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The Scientific Observation Experiences of Gifted/Talented Students: Observing Circadian Rhythm in the Common Bean Plant

Yurumezoglu, Kemal ; Oztas Cin, Merve ; et al.
In: Gifted Child Today, Jg. 46 (2023-10-01), Heft 4, S. 273-284
Online academicJournal

The Scientific Observation Experiences of Gifted/Talented Students: Observing Circadian Rhythm in the Common Bean Plant 

The activity described here was designed to center on the observation of circadian rhythms in plants through the example of growing beans. The aim was to develop students' skills of systematic observation of various variables in the long-term. Our study took place at a Science and Arts Center with 17 gifted students in the third and fourth grades who were receiving supplementary education at the center. In the first stage of the study, the teacher initiated the cultivation of the plant and the process of observation 2 weeks ahead of the class and based on the experience of the observation, set up a detailed plan for a classroom activity. The activity was carried out in three phases. The first phase involved the planting and germination of the beans in pots. The second phase focused on the first appearance of the plant's leaves, while the third phase comprised the process of observing the effects of the intensity of light and the changes in temperature in the environment on the opening and closing movements of the leaves. It was found that the gifted students were successful in making long-term, systematic observations of various variables, and that as time passed, their dedication to the project increased. This motivation led them to delve deeper using different individual skills of scientific observation to discover how circadian rhythm is manifested in different plants, thus expanding their framework of accurate observation. We recommend the widespread use of this activity in the education of gifted students.

Keywords: giftedness/talent; systematic observation; science education; circadian rhythm

The students continued the task of growing their beans uninterruptedly for 3 months, having the opportunity to witness the life cycle of the plant within this time period."


Supporting the conversion of the natural observational skills of children into scientific observational skills at young ages is important in terms of encouraging the development of a scientific mind. This mental growth can be developed in many different ways and with the help of various activities. In the present study, the activity of growing beans was employed as a relatively easy example of a learning tool that could be used by any child both at home and in the classroom. What made the activity authentic was the addition of the process of discovering cyclical patterns as part of the observation procedure. First, the process of the germination, growth and development of the bean plant was monitored, after which the opening and closing movement of the plant's leaves as well as the change in the circadian rhythm were observed. Circadian rhythm refers to cycles that occur in intervals of approximately 24 hours that cannot be directly controlled by any known environmental variable. In plants, the 24-hour period corresponds to the metabolic growth and development that is regulated by an internal circadian timekeeper ([3]). The circadian clock organizes the multiplication of plant cells, causing changes in the growth and differentiation of stomata. This allows plants to adapt to changes in brightness and darkness, regulates various metabolic activities, and with this physiological adaptation, leads to the continuation of growth and development.

It is important that the activities chosen are based on the environment surrounding the student and that they are stimulating enough to regenerate the student's curiosity through natural observation. Natural observation, however, is not enough to grasp the patterns in phenomenological processes. It is only through the process of making natural observations bolstered by inquiry, carrying out consecutive observations, collecting data on the basis of various variables, and discovering relationships between these variables that a systematic perspective can be attained ([8]). It was for this reason that this study consisted of long-term, consecutive, and systematic/scientific observations designed to create awareness of circadian rhythms in bean plants.

The participants in our study were gifted and talented third and fourth grade students (between 9 and 10 years of age) who were receiving supplementary education at a Science and Art Center. These students excelled in their ability to exhibit strong interest, learn quickly, stay motivated and dedicated, and display heightened curiosity and inquiry skills. To encourage these students to learn science, teachers used various differentiation strategies that included: (a) rapid progression, (b) increasing levels of difficulty (including differentiating content), (c) opportunities for self-direction, and (d) forming strategic groups ([7]).

In the study, the integrated curriculum model ([11]) was used as a basis to enable the gifted students' observation of the circadian rhythm. The circadian rhythm learning activity emphasized the advanced content dimension (i.e., obtaining subject content from upper grades), the product dimension (i.e., growing the bean plant in soil from seed), and the epistemological concept dimension (i.e., organizing the topics under the theme: germination-growth-development-life cycle of the plant and circadian rhythm). Moreover, since gifted students also potentially have keen talents of observation ([10]; [5]; [12]), the learning activity required skills of observation, which included pattern seeking and recognizing changes ([2]). We assumed that discovering patterns might further deepen the gifted students' observation skills.

Our aim in this study was therefore to employ an observation activity that explored patterns to learn (a) how gifted/talented students who receive supplementary education make the transition from natural observations to a process of systematic/scientific observation, (b) how they conducted such a process, and (c) what they ultimately gained.


The construct of this study comprised the phase-by-phase, systematic and integrated observation of the process of germination, growth, and development of the common bean plant. The observations were made in an approximately 3-month time frame that encompassed the planting of the bean seeds in the pots, their germination and growth, and the formation of flowers and fruits. Observation of the germination and growth processes of a seed is a regular activity for the typically developing students. In this activity, which is differentiated for gifted students, the students also focus on the light-dependent orientation of the plant leaves, through the cause–effect relationship based on long-term observations. This model observation activity aimed to develop the observational skills of gifted/talented students through the long-term and systematic observation of various variables. The goal was for students to discover the light-dependent daily circadian rhythm of the plant using observational evidence obtained from the light-dependent orientation of the plant leaves.

Context and Participants

The study was carried out at a Science and Art Center (BILSEM) in the city of Izmir with gifted/talented third and fourth grade students (n = 17) receiving supplementary education. We worked with 5 separate groups of 3–5 students each. The basic activity of growing beans, which is carried out in almost all schools, was chosen as a basis for the study ([7]). The observation processes, however, were provided with enriched content and increased levels of difficulty to differentiate the practice for gifted and talented students. The ultimate aim was to have the students systematically observe and discover the circadian rhythm of the bean plant. Educators had designed differentiated curricula that incorporate advanced, conceptually challenging, in-depth, distinctive, and complex content for gifted/talented students ([6]). Differentiation of the activity—the bean germination which the students experienced from early ages—was carried out by employing more than one skill simultaneously. In this process, the existence of light-dependent changes in bean leaves and its cycle in a 1-day period were questioned with long-term observations, and circadian rhythm patterns in plant leaves were discovered through the observation evidence and inferences. In this way, the students were able to succeed in these differences (making efficiency difficult), while the typically students did not notice the circadian rhythm during the bean seed germination process.

Data Collection and Procedure

The practice was completed in two stages: the preparation for the activity conducted by the teacher-mentor and then the actual activity carried out by the students. The data collection instruments used were student diaries, the researcher's observation diary, and the Zoom presentations of the students. Additionally, the students were asked questions at the end of each phase (see Appendix 1: Teacher Evaluation Questions). In the first stage of the study, the teacher–mentor initiated the cultivation of the plant and the process of observation 2 weeks ahead of the class and, based on the experiences obtained from the observation, set up a detailed plan for a classroom activity. The preparation for and application of the activity was composed of three phases. In the first phase, the plant's initial germination stage, the students made a systematic observation of the growth process of the beans planted in the pots to see how different factors affected the speed of the plant's growth by making their observations at specified time intervals of morning, noon and night. This provided them with the opportunity to make first-hand observations that would lead to collecting data that could be used in the comparison phase ([7]). In the second phase, observations were made about how various factors (sunlight, water, soil) had an impact on the speed of growth of the bean seeds that had been planted in the pots. The third phase involved observations of the effects of changes in the intensity of light and temperature in the environment on the first leaves of the bean plant to appear. The changes were observed morning, noon, and night and an effort was made to understand whether there was any rhythm (circadian) involved in the process. The way to discover such patterns is to make systematic observations at different times of the day ([7]).

The Activity Process

Materials Needed in the Activity

Two pots of different sizes, bean seeds (a total of eight seeds), water and soil, a camera (a mobile phone can be used), and a small notebook and pencil to record observations.

Teacher-Mentor's Preparations for the Activity

Phase One

Two plant pots of different sizes were brought to the place where the experiment would be conducted and placed side by side. Each of the pots was filled with soil proportionately to its size. Four seeds were prepared to be planted in each pot. Four different points in the soil were designated in the pot and each of the seeds were placed in the soil at these points. Care was given not to push the seeds too far under the soil. To do this, each seed was held between two fingers and then buried in the soil until the earth came up to the middle of the fingers. Then the seeds were covered over with the soil. The same process was carried out for both pots (see Figure 1).

Graph: Figure 1.Planting of the seeds in the pot.

Once this procedure was completed, a little water was poured over the earth proportionate to the volume of the soil in the pot so that the surface of the soil was moistened. The plant was watered once every day, the amount depending upon the level of its moisture. The factors affecting the germination of the seeds caused them to sprout in approximately 7–10 days. The teacher observed the beans regularly every day and took orderly notes on the growth process. At the same time, photos of the beans were taken as regularly as possible and always from the same angle.

Phase Two

The beans were watered once a day depending upon the degree of the moisture of the soil, beginning from the first day they sprouted. The teacher, taking into consideration various factors such as water and sun during the growth process of the plant, took photos regularly three times a day, every day, in the morning, noon, and night. The teacher noted the changes in the growth process of the beans (see Figure 2).

Graph: Figure 2.The process of the bean germination and sprouting.

Phase Three

During the teacher's observation period, the intensity of light and the changes in temperature in the environment were noted and photos of the first sprouting leaves of the plant were taken three times every day—morning, noon, and night (see Figure 3).

Graph: Figure 3.The leaves of the bean plant in the morning, noon, and at night.

The systematic observations made daily were recorded in the appropriate section of the observation form (Appendix 2). Appendix 3 includes an example of the completed student observation form and a teacher's assessment regarding this form.

Teacher-Mentor Adaptations of the Activity

The teacher-mentor's observation period was scheduled for 2 weeks ahead of the class so that an appropriate and detailed plan could be made to challenge the group. When the circadian rhythm of the bean plant could be detected during the preparatory phase of the experiment, the content of the activity was modified and enriched specifically for gifted and talented students. This preparatory phase not only guided the teacher-mentor into making the activity more research-motivated but also steered the teacher to draw up a more realistic and detailed content that would challenge the students. The process also proved to be an effective preparatory step in deciding what not to include in the plans for the activity.

The Students' Experimentation Process

The entire activity was carried out online in the form of distance education due to the Covid-19 pandemic. Based on the teacher's experience, the teacher informed the students 1 week beforehand about the process, its purpose, and the points to keep in mind. The teacher instructed the students at the beginning of the experiment to observe the changes in the bean plant, take photos and record these, together with their dates, in the "Bean Plant Observation Form" (see Appendix 2). The process carried out with the students covered a period of approximately 3 months. Because the classes were held once a week, the students recorded their observations on their own throughout the week and presented these when class convened. The presentations took up 10 minutes of the science class each week. The students explained to the teacher and their classmates what phase their beans were in and the classmates compared their observations with each other.

Phase One: Preparations and Germination of the Beans

This process was carried out in their own homes using the directions they received from their teacher each week. The students planted four bean seeds each in two separate pots (one small and one large). They kept the soil moistened by watering the pot lightly every day. At the same time, they took photos of the growth process of the bean plant regularly, noting in the bean plant observation form, the dates, and the steps they took in the process (see Figure 4).

Graph: Figure 4.Each student planting their own bean seeds.


Findings Related to Phase One

This phase is the period in which the sprouting of the bean seeds is observed after being planted. The student diaries and the researcher's observations yielded the following findings. The students' seeds took an average of 7–10 days to sprout. The seeds of five out of the 17 students did not sprout in this time period. These students, basing their conclusions on the information given to them by their classmates whose beans had sprouted, realized that they may not have watered the plant enough, or may have watered it too much, causing it to rot, or alternatively, may have buried the seeds too far underground. The students started the experiment over, taking care to comply with maintaining conditions conducive to germination and then joining the second phase of the experiment.

In the germination process of the beans, a green-colored stem first appears on top of the soil. A few days later, the seed on the tip of the stem peels off from its surrounding shell. Later, it can be observed that the seed has separated into two (seed-leaves) and that new growths appear to be growing out of these. As the body of the plant grows taller and straighter, the seed-leaves open and veined leaves start growing out of their center. The students recorded their daily observations in the observation form and then took photos from the same angle, making comparisons with the previous day and phase to determine what differences appeared (see Figure 5).

Graph: Figure 5.A student taking photos of the germination of their own bean seed.

The teacher's questions to the students during their observations in this phase were:

  • 1. How many days did it take for the beans to germinate?
  • 2. What kind of changes occurred from the time you planted the bean seeds to the day they began to sprout?
  • 3. Under what kind of conditions did the plant sprout?
  • 4. If your beans didn't sprout, what could be the reasons for this?
Findings Related to Phase Two

This phase is when the leaves grow out from between the seed-leaves and the number of leaves increase. For the students to be able to observe the circadian rhythm of the bean plant, the blades of the leaf need to have expanded and the number of leaves should have increased. The students make observations regarding the moisture of the soil in which the seed has been planted. Four of the five students who had not seen their beans germinate in the previous phase saw that the germination occurred in this phase. The remaining student's bean plant still did not sprout in this phase despite the fact that it had been watered and the beans had been properly planted. For this reason, this student substituted a black-eyed pea seed for the bean plant and participated in the experiment with the new plant.

The teacher's questions to the students during their observations in this phase were:

  • 1. How many days after the bean plant had sprouted did the first leaves appear?
  • 2. How many were the first leaves to appear?
  • 3. How were the leaves spaced in relation to each other?
  • 4. What happened after the beans sprouted?

Was there a difference between the first leaves of the bean plant and the next leaves to appear? If so, what could the function of these leaves be?

In this phase, the students began to make a systematic assessment of what part of the plant they had to look at to make an observation. This led them to collect more detailed data (length, color, change of volume, direction of the leaves, etc.,) compared to their observations at the beginning. It was found that the questions the teachers asked the students during the process as well as the comparisons they made with their classmates guided the students into making systematic observations. The bean plants of some of the students sprouted from the very beginning, yielding some short and some long sprouts (see Figure 6). Additionally, the mistakes made by the students whose plants did not germinate provided a clue as to what aspects of the process should be given more attention.

Graph: Figure 6.Students sharing their observations with their teacher and classmates.

Each student took part in the activity by growing their own bean plant in their own homes. It was in this way that they were able to see that different types of beans grew at different speeds. By comparing their own beans with those of their friends, the students became aware at the end of the process that the growth and height of the plant were factors that were affected by the type of bean. The height of the plant could grow to be 25–30 cm or could even exceed their own height (see Figure 7). The student on the right (see Figure 7) found that the beans she had planted grew to be taller than herself in about 2 months, a fact that she was excited to demonstrate by asking her parents for help in tying a string to pull the plant upward to display how tall it had grown.

Graph: Figure 7.Comparing the height of different bean plants.

Although the entire process was conducted by distance education, the students were very enthusiastic to show the differences in their plants (see Figure 8).

Graph: Figure 8.Students demonstrating the changes in their plants.

Findings Related to Phase Three

In this phase, the beans completed their germination, grew flowers in the growth and development stage and then proceeded to produce their fruit. The students thus were able to observe how the seeds they had planted developed until new seeds appeared, observing the full life cycle of the bean plant (see Figure 9).

Graph: Figure 9.The flowering and yielding of fruit of the bean plant.

The teacher's questions to the students during their observations in this phase were:

How were the leaves positioned relative to each other according to changes in the intensity of light and heat?

According to your observations, at what time of the day were the leaves at their highest and when were they at their lowest position?

Think about the full process you witnessed in your bean plant and explain/draw its life cycle.

In this phase, the leaves grow and the number of leaves increase. The students observed the directional movement of the bean plant leaves at various times of the day, examining the plant in detail and taking photos always from the same angle. The teacher wanted the students to observe the movements of the leaves under the effect of the light for at least 3 days in the week. In line with the teacher's instructions, the students made their observations when they first got up in the morning (see Figure 10a), at 10 a.m. (see Figure 10b), at 2 p.m. (see Figure 10c), 5 p.m. (see Figure 10d), at sunset (see Figure 10e) and before going to bed (see Figure 10f). These times were selected so that the students could see the movement of the bean leaves from a wider perspective, making their observations at times when the intensity of sunlight was different. An example of the photographs one student took over the course of a day can be seen below (see Figure 10).

Graph: Figure 10.The movements of the bean plant leaves during the day.

The students watched the movements of the plant's leaves as they reacted to the sunlight and saw that the leaves leaned toward the sun in the morning hours until noon, appearing to be more vertical and reaching upward, while from noon to the evening hours, the leaves began to bend and turn downwards (see Figure 11).

Graph: Figure 11.Comparison of the directional movement of the bean leaves at night and during the day.

One of the students made two attempts to grow the beans but the seeds rotted and for this reason the student asked if they could grow another kind of seed. The student substituted black-eyed peas for the common bean plant and made the observations using the same method (see Figure 12). The student observed the circadian timekeeping for the movement of the leaves, depending upon the amount of daylight available, at 10 a.m. (see Figure 12a), 3 p.m. (see Figure 12b), and 6 p.m. (see Figure 12c), and photographs were taken again from the same angle. The student saw that the movement of the leaves changed during the day, with the leaves reaching upward when daylight was most intensive and drooping down as the light started to dim. The student came to the conclusion that the effect of the light on the movement of the black-eyed pea plant leaves was similar to the effect the other students had observed in their bean plants. This inspired the students to explore the circadian rhythm of other plants.

Graph: Figure 12.The movement of the leaves of the black-eyed pea plant under the effect of daylight.

Changes Across Phases

The students revealed their weekly progresses in the zoom presentations they made every week. They made comparisons by sharing their observations and taking notes in their diaries for a week with their friend and teachers. In this way, the teacher had the opportunity to notice and evaluate the weekly cognitive changes in the students. At the beginning, the students did not know exactly which part of the plant to observe and they received more help from their teachers; however, they started to make more detailed observations due to the questions and evaluations made by the teachers during the weekly zoom presentations.

The examples of observation sentences from the first week (short, non-detailed, general sentences):

  • I planted the seeds in the ground.
  • I watered my plant.
  • My plant has grown.
  • No growth in the bean.
  • I shot photos of them.

The examples of observation sentences from the last weeks (Long, detailed, and elaborative sentences with cause-and-effect relationship):

  • • _I_No matter how hard I tried, my bean seeds did not germinate, so I wanted to try again with another seed which was cowpea that I had found at home. While planting cowpea seeds,_i__B__I_I dug a 3_i_ cm depth with my finger. I covered the seed in a way to allow them to breathe and watered them.
  • • _I_I water my plant_i__B__I_with half a glass of water_i_ every day at the same time (in the morning). I keep the soil moist because I have seen that water accelerates germination and growth.
  • • _I_I measured that the height of the plant_i__B__I_above the soil_i_ was 25 cm . The trunk began to enlarge and the leaf colors became dark green.
  • • _I_Initially I planted 8 seeds. 5 germinated and grown. 3 did not germinate. Perhaps they didn't get air_i__B__I_because I buried them too deep in the soil_i_ .
  • • _I_I take pictures of the bean leaves_i__B__I_at the same time every day from the same angle_i_ . Looking at the photos, I observe the movement of the leaves.

While the students' diaries contained general observations consisting of a few sentences at the beginning of the process, the sentences in the diaries increased in number and became more detailed as the process continued. In this way, the students whose seeds rotted or germinated late were able to proceed with the same systematic process and did not deviate from the process. Even the student, who could not succeed in the germination and growth process with beans, was able to carry out the same process with another seed (black-eyed pea) with the guidance of her teacher, through asking questions.


Plants go through a series of consecutive processes as they grow. This experiment sought to explore, through long-term and systematic observations, the phases of germination, growth and development of the common bean plant, as well as its circadian rhythm and how growth was influenced by external factors. In the first phase of the activity, the students learned how to plant a seed, how to water it, and what to look out for. They concluded that the degree at which the soil was kept moist and the amount of sun the plant was exposed to affected the growth rate of the plant. Some of the students were not able to see their seeds germinate in this phase and therefore repeated their attempt. This enthusiasm to persist with the experiment most likely stemmed from their dedication to the project and their high degree of motivation. Their excitement of sharing their individual experiences with their peers and the questions they were asked by the teacher helped them focus more intently on their observations at every phase of the experiment. In the second phase of the activity, the students took note of the first sprouting of the bean, the number of leaves first appearing, and their positions in relation to each other. They observed that the first two leaves to appear were the calycles that made opening and shutting movements, and they concluded that this movement could have an effect on the growth and development of the plant. The observations of the students began to take on a systematic form at this stage. While at the beginning, they could not decide exactly what kind of observations they should make, by comparing their observations with the ones they made before, they were able to conduct the process with more concentration and interest. In the third phase of the activity, the students based their action on their assumptions in the second phase, inquiring as to matters such as the way the plant's leaves opened and closed and why, the degree of temperature and light the plant was exposed to, and at what time the leaves were closed up the most. A discussion was held on the reasons for the opening and closing of the leaves and at the end of this phase, it was concluded that the degree of light and heat were responsible for this movement of the leaves. The students continued the task of growing their beans uninterruptedly for 3 months, having the opportunity to witness the life cycle of the plant within this time period. The systematic and long-term observations that led them to collect data for their experiment were indications of the presence of sustainable motivation. The inclusion of the task of watching for the circadian rhythm of the plants added a different and challenging aspect to the activity of growing plants that the students were accustomed to. It can also be said that the long-term activity of making observations provided younger students (third and fourth grade) with the opportunity to progress more rapidly and cover a more advanced topic. Each student grew their own bean plants at home and later observed that there were differences in the growth and development of the plants. In fact, there was a student who decided to grow black-eyed peas instead of a bean plant. It was noted that this long-term observation experience resulted in the outcome that students were able to make and implement independent decisions during the process, thus achieving the skill of self-direction ([7]).

The activity demonstrated that the students transitioned from natural observation to systematic observation. Looking at how their observational skills developed in this period, it can be seen that the first phase of the experiment caused the students to become aware of scientific facts, stimulating their curiosity and expectations about the next steps in the process. In the second phase, the students used physical tools (rulers to measure the height of the plant, cameras to take photos) in the cognitive process that led them to record the data collected from their observations. In the last phase, observations were applied to different aspects of the process (identifying the circadian rhythm of the plants) as relationships with previous phases were recognized ([1]). This approach allowed the students to collect their data and then identify relationships between the data through systematic observations, eventually leading them to becoming aware of the pattern of the circadian rhythm.

An overview of the entire process reveals that these gifted students (a) experienced a deepening interest in the process of observation, (b) enthusiastically followed up on the process patiently and with sustained motivation for 3 months, (c) fully complied with the instructions with dedication to the task at hand, (d) displayed focused curiosity and the ability to make in-depth inquiries, (e) combined these inquiries with their systematic observations to work like actual scientists in collecting evidence, and (f) reached conclusions. We observed that the students noticed the change in the orientation of bean leaves at different times of the day and asked the reason accordingly, during the interviews made in the weekly zoom lessons. We witnessed that the students observed the changes in the leaves of the plant through repeated observation process by inquiring about the reasons. The students observed that the bean leaves were directed towards the sun upwards from morning to noon; and that these leaves inclined downwards from noon to evening. This they gathered evidence on their observations (photo shoot) and thereafter answered their questions based on evidence. In the following days, they discovered the repetitive circadian rhythm as a result of observing similar processes in the orientation of leaves. It is not an easy process for students to observe circadian rhythm in the bean plant, which requires inquiring about the changes in their observations, expanding their observation process by extending them over a one-day period, and discovering the causal relationship between the amount of light exposed onto the leaves and the physical orientation of the leaf. It is these inquiries of the students on the changes in the observation data that deepen and structure the observation processes. Developing inquiry through observation provides the opportunity to discover the causal relationships and to follow the process for a long time, catching the patterns, as gifted students have keen observation skills and higher potential to catch the underlying patterns in comparison with their peers ([2]; [5]; [10]; [12]).

On the other hand, the experiment proved to be another productive example of how enriched activities and inquiry and experience-based learning are so important for the gifted and talented student. In short, this activity was not only an example of arriving at a novel and different conclusion in the context of an exploration into plant physiology, but the entire process was converted into an innovative experience for students—beginning from the first phase of the activity, to systematically observing the circadian rhythm of the bean plant and reinforcing their already existing theoretical knowledge. It is important to note that engaging students, and especially those gifted and talented, in inquiry-based activities of observation stimulates curiosity and encourages more intensive observation, providing the opportunity to collect more comprehensive and systematic data ([4]). If observation processes can be planned for the long-term, students gain the benefit of witnessing phenomena such as circadian rhythm patterns and increasing their capacity to explain the reasons behind cyclical mechanisms ([9]). In this particular activity, circadian rhythm was recognized in the course of the daily observation of the bean plant and the reasons for these patterns were explored through comparisons between different time frames, a process that instigated in-depth learning through the observation of variable phenomena. Our results led us to believe that authentic activities helped gifted/talented children to increase their inquiry skills, to expand the framework of their observational skills, to teach them not only to see but to observe systematically, to recognize and more comprehensively understand causal relationships between phenomena, and to identify natural patterns by using their own individual talents ([6]). It is for these fundamental reasons that we suggest that the type of activity presented here is of benefit to gifted and talented students and should be made more available in education programs designed for this population.

Supplemental Material

Graph: Supplemental Material for The Scientific Observation Experiences of Gifted/Talented Students: Observing Circadian Rhythm in the Common Bean Plant by Kemal Yurumezoglu, Merve Oztas Cin, Semra Demir and Gözde Bacakoglu in Gifted Child Today.


Merve Oztas Cin https://orcid.org/0000-0001-8404-9829

Kemal Yurumezoglu https://orcid.org/0000-0002-3288-9890

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By Kemal Yurumezoglu; Merve Oztas Cin; Semra Demir and Gözde Bacakoglu

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Kemal Yurumezoglu, Ph.D., is a professor in the Department of Special Education (Gifted Education) at Dokuz Eylul University, Turkey. He received his master's degree in physics education in 2000 from the University of Paris Diderot (Paris 7), France, and his PhD in science education in 2005 from the University of Strasbourg, France. His research interests are in conceptual physics and inquiry-based physics activities. He was involved in the Pri-Sci-Net Project funded through the European Union Seventh Framework Programme (2010–2014). He was one of the members of science textbook writers for the Ministry of National Education in Turkey (2013–2014). He is the coordinator of Science Curriculum of Gifted Students in the Turkish Ministry of National Education (2019–2020). He can be reached at.

Merve Oztas Cin, Ph.D., is a science educator at a science and art center where gifted students are educated. She received her Master's degree in Science Education from Dokuz Eylül University, Institute of Educational Sciences in 2013. She completed the Science Education Doctorate Program at the Institute of Educational Sciences, Department of Mathematics and Science Education of the same university in 2018. She has participated in many training and conferences abroad and in the country. She conducts studies in the fields of conceptual understanding, Inquiry-based learning, Inquiry-based science experiments, Gifted education and Systematic observation. She can be reached at.

Semra Demir, M.A., graduated from the Psychological Counseling and Guidance Department. She has a master's degree in the field of special talents. Currently, she works as a research assistant at Anadolu University in the department of special talents. She is interested in the education of the gifted and research on the families of the gifted. She can be reached.

Gözde Bacakoglu, M.A., graduated from Dokuz Eylül University Department of Biology Education. She completed her graduate studies on curriculum and instruction at Mugla Sıtkı Koçman University. She also attended a graduate program on special education at Dokuz Eylül University. She specializes in creative drama, mindfulness, body language, yoga, creative dancing by preparing. She gives interactive seminars and designs workshops on various topics in aforementioned specialized disciplines. She can be reached at.

The Scientific Observation Experiences of Gifted/Talented Students: Observing Circadian Rhythm in the Common Bean Plant
Autor/in / Beteiligte Person: Yurumezoglu, Kemal ; Oztas Cin, Merve ; Demir, Semra ; Bacakoglu, Gözde
Zeitschrift: Gifted Child Today, Jg. 46 (2023-10-01), Heft 4, S. 273-284
Veröffentlichung: 2023
Medientyp: academicJournal
ISSN: 1076-2175 (print) ; 2162-951X (electronic)
DOI: 10.1177/10762175231186935
  • Descriptors: Academically Gifted Gifted Education Grade 3 Grade 4 Science Education Plants (Botany) Program Effectiveness Observation Student Motivation Foreign Countries
  • Geographic Terms: Turkey
  • Nachgewiesen in: ERIC
  • Sprachen: English
  • Language: English
  • Peer Reviewed: Y
  • Page Count: 12
  • Document Type: Journal Articles ; Reports - Research
  • Education Level: Early Childhood Education ; Elementary Education ; Grade 3 ; Primary Education ; Grade 4 ; Intermediate Grades
  • Abstractor: As Provided
  • Entry Date: 2023

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