy Forest, Sponza, Sodahall, Sibenik Cathedral, Power Plant section 9, Power Plant section 16, Power Plant and Pompeii Ten.

    Graph: image%5fn/CGF%5f12000%5ff10.gif

    Graph: image%5ft/CGF%5f12000%5ff10%5fthumb.gif

    Graph: 11 Histograms showing the sums of surface areas of inner nodes and leaves at different depths of the tree. The figures in the odd columns correspond to a tree with leaves representing individual triangles (cost in Table 1–4), the figures in even columns to compacted trees with more triangles per leaf (ocost in Table 1–4). The odd rows show the sum of costs for interior nodes and the even rows the sum of costs for leaves in the dependence on the depth. The results for trees constructed by top down building algorithm with surface area heuristic are in red colour, the results for the trees after optimization by our algorithm are in green colour.

    Graph: image%5fn/CGF%5f12000%5ff11.gif

    Graph: image%5ft/CGF%5f12000%5ff11%5fthumb.gif

    By Jiří Bittner; Michal Hapala and Vlastimil Havran

    Fast Insertion-Based Optimization of Bounding Volume Hierarchies
    Autor/in / Beteiligte Person: Hapala, Michal ; Havran, Vlastimil ; Bittner, Jiří
    Zeitschrift: Computer Graphics Forum, Jg. 32 (2013-01-22), S. 85-100
    Veröffentlichung: Wiley, 2013
    Medientyp: unknown
    ISSN: 0167-7055 (print)
    DOI: 10.1111/cgf.12000
    • Hierarchy
    • Bounding volume
    • Computer science
    • Ray tracing (graphics)
    • Bounding volume hierarchy
    • Bounding interval hierarchy
    • Computer Graphics and Computer-Aided Design
    • Algorithm
    • ComputingMethodologies_COMPUTERGRAPHICS
    • Nachgewiesen in: OpenAIRE
    • Rights: OPEN

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