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Treatment efficiency of eucalypt kraft pulp bleaching effluents: influence of dissolved organic matter

MOUNTEER, Ann H ; COLODETTE, Jorge L ; et al.
In: Tappi journal, Jg. 85 (2002), Heft 4
academicJournal - print,

Treatment efficiency of eucalypt kraft pulp bleaching effluents: influence of dissolved organic matter
Autor/in / Beteiligte Person: MOUNTEER, Ann H ; COLODETTE, Jorge L ; SILVA, Daison O
Zeitschrift: Tappi journal, Jg. 85 (2002), Heft 4
Veröffentlichung: Norcross, GA: TAPPI, 2002
Medientyp: academicJournal
Umfang: print,
ISSN: 0734-1415 (print)
  • Polymers, paint and wood industries
  • Polymères, industries des peintures et bois
  • Sciences exactes et technologie
  • Exact sciences and technology
  • Sciences appliquees
  • Applied sciences
  • Pollution
  • Traitement et pollution des eaux
  • Water treatment and pollution
  • Eaux usées
  • Wastewaters
  • Eaux usées industrielles
  • Industrial wastewaters
  • Angiospermae
  • Dicotyledones
  • Myrtaceae
  • Spermatophyta
  • Carbone organique dissous
  • Dissolved organic carbon
  • Carbono orgánico disuelto
  • DBO
  • Biological oxygen demand
  • DCO
  • Chemical oxygen demand
  • Eau usée industrielle
  • Industrial waste water
  • Agua servida industrial
  • Epuration eau usée
  • Waste water purification
  • Depuración aguas servidas
  • Eucalyptus
  • Industrie papier
  • Paper industry
  • Industria papel
  • Lessive résiduaire blanchiment
  • Spent bleaching liquor
  • Lejía residual blanqueo
  • Pâte sulfate
  • Sulfate pulp
  • Pasta sulfato
  • Nachgewiesen in: PASCAL Archive
  • Sprachen: English
  • Original Material: INIST-CNRS
  • Document Type: Article
  • File Description: text
  • Language: English
  • Author Affiliations: Department of Microbiology at Federal University of Viçosa, Minas Gerais, Brazil ; Department of Forest Engineering at Federal University of Viçosa, Minas Gerais, Brazil
  • Rights: Copyright 2002 INIST-CNRS ; CC BY 4.0 ; Sauf mention contraire ci-dessus, le contenu de cette notice bibliographique peut être utilisé dans le cadre d’une licence CC BY 4.0 Inist-CNRS / Unless otherwise stated above, the content of this bibliographic record may be used under a CC BY 4.0 licence by Inist-CNRS / A menos que se haya señalado antes, el contenido de este registro bibliográfico puede ser utilizado al amparo de una licencia CC BY 4.0 Inist-CNRS
  • Notes: Pollution

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