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Conformal blocks attached to twisted groups.

Damiolini, Chiara
In: Mathematische Zeitschrift, Jg. 295 (2020-08-01), Heft 3/4, S. 1643-1681
Online academicJournal

Conformal blocks attached to twisted groups 

The aim of this paper is to generalize the notion of conformal blocks to the situation in which the Lie algebra they are attached to is replaced with a sheaf of Lie algebras depending on covering data of curves. The result is a vector bundle of finite rank on the stack H ur ¯ (Γ , ξ) g , n parametrizing Γ -coverings of curves. Many features of the classical sheaves of conformal blocks are proved to hold in this more general setting, in particular the factorization rules, the propagation of vacua and the WZW connection.

Keywords: Sheaves of conformal blocks; Galois coverings of curves; Parahoric Bruhat–Tits groups; Affine Lie algebras; 14D20; 14H10; 17B67


In conformal field theory [[25]] there is a way to associate to a natural number and to a simple and simply connected group G over an algebraically closed field k of characteristic zero, a vector bundle V(0) , called the sheaf of covacua, on Mg , the stack parametrizing smooth curves of genus g. The goal of this paper is to generalize the construction and properties of these bundles to the case in which the group G they are attached to is replaces by a parahoric Bruhat–Tits group H which depends on cyclic coverings of curves. For this reason, this new sheaf of covacua will not be defined on Mg , but on the Hurwitz stack parametrizing coverings of curves.

One of the reasons that lead algebraic geometers to study the sheaves of covacua, and generalization thereof, is their relation to the stack parametrizing principal bundles on curves. In the classical setting, the fibres of the dual of V(0) over the curve X, called space of conformal blocks, have been identified as global sections of well determined line bundles on BunG,X , obtaining insights on the geometry of this moduli space [[4], [12], [19], [24]]. The key point to prove this isomorphism is the uniformization theorem which describes BunG,X as a quotient of the affine Grassmannian Gr(G) , whose Picard group and the space of global sections of line bundles have been described in terms of representations of g by Kumar [[18]] and Mathieu [[21]]. The uniformization theorem, which was proved initially by Beauville and Laszlo in [[4]] for G=SLn , has been shown to hold for any simple group G by Drinfeld and Simpson [[9]]. The identification between global sections of line bundles and conformal blocks was then extended to the case of parabolic bundles by Pauly in [[23]] and by Laszlo and Sorger in [[19]]. Finally Heinloth, answering questions posed by Pappas and Rapoport in [[22]], proved the uniformization theorem for BunH,X , for connected parahoric Bruhat–Tits groups H in [[14]], where he also gave a description of the Picard group of BunH,X .

This motivates our interest in developing the theory of conformal blocks attached to twisted groups H . Inspired by [[2]] we restrict ourselves to consider only those groups arising from cyclic Galois coverings, so that Mg will be replaced by the Hurwitz stack Hur(Γ,ξ)g .

As in the classical case, also in this new setting the sheaf of conformal blocks arises as dual of the sheaf of covacua. Classically, for every Z>0 , given n dominant weights λi of level at most of g=Lie(G) , it is possible to construct vector bundles V(λ1,,λn) on M¯g,n , called sheaves of covacua [[25]]. Similarly, in Sect. 3 we show how to associate to admissible representations V1,,Vn of fibres of h=Lie(H) outside the branch locus of the covering, a sheaf V(V1,,Vn) on Hur¯(Γ,ξ)g,n which generalizes the definition and the properties of the classical covacua.

Besides the relation with BunG,X , the classical sheaves of conformal blocks have been used to investigate the geometry of M¯g,n and provide examples of divisors satisfying interesting combinatorial relations. In particular, in the case g=0 , the sheaves of covacua are globally generated, hence their first Chern classes, called conformal blocks divisors, lie in the nef cone, where they generate a full dimensional sub-cone [[11]]. The combinatorial nature of these divisors, inherited from the structure of the sheaf of covacua, made possible to establish vanishing and non-vanishing criteria for conformal blocks divisors which gave insights in the geometry of M¯g,n [[5]]. In similar way, the twisted sheaves of covacua and conformal blocks provide vector bundles with a rich combinatorial structure on Hur¯(Γ,ξ)g,n which can be used to study Hur¯(Γ,ξ)g,n itself and, and forgetting about the covering data, the geometry of moduli of curves.

The main results of this paper (Theorem 3.21 and Corollary 4.23) can be resumed in the following statement.


The sheaf V(V1,,Vn) is a vector bundle of finite rank on Hur¯(Γ,ξ)g,n which admits a projectively flat connection on Hur(Γ,ξ)g,n .

In Sect. 5 we describe the properties of these sheaves. In particular Proposition 5.1 generalizes the so called propagation of vacua, which essentially says that trivial representations V(0) do not modify the sheaf of conformal block. As a consequence we have the following result (Corollary 5.2).


The bundle V(V(0),,V(0)) is independent of the choice of the marked points, hence it descends to a vector bundle V(0) on Hur(Γ,ξ)g .

As in the classical case, in Proposition 5.6 we formulate factorization rules controlling the rank of the vector bundle under degeneration of the covering. This is the key input to use induction on the genus of the curves to achieve a formula computing the rank of the bundles.


Let (q:X~X,p)Hur¯(Γ,ξ)g,1(k) such that X is irreducible and has only one nodal point x. Let XN be its normalization so that qN:X~NXN is a Γ -covering with three marked points. Then for any WIrRep(h|p) we have a canonical isomorphism



In the untwisted case this factorization property, shown in [[25]], allowed to reduce the computation of the rank of the sheaves of conformal blocks to the case of P1 with three marked points and obtaining in this was the Verlinde formula to compute dimension of line bundles on BunG,X [[12], [24]].

It is important to remark that after the first draft of this paper was completed, several authors worked towards a definition and properties of conformal blocks attached to twisted groups arising from coverings. In particular Zelaci in [[26]] constructs special cases of twisted conformal blocks and relates them to global sections of line bundles on appropriate BunH . In the more recent pre-print [[15]], Hong and Kumar construct conformal blocks attached to groups arising from Galois coverings which are not necessarily cyclic, generalizing the factorization rules and projective connection, and establishing their relation to global sections of line bundles. It is worth to mention that their construction is compatible with the one presented in [[26]] and in this paper.

We now give an overview of how the twisted conformal blocks are defined, generalizing the methods used in [[16], [25]] and [[20]]. To start with, let us briefly explain how a Galois covering determines a twisted group. We fix the cyclic group Γ:=Z/pZ of prime order p and a group homomorphism ρ:ΓAut(G) . To every Γ -covering q:X~X of curves, we associate the sheaf of groups H defined as the group of Γ -invariants of the Weil restriction of X~×kG along q, i.e. H=q(X~×kG)Γ . The Lie algebra of H is denoted h . The preliminaries on coverings, on the stack parametrizing them and on the construction of H are collected in Sect. 2.

To construct the sheaf of covacua, we explain how to associate to each covering (q:X~X,p)Hur(Γ,ξ)g,1(Spec(k)) and representation V of h|p a finite dimensional vector space. We want to remark that in our construction, we assume the point p marking X is disjoint from the branch locus of q: this implies that h|p is isomorphic, although non canonically, to g . It follows that once we choose such an isomorphism, we can use the classical construction [[16], Chapter 7] to associate to each representation VIrRep(h|p) the integrable highest weight representation H(V) of h^L , a central extension of hL=h|k((t)) defined in terms of Killing form and residue pairing. The key point is to see that this construction is actually independent of the isomorphism chosen between h|p and g . Thanks to the residue theorem, the Lie algebra hA:=h|X\p is a Lie subalgebra of h^L and we set V(V)X to be the quotient hA\H(V) . The construction of the sheaf of covacua runs similarly for any family of coverings (X~X,σ)Hur¯(Γ,ξ)g,1(S) , being careful that isomorphisms between h|σ(S) and gkS exist only locally on S. The construction of the sheaf is the content of Sect. 3.

Although it is easy to show that V(V) is coherent (Proposition 3.22), it is not immediate from its construction that it is also locally free. Following the approach of Looijenga in [[20]], the first step to achieve this result is to generalize to this twisted setting the Wess–Zumino–Witten connection defined in terms of conformal field theory. After recalling how the connection arises using the Virasoro algebra of hL , in Sect. 4 we show:


(Corollary 4.23) The sheaf V(V1,,Vn) on Hur¯(Γ,ξ)g,n is equipped with a projectively flat connection with logarithmic singularities along the boundary Hur¯(Γ,ξ)g,n\Hur(Γ,ξ)g,n .

This shows in particular that V(V1,,Vn) is a locally free module over Hur(Γ,ξ)g,n . Combining this with a refined version of the factorization rules (Proposition 6.9), we are able to prove the local freeness of the sheaf on the whole stack Hur¯(Γ,ξ)g,n . Also in this twisted setting then, the factorization rules play a double role in the theory of conformal blocks. On one side they contribute to show that V(V1,,Vn) is locally free on the whole Hur¯(Γ,ξ)g,n , and on the other side they are a useful tool to reduce the computation to lower genera curves.

Setting and notation

Throughout the paper we fix the following objects.

  • An algebraically closed field k of characteristic zero.
  • A simple and simply connected algebraic group G over Spec(k) .
  • A prime p and for simplicity of notation we denote the group Z/pZ by Γ .
  • A group homomorphism ρ:ΓAut(G) .
Preliminaries on groups arising from coverings and Hurwitz stacks

In this section we introduce the group schemes associated with coverings as indicated in the introduction. Since we need to work with these groups in families, we will formulate the definition for families of coverings of curves. We obtain in this way the family Huniv over the universal curve Xuniv over the Hurwitz stack parametrizing coverings of curves.

Definition 2.1

Let π:XS be a possibly nodal curve over a k-scheme S. A Galois covering of X with group Γ , called also Γ -covering, is the data of

  • a finite, faithfully flat and generically étale map q:X~X between curves;
  • an isomorphism ϕ:ΓAutX(X~) ;

satisfying the following conditions:

  • each fibre of X~ is a generically étale Γ -torsor over X;
  • the singular locus of πq , i.e. the set of nodes of X~ , is contained in the étale locus of q.

We want to attach to any Γ -covering (X~qXπS) and to the group homomorphism ρ:ΓAut(G) a group scheme H over X in the same fashion as in [[2], Section 4].

Remark 2.2

We remark that Balaji and Seshadri consider ρ to map to the inner automorphisms of G only, i.e. arising from a morphism ΓG . Without imposing that restriction we allow also groups H which are non-split over the generic point of X.

First of all we consider the scheme G~:=X~×kG and let q(G~) be its Weil restriction along q, i.e. qG~(T):=HomX~(T×XX~,G~) for every T over X. It follows from [[8], Theorem 4 and Proposition 5, Section 7.6] that qG~ is representable by a smooth group scheme over X. The actions of Γ on G and on X~ induce the action of Γ on qG~ given by



for all tT and x~X~ .

We define H to be the subgroup of Γ -invariants of q(G~) , i.e.



We denote by h the sheaf of Lie algebras of H . Since H is smooth, as shown in [[10], Proposition 3.4], h is a vector bundle on X which is moreover equipped with a structure of Lie algebra.

Example 2.3

Let ρ:Γ=Z/2ZAut(SLr) be given by ρ(γ)M=(Mt)-1 and q:X~X a Γ -covering of smooth curves. The group H=(q(SLr×X~))Γ is the quasi split special unitary group associated to the extension k(X)k(X~) . Observe that only in the case r=2 this action comes from inner automorphisms.

Remark 2.4

The action of Γ on G via ρ induces an action on g:=Lie(G) . We equivalently could have defined h as the Lie algebra of Γ -invariants of q(gkOX~) .

Properties of Γ-coverings

In this section we recall the definitions and properties of coverings of curves. The main reference is [[7]], but we make the stronger assumption that all the points of X~ which are fixed by a non trivial element of Γ are smooth.

Ramification and branch divisors

Consider a Γ -covering (f:X~qXπS) . We define the ramification divisor R~ to be the effective Cartier divisor (p-1)X~Γ , where X~Γ is the subscheme of X~ fixed by Γ . Equivalently, since Γ does not have proper subgroups, X~Γ is the complement of the étale locus of q, which is either empty or an effective Cartier divisor of X~ . The reduced branch divisor R is the effective divisor given by the image of X~Γ in X. One can moreover observe that q(O(-R~))Γ is isomorphic to O(-R) .

Remark 2.5

If the map q is not étale both divisors R~ and R are finite and étale over S. This is proved in [[7], Proposition 3.1.1] for the smooth case only and in [[7], Proposition 4.1.8] for the general situation.

The ramification divisors are naturally related to tangent sheaves of X and X~ . Let TX~/S be the tangent sheaf of X~ relative to S, so that its sections are f-1OS -linear derivations of OX~ . Consider its pushforward to X along q and notice that the action of Γ on qOX~ induces an action on qTX~/S by sending a derivation D to γDγ-1 . The following statement, which describes the Γ -invariants of qTX~/S , follows from [[7], Proposition 4.1.11].

Proposition 2.6

The sheaf (qTX~/S)Γ over X is isomorphic to TX/S(-R) .

Hurwitz data. The Hurwitz data provide a description of the action of Γ at the ramification points. Before working with families we consider q:X~X , a Γ -covering of curves over k. Let x~X~(k)Γ be a ramification point and up to the choice of a local parameter t the formal disc around x~ is isomorphic to Spec(k[[t]]) . Since Γ fixes x~ , one of its generators acts on k[[t]] by sending t to ζt for a primitive p-th root unity ζ . It follows that the action of Γ on Spec(k[[t]]) is uniquely determined by non trivial characters χx~:Γk . Let Char(Γ) be the set of all non trivial characters of Γ and set R+(Γ):=χChar(Γ)Zχ . The ramification data or Hurwitz data of a Γ -covering X~X is the element



The degree of ξ=biχi is deg(ξ):=bi . Note that deg(ξ)=deg(X~Γ)=deg(R) .

Definition 2.7

Let X~XS be a Γ -covering with S connected. We say that it has Hurwitz data ξR+(Γ) if ξ is the Hurwitz data of one, hence all (see [[7], Lemme 3.1.3]), of its fibres.

We fix for the next two lemmas, a generator γ of Γ and ζk a primitive p-th root of 1. This identifies the set of characters of Γ with {0,,p-1} .

Lemma 2.8

Denote by Ei the OX -submodule of qOX~ where γ acts by multiplication by ζi . Then




The action of Γ on qOX~ provides the decomposition with E0OX . Observe furthermore that since OX is Γ -invariant, each eigenspace Ei is naturally an OX -module. Since the action of Γ is compatible with the product in qOX~ , the tensor product EiEp-i is a submodule of E0OX . Outside the branch divisor R this is an isomorphism so we only need to check what is the image along R . Let xR and call x~R~ the point above x so that O^X~,x~k[[t]] , with γ(t)=ζnt with n{1,,p-1} . If follows that (E^i)xt[i/n]R[[tp]] and (E^p-i)xtp-[i/n]k[[tp]] , where [i/n]{1,,p-1} denotes the product of i with the multiplicative inverse of n in Z/pZ . It follows that (E^i)x(E^p-i)xtpk[[tp]] which is isomorphic to the completion of O(-R) at the point x.

Lemma 2.9

Denote by g(i) the submodule of g where γ acts by multiplication by ζi . The sheaf h decomposes as




As the action of γ on g is diagonalizable with eigenvalues belonging to {1,ζ,...,ζp-1} , we can decompose g as g(-i) . As h is the Lie algebra of Γ -invariants of q(OX~kg)=qOX~kg , we can combine this with the description of qOX~ provided by Lemma 2.8 to obtain the wanted decomposition of h .

Remark 2.10

In view of the conclusions of Remark 3.1, the above lemmas, which we have proved in the case of coverings of curves over Spec(k) , hold for any family of coverings or curves over an arbitrary scheme S.

Example 2.11

The previous Lemma shows in particular that when the group Γ acts trivially on G, then h is isomorphic to gOX . It follows that when we are in this situation we retrieve the classical construction of conformal blocks attached to simple Lie algebras.

Hurwitz stacks

We define in this section the stack parametrizing Γ -coverings with fixed Hurwitz data ξR+(Γ) . Let g be a non negative integer. Let f:X~qXπS be a Γ -covering of curves and let σ:SX be a section of π with σ(S) disjoint from the nodes of X and from the branch locus R of q. We say that the covering is stably marked by σ if (X,σR) is a stable marked curve [[7], Définition 4.3.4. and Proposition 5.1.3]. This means that X is a family of curves with at most nodal singularities, the section σ is disjoint from the nodes and from the branch locus R , and the automorphism group of each fibre of XS preserving the marked locus σR is finite.

Definition 2.12

We define the Hurwitz stack Hur¯(Γ,ξ)g,n as

Hur¯(Γ,ξ)g,n(S)=f:X~qXπS,{σj:SX}j=1nsuch that i and ii hold


  • the map q:X~X is a Γ -covering of curves with ramification data ξ ;
  • (X,{σj}) is an n-marked curve of genus g such that each σj(S) is disjoint from the nodal locus and from the branch divisor R and such that the covering is stably marked by {σj} .

When n=0 we omit the subscript and use the notation Hur¯(Γ,ξ)g . We denote by Hur(Γ,ξ)g,n the open substack of Hur¯(Γ,ξ)g,n parametrizing Γ -coverings of smooth curves.

Remark 2.13

Although the notation might suggest that Hur¯(Γ,ξ)g,n is a compactification of Hur(Γ,ξ)g,n , the stack Hur¯(Γ,ξ)g,n is not proper because the ramification points avoid both marked and singular points.

In the previous section we explained how to associate to each Γ -covering (X~qXπS)Hur¯(Γ,ξ)g(S) , a group H (resp. a sheaf of Lie algebras h ) over X. This defines a group Huniv (resp. a sheaf of Lie algebras huniv ) on Xuniv , where we denote by X~univXuniv the universal covering on Hur¯(Γ,ξ)g . The same construction works on Hur¯(Γ,ξ)g,n , defining then Huniv and huniv on the universal curve Xuniv of Hur¯(Γ,ξ)g,n .

Remark 2.14

The complement Δuniv:=Hur¯(Γ,ξ)g,n\Hur(Γ,ξ)g,n is a normal crossing divisor. First of all observe that ΔM¯g,d:=M¯g,d\Mg,d is a normal crossing divisor: in fact given a nodal curve XSpec(k) with a reduced divisor D of degree d, there exists a versal deformation XS where the locus ΔS consisting of singular curves is a normal crossing divisor of S [[1]]. We now want to compare the deformation theory of a Γ -covering (X~X,{σi}) to the one of (X,{σi}R) . Following [[7], Théorème 5.1.5] we see that the natural map δ:Def(X~X,{σi})Def(X,{σi}R) fails to be an isomorphism only when the intersection between R and Xsing is not empty, but since by assumption we impose that RXsing= , in our contest this map is always an isomorphism. This then allows to obtain, from the versal deformation XS of (X,{σi}R) , the versal deformation (X~X,{ςi}) of (X~X,{σi}) , and hence deduce from the theory of M¯g,n+deg(R) that Δuniv is a normal crossing divisor.

The following statement, which is given by [[7], Proposition 2.3.9. and Théorème 6.3.1], describes the properties of the above stacks.

Proposition 2.15

The stacks Hur¯(Γ,ξ)g,n and Hur(Γ,ξ)g,n are connected smooth Deligne–Mumford stacks of finite type over Spec(k) .

Remark 2.16

We want to remark that the role of the ramification data is to guarantee the connectedness of Hur¯(Γ,ξ)g,n and Hur(Γ,ξ)g,n [[7], Proposition 2.3.9]. If the group Γ were not cyclic, however, fixing the ramification data would in general not suffice to guarantee the connectedness of Hur¯(Γ,ξ)g,n or Hur(Γ,ξ)g,n .

Instead of marking the curve X, we can mark the curve X~ , so that we define.

Definition 2.17

For each k-scheme S we set

Hur¯(Γ,ξ)gn(S)=f:X~qXπS,{τj:SX~}j=1nsuch that i and ii hold


  • the map q:X~X is a Γ -covering of curves with ramification data ξ ;
  • (X~,{τj}) is an n-marked curve with qτj(S) pairwise disjoint, qτj(S) disjoint from R for all j and such that the covering q is stably marked by {qτj} .

It follows, from the fact that the image of τ lies in the étale locus of q, that the map



is an étale and surjective morphism of stacks. For any n,mZ0 we also have the forgetful map



The advantage of marking the curve X~ instead of X lies in the following proposition.

Proposition 2.18

Let (X~qXπS,τ)Hur(Γ,ξ)g1(S) and write σ=qτ . The section τ induces an isomorphism between σH and G×kS .


Construct the cartesian diagram


and since by assumption the image of σ lies in the étale locus of q the left vertical arrow qS is étale and it has a section given by τ . This implies that S~ is isomorphic to γiΓS . Observe that qSσ~(G~)σq(G~) and that taking Γ -invariants commutes with restriction along σ . It follows that



where γjΓ acts on γiΓS×G by sending (si,gi)γi to (si,γj(gi))γjγi . It follows that the invariant elements are of the form (s,γi(g))γi for any sS and gG , so that the projection on any component of S×G realizes an isomorphism between σH and G×S . The map τ selects a preferred component, giving in this way a canonical isomorphism.

The sheaf of covacua and of conformal blocks

In this section we give the definition of the sheaves of covacua and of conformal blocks on Hur¯(Γ,ξ)g,n . We begin by considering the case n=1 and explain how to construct the sheaf V(V) on Hur¯(Γ,ξ)g,1 attached to a representation V of σhuniv . The sheaf of conformal blocks will be realized as the dual of V(V) . In order to define this sheaf on Hur¯(Γ,ξ)g,1 , we will define it for any family (f:X~qXπS,σ) over an affine and smooth base S=Spec(R) . We can assume moreover that X\σ(S)S is affine and we will see in Remark 5.4 how to drop this assumption.

For the classical definition of the sheaf of conformal blocks attached to a representation of g one can refer to [[25]] or to [[20]]. We will use the latter as main reference, from which we borrow the notation.

Let X:=X\σ(S) and denote by A the pushforward to S of OX , i.e.



where jA denotes the open immersion XX . Since the map π restricted to X is affine we have that X=Spec(A) and that Å=πlimnIσ-n=limnπIσ-n where Iσ=OX(-σ(S)) is the ideal defining σ(S) .

We denote by O^ the formal completion of OX along σ(S) : by definition σ gives a short exact sequence



of OX -modules. We define



which is naturally a sheaf of OS -modules. We denote by L the OS -module



which is equipped with a natural filtration FNL=πlimnZ>0IσN/IσN+n for N0 and FNL=πlimnZ>0IσN/Iσn for N-1 taking into account the order of the poles or zeros along σ(S) .

Remark 3.1

Recall that when R=k , the choice of a local parameter t, i.e. of a generator of Iσ , gives an isomorphism O^k[[t]] and hence Lk((t)) and so FnLtnk[[t]] . In the general case, since Iσ is locally principal, for every sσ(S) we can find an open covering U of X containing s and such that Iσ|U is principal. Let denote by S the open of S given by σ-1(U) and by U the open Uπ-1S . Then Iσ|U is principal and limnOU/(Iσ|U)n is isomorphic to OS[[t]] , where t is a generator of Iσ|U . This moreover implies that the completion of O^ at a point sS is isomorphic to O^S,s[[t]] , where O^S,s denotes the completion of OS at s.

Denote by hA the restriction of h to the open curve X and by hL the "restriction of h to the punctured formal neighbourhood around σ(S) ", and consider both sheaves as OS -modules naturally equipped with a Lie bracket. In other words we set



The following observations follow from the definitions.

  • The injective morphism Iσ-NlimnIσ-N/Iσn induces the inclusion hAhL .
  • The filtration on L defines the filtration FhL as
  • FN(hL)=πlimnZ>0IσN/IσN+nOXhandF-N(hL)=πlimnZ>0Iσ-N/IσnOXh


  • for all NZ0 and we denote F0(hL) by hO^ .
  • We could have equivalently defined hA as the Lie subalgebra of Γ -invariants of f(gkjA~OX~) where jA~ denotes the open immersion X~:=X~×XXX~ . This follows from the equalities
  • jAh=jA(q(gkOX~))Γ=(jAq(gkOX~))Γ=q(jA~(gkOX))Γ.


  • Similarly hL is the Lie subalgebra of Γ -invariants of gkL^ , where
  • L^:=limNZ0flimnZ>0(gkq(Iσ-N)/q(Iσn)).


Remark 3.2

Since σ(S) has trivial intersection with R , we can find an étale cover of S such that q-1(σ(S))=ΓS or in other terms such that the pull back of Iσ to the cover totally splits, i.e. qIσ=γΓIσ,γ . This implies that



which leads to hL(gk(γΓL))Γ where the action is given by

γj(Xγfγ)γ=(γj(Xγ)fγ)γjγfor allXγgandfγL.


It follows that the invariant elements are combination of elements of the type (γ(X)f)γ for Xg and fL . For every γΓ , the projection on the γ -th component



defines a non canonical isomorphism of sheaves of Lie algebras of hL with gL . The inverse of prγ is the map that sends the element Xf of gL to the p-tuple (γj(γ-1(X))f)γj .

The central extension of hL

Once we have defined hL and hA , in order to define V(V) , we need to extend hL centrally. Following [[16], Chapter 7], [[20]] and [[25]] we construct this central extension using a normalized Killing form and the residue pairing.

Normalized Killing form. We fix once and for all a maximal torus T of G and a Borel subgroup B of G containing T, or equivalently we fix the root system R(G,T)=R(g,t)t:=Hom(t,k) of G and a basis Δ of positive simple roots, where t=Lie(T) . Given a root α we denote by Hαt the associated coroot.

Denote by (|):ggk the unique multiple of the Killing form such that (Hθ|Hθ)=2 where θ is the highest root of g . As g is simple, this form gives an isomorphism (|) between g and g:=Hom(g,k) . Pulling back this form to X~ , then pushing it forward along q we obtain



where g~:=gOX~ . Since the Killing form is invariant under automorphisms of g , the bilinear form q(|)~ is Γ -equivariant. Taking Γ -invariants we obtain the pairing



which however is not perfect because of ramification. Combining this with the multiplication morphism Iσ-N/IσN+n×Iσ-N/IσN+nIσ-2N/Iσn and taking the limit on n and N we obtain the pairing (|)hL:hLLhLL which is perfect.

Residue pairing. We introduce the sheaf θL/S of continuous derivations of L which are OS linear. Denote its L -dual by ωL/S : this is the sheaf of continuous differentials of L relative to OS . Observe that when O^R[[t]] we have that θL/S is isomorphic to R((t))d/dt and ωL/S to R((t))dt .

The residue map Res:ωL/SOS is computed locally as Res(iNαitidt)=α-1 . Composing this with the canonical morphism hL×hLL we obtain the perfect pairing



The differential of a section. Let d:OX~ΩX~/S be the universal derivation, which induces the morphism d:gkOX~ΩX~/Skg by tensoring it with g . Let UX\R be an open subscheme of X containing σ(S) and which is smooth over S, and call U~=U×XX~ . Once we restrict d to U~ and we push it forward along q we obtain the map



by using the projection formula. Taking Γ -invariants one obtains d:h|UΩU/SOUh|U and since σ(S)U , this induces the map d:hLωL/SLhL . We can furthermore compose this map with the morphism hLhL given by the normalized Killing form (|)hL , obtaining



Remark 3.3

We could have equivalently defined dhL by using the local isomorphism between hL and gL . Using this approach, we can describe dhL as the map which associates to the element XfgL , the element df(X|-) belonging to ωL/SL(gL) .

Remark 3.4

Given X,YhL , we simply write (dX|Y) for dhL(X)(Y)ωL/S . Note that the following equality holds dL(X|Y)hL=(dX|Y)+(X|dY) , where dL:LωL/S is the universal derivation.

The central extension of hL . We have introduced all the ingredients we needed to be able to define the central extension 0cOSh^LhL0 of hL where c is a formal variable.

Definition 3.5

We define the sheaf of Lie algebras h^L to be hLcOS as OS -module, with cOS being in the centre of h^L and with Lie bracket defined as



for all X,YhL .

The Lie algebra h^L comes equipped with the filtration Fih^L=FihL for all i1 and Fih^L=FihLcOS for i0 .

Remark 3.6

We can locally describe the Lie algebra h^L as follows. Locally on S we know that we can lift σ to p distinct sections τ0,,τp-1 of f so that L~ is isomorphic to i=0p-1Li . We can define the central extension g^L~ of gkL~ as the module gkL~c~OS with the following Lie bracket:



where Resi computes the residue at the section τi . The induced action of Γ , which acts trivially on c~ , respects the Lie bracket, hence the Γ -invariants define a central extension of hL which coincide with h^L by setting c=c~/p .

As hAhL , one might wonder which is the Lie algebra structure induced on h^A .

Proposition 3.7

The inclusion hAhL induces a natural inclusion of hA in h^L .


The map hAh^L is given by the inclusion of hA into hL as modules, so we are only left to prove that this is a Lie algebra morphism. This can be checked locally on S, so in view of the Remark 3.6 h^L is given by the Γ -invariants of g^L~ . By definition hA is given by the Γ -invariants of gA~ and thanks to [[20], Lemma 5.1] we know that gA~ is a Lie sub algebra of g^L~ .

We can also prove the previous proposition as a consequence of the following two lemmas, which we present as they are going to be useful in Sect. 4. Let denote by ωA/S the pushforward to S of ωX\σ(S)/S , the relative dualizing sheaf of X\σ(S) over S. This is a subsheaf of ωL/S .

Lemma 3.8

The image of hA via dhL is ωA/SAhA .


We can restrict to the case of family of smooth curves, as on the singular points the result follows from [[20], Lemma 5.1] by identifying h with gOX . Recall from Lemma 2.9 that h=i=0p-1g(-i)kEi , and note that the image of Ei under d is Ei(R)OXΩX/S for i0 . To check this fact, it is enough to consider what happens locally at a point xR . As in the proof of Lemma 2.8, the completion of Ei at x is isomorphic to t[i/n]R[[tp]] , and the image of t[i/n] under d is [i/n]t[i/n]-1dt and dt=p-1t1-pd(tp) , we conclude that the image is a scalar multiple of t[i/n]-pd(tp) , hence it belongs to the completion of Ei(R)ΩX at x. Observe furthermore that (|) gives an isomorphism between g(i) and the dual of g(-i) . Since EiOXEp-iO(-R) for i0 and E0=OX it follows that if i0 we have



and similarly dhL(gΓkOX)=gΓkΩX/S which together yield dhL(hA)=ωA/SAhA .

Lemma 3.9

The annihilator of hA with respect to the pairing Resh , denoted AnnResh(hA) , is ωA/ShA .


Before starting with the proof, we remark that this lemma holds if we replace hA with any vector bundle E on X as it is essentially a consequence of Serre duality. We start by giving a description of the quotient hA\hL , as the annihilator of hA will be the dual of that quotient with respect to the residue pairing. The double quotient hA\hL/FnhL computes R1π(hOXIσn) . It follows that the projective limit limn1R1π(hOXIσn)) equals limn1hA\hL/FnhL which is hA\hL . As the residue pairing gives rise to Serre duality, we know that R1π(hOXIσn) is isomorphic to the dual of π(ωX/S(hIσn)) . It follows that



which equals ωA/SAhA .

Conformal blocks attached to integrable representations

We have all the ingredients to define the sheaf of conformal blocks. Let Uh^L denote the universal enveloping algebra of h^L and recall that F0hL=πlimnOX/Iσn , i.e. it's the subalgebra of hL which has no poles along σ(S) . Observe that this implies that it is also a Lie sub algebra of h^L .

Definition 3.10

For any Z>0 we define the Verma module of level to be the left Uh^L -module given by



For what follows we will need a generalization of this module attached to certain representations of σh .

Definition 3.11

An irreducible finite dimensional representation V of σh is a locally free OS -module which is equipped with an action of σh which locally étale on S, and up to an isomorphism of σh with g×OS , is isomorphic to VkOS for an irreducible finite dimensional representation V of g .

Let V be an irreducible finite dimensional representation of the Lie algebra σh : we will see how this induces a representation of h^L with the central element acting as multiplication by Z>0 . As first step, note that the exact sequence



defining σ(S) gives rise to the map of Lie algebras []Iσ:F0hLσh induced by the truncation map limnZ>0OX/IσnOX/Iσ . The action of σh on V is then extended to the action of F0h^L=F0hLcOS by imposing, for every vV and for every XF0hL , the relations



In view of this, once we fix Z>0 we always view a representation V of σh as a UF0h^L -module with the central part acting by multiplication by .

Definition 3.12

For every Z>0 we define the Verma module of level attached to V to be left Uh^L -module of level attached to V , meaning



where F0h^L acts on Uh^L by multiplication on the right and Uh^L acts on H~(V) by left multiplication.

Remark 3.13

Note that when V is the trivial representation of σh , we obtain that H~(V) coincides with H~(0) given in Definition 3.10.

In the constant case σhg , the properties of H~(V) have been studied in [[16], Chapter 7] when R=k and V an irreducible representation of g of level at most , where it is shown that it has a maximal irreducible quotient H(V) . From this, one generalizes the construction to families of curves, but still in the constant case σhg , meaning working on Hur¯(Γ,ξ)g1 . The new step is to descend H(V) from Hur¯(Γ,ξ)g1 to Hur¯(Γ,ξ)g,1 .

We first of all recall the construction in the constant case in Sect. 3.2.1 and then show how it descends to Hur¯(Γ,ξ)g,1 in Sect. 3.2.2.

Integrable representations of level ℓ on Hur¯(Γ,ξ)g1

The morphism Forg11:Hur¯(Γ,ξ)g1Hur(Γ,ξ)g,1 is a finite étale covering, so if we want to define a-module on Hur¯(Γ,ξ)g,1 , we could first define it on Hur¯(Γ,ξ)g1 and later show that the construction is Γ -equivariant, hence it descends to a module on Hur¯(Γ,ξ)g,1 . As already explained in Proposition 2.18, the advantage of working on Hur¯(Γ,ξ)g1 , is the identification of hL with gL , which allows us to use representation theory of g and of the affine Lie algebra g^L [[16], Chapter 7].

We recall here some facts about representation theory of g and g^L . Let R(G,T)=R(g,t) be the root system of g with basis of positive roots Δ . Denote by P+ the set of dominant weights of g and Hθ the highest coroot of g . Then for every Z>0 we set



In view of the correspondence between weights and irreducible representations of g , the set P represents the equivalence classes of representations of level at most , meaning those representations Vλ of g where X+1 acts trivially on Vλ for every nilpotent element Xg .

Remark 3.14

We note that the action of Γ on g induces an action of Γ on P in the following way. Let ϕ:g×VV be a representation of g , then we define the representation ϕγ:g×VV as ϕγ(X,v):=ϕ(γ-1X)v for all Xg and vV . If the representation ϕP , then also ϕγ belongs to P since Γ sends nilpotent elements to nilpotent elements.

The properties of H~(V) , for VP are well known and described for example in [[16], [25]] and in [[3]]. The main results are collected in the following proposition.

Proposition 3.15

For VP the following holds.

  • The module H~(V) contains a maximal proper Ug^L submodule ZV , so that it has a unique maximal irreducible quotient H(V):=H~(V)/ZV .
  • The natural map VH(V) sending v to 1v identifies V with the submodule of H(V) annihilated by UF1gL=Ugtk[[t]] .
  • The module H(V) is integrable, i.e. for any nilpotent element Xg and every f(t)k((t)) , the element Xf(t) acts locally nilpotently on H(V) .

It follows that to every (X~XSpec(k),τ)Hur¯(Γ,ξ)g1(Spec(k)) and VP , we can associate the irreducible Uh^L module H(V) realized as the maximal irreducible quotient of H~(V) .

Let (X~XS,τ)Hur¯(Γ,ξ)g1(S) and call σ the composition pτ . An isomorphism of hL with gL is fixed by τ , as well as an isomorphism of σh with gkOS . Denote by V:=VkOS the extension of scalars of V from k to OS , so that V is naturally a representation of gkOS=σh . We show how to construct H(V) as quotient of H~(V) .

Let us assume first that O^OS[[t]] , which provides an isomorphism H~(V)H~(V)kOS of g^L modules. Observe that this isomorphism does not depend on the choice of the parameter t but only on the isomorphism hLgL .

It follows that H~(V) has a unique maximal Ug^kk((t)) proper submodule ZS:=ZVOS , where ZV is the maximal proper submodule of H(V) . We define H(V) as the quotient H~(V)/ZS or equivalently as H(V)OS . This construction uses a choice of the isomorphism hLgL , but since ZV and hence ZS satisfy a maximality condition, they do not depend on the isomorphism hLgL , concluding that H(V) is the maximal irreducible quotient representation of Uh^L attached to V .

We now drop the assumption O^OS[[t]] . Since Iσ is locally principal, we can find an open covering {Ui} of X such that Iσ|Ui is principal. This implies that limnOUi/Iσ|Uin is isomorphic to OSi[[t]] where Si:=σ-1(Ui) . Observe that this does not imply that O^SOSiOSi[[t]] , but only that O^^SOSiOSi[[t]] . Consider then the sheaf of Lie algebras gLi:=gOSi((t))gL^OSi , and construct the Ug^Li -module H~(V)i as explained in the previous section.


The inclusion gLOSigLi induces an isomorphism of OSi -modules H~(V)SOSiH~(V)i .


We need to prove that H~(V)SOSiH~(V)i is surjective. We use induction on the length of the elements of UgLi , where the length of an element uUgLi is the minimum n such that uj=0ngLij . Let aXgLi with Xg and a=i-NaitiOSi((t)) , and take vV . The class of aXv in H~(V)i is the same as the one of [aX]v:=[a]Xv , where [a]=i-N0aiti , which then belongs to H~(V)SOSi . Let now Y=Y1Yn be an element of UgLi , and note that in H~(V)i the element Yv is equivalent to the class of ([Yn][Y1]+u)v where u has length lower than n. Using the induction hypothesis we conclude the proof.

We define the OSi -module H(V)|Si to be H(V)i=H~(V)i/Zi . This gives rise to the OS -module H(V) because on the intersection Sij the modules H(V)i and H(V)j are isomorphic via the transition morphisms defining Iσ . Equivalently we could have defined Z|Si to be the image of Zi in H~(V)|Si and so H(V)|Si would have been the quotient of H~(V)|Si by Z|Si . The modules Z|Si glue and give rise to a g^L -module Z on S, so that H(V) is given by H~(V)/Z . This construction is invariant under the action of Γ , hence it defines h^L as a Uh^L -module.

Integrable representations of level ℓ on Hur¯(Γ,ξ)g,1

We show here how to descend H(V) from Hur¯(Γ,ξ)g1 to Hur¯(Γ,ξ)g,1 , so let consider (X~qXπS,σ)Hur(Γ,ξ)g,1¯(S) . The first issue is that, unless we choose an isomorphism between σh and g , we are not able to provide a representation of σh associated to a VP . In fact, one obstruction to this, as we noticed in Remark 3.14, is that Γ does not in general act trivially on P . Moreover, an isomorphism between σh and g exists only étale locally on S, so we cannot expect to associate to an element VP a module on Hur(Γ,ξ)g,1¯ . The following set is what replaces P .

Definition 3.16

A representation V of σh is said to be of level at most if for every nilpotent element X of σh , then X+1 acts trivially on V . Equivalently this means that locally étale we can identify V with VOS for a representation VP . Define IrRep(σh) or by abuse of notation only IrRep(σ) or IrRep to be the set of isomorphism classes of irreducible and finite dimensional representations V of σh of level at most .

The main step towards the definition of the sheaf of conformal blocks attached to VIrRep is the following result.

Proposition 3.17

Let VIrRep(σh) . Then there exists a unique maximal proper Uh^L submodule Z of H~(V) .


We show that the maximal proper submodule of H~(V) on Hur¯(Γ,ξ)g1 descends along Forg11 to the maximal proper submodule of H~(V) on Hur¯(Γ,ξ)g,1 . Recall that since σ(S) does not intersect the branch locus of q, we can find an étale covering SS such that the pullback of (X~XS,σ) lies in the image of Forg11 . This implies that to give VIrRep is equivalent to give an irreducible and finite dimensional representation V of σh and an isomorphism ϕ:p1Vp2V satisfying the cocycle conditions on S , where pi:S=S×SSS is the projection on the i-th component.

This tells us moreover that H~(V) is obtained by descending H~(V) from S to S. Observe that up to the choice of an isomorphism σhgkOS , the representation V belongs to P , hence Z and H(V) are well defined.

Since hL is a module on OS , we have a canonical isomorphism ϕ12:p1hL|Sp2hL|S satisfying the cocycle conditions on S:=S×SS . Recall moreover that Z is the maximal proper Uh^L submodule of H~(V) , which is then Γ -invariant. This induces an isomorphism between p1Z and p2Z which satisfies the cocycle condition on S and it is independent of the isomorphism hLgL . This implies that Z descends to a h^L -module Z on S which is maximal by construction.

For every VIrRep , the maximal irreducible quotient of H~(V) by Z is denoted H(V) and, in view of Proposition 3.15, satisfies the following properties:

Corollary 3.18

  • The natural map VH(V) sending v to 1v identifies V with the submodule of H(V) annihilated by UF1h^L .
  • The module H(V) is integrable.

Since hA is a Lie subalgebra of h^L , it acts on H(V) by left multiplication.

Definition 3.19

The sheaf of covacua attached to V is the sheaf of OS modules defined as



By abuse of notation we are going to denote this OS -module simply by V(V)X . The sheaf of conformal blocks attached to V is the dual V(V)X of the sheaf of covacua.

When V is the trivial representation of σh , we denote H(V) by H(0) and hA\H(0) by V(0)X .

Given compatible families {V(σ)}{X~XS,σ} defining an element V of IrRep(σuniv) , the collection V(V(σ))X defines V(V) on Hur¯(Γ,ξ)g,1 which is called the universal sheaf of covacua. Its dual module is the universal sheaf of conformal blocks.

Conformal blocks on Hur¯(Γ,ξ)g,n

We extend the notion of covacua, and hence of conformal blocks, to the case in which more points of X, and by consequence more representations, are fixed. This will allow in a second time to express the factorization rules and, in view of the propagation of vacua, to drop the assumption that in the case n=1 we can only work with irreducible curves. This is explained in the classical contest in the last paragraphs of [[20], Section 3].

Let (X~qXπS,σ1,,σn) be an S=Spec(R) point of Hur¯(Γ,ξ)g,n . For all i{1,,n} we denote by Si the divisor of X defined by σi and by Ii its ideal of definition. We denote by X the open complement of S1Sn in X and we denote by hA the pushforward to S of h restricted to X , in other words hA:=π(hOXOX) . As in the case n=1 , we assume that XS is affine.

In the same way as we defined O^ in the case n=1 , we set now O^i to be the formal completion of OX at Si , i.e. O^i=πlimnOX/(Ii)n . We set Li=limNπlimnIi-N/Iin and



for all i{1,,n} . The direct sum hL1hLn is denoted by hL and L=Li .

We extend centrally hLi in the same way as we did in the case n=1 obtaining h^Li with central element ci . We denote by h^L the direct sum of h^Li modulo the relation that identifies all the central elements ci 's so that



is exact. The Lie algebra hA is still a sub Lie algebra of h^L .

Let i{1,,n} . We denote by IrRep(i) the set of irreducible and finite dimensional representations of σih of level at most . As we have just done in Sect. 3.2.2 we attach to any ViIrRep(i) the irreducible Uh^Li -module H(Vi) . Taking their tensor product we obtain



which then is a Uh^L -module with central charge c acting by multiplication by . Since hA is a Lie subalgebra of h^L , we can take the sheaf of coinvariants with respect to that action.

Definition 3.20

The sheaf of covacua attached to (Vi)i=1n is the OS -module



The dual module V(V1,,Vn)X is the sheaf of conformal blocks attached to (Vi)i=1n .

For every i{1,,n} , we consider Vi as a representation of σi,univh defined by a compatible family {Vi(σi)}{X~XS,{σj}} of representations of σih . The collection of V(V1(σ1),,Vn(σn))X defines the module V(V1,,Vn) on Hur¯(Γ,ξ)g,n which we call the universal sheaf of covacua attached to {Vi} . Its dual module V(V1,,Vn) is the universal sheaf of conformal blocks attached to {Vi}

The main result of this paper is the following:

Theorem 3.21

The sheaf of covacua V(V1,,Vn) on Hur¯(Γ,ξ)g,n is a vector bundle of finite rank.

As a first step in the direction of the proof, and inspired by [[24], Section 2.5] we prove the following statement.

Proposition 3.22

The sheaf V(V1,,Vn) is a coherent module on Hur¯(Γ,ξ)g,1 .


It is enough to show that the OS -module V(V1,,Vn)X is coherent and we show it in the case n=1 . We furthermore observe that this is essentially a consequence of [[24], Lemma 2.5.2]. As this is a local statement, we can assume that LR((t)) and we can fix an isomorphism hLgL . Observe that the quotient hA\hL/F0hL is a finitely generated R-module as it computes H1(X,h) and h is locally free over X. This implies that hA\h^L/F1hL is finitely generated too over R and so we can choose finitely many generators e1,,en so that we can write



which in terms of enveloping algebras becomes



thing that can be proven using induction on the length of elements of Uh^L .

We can furthermore assume that the elements ei acts locally nilpotently on H(V) , meaning that there exists MZ>0 such that eiM acts trivially on H(V) . In fact we might use the isomorphism hL with gL and the Cartan decomposition of g=tαR(g,t)gα . The algebras gα 's are nilpotent and generate g , so that gL is generated by αR(g,t)gαL . This means that also the elements ei are generated by elements of αR(g,t)gαL so that, up to replace ei with a choice of nilpotent generators, we can ensure that all the ei 's live in αR(g,t)gαL and so using Corollary 3.18 (2) the ei 's will act locally nilpotently on H(V) .

It follows that



and that



Using induction on n and the fact that the ei 's act locally nilpotently, we can conclude that the sum can be taken over finitely many (N1,,Nn)Z0n , hence that the quotient hA\H(V)=V(V)X is finitely generated.

The projective connection on sheaves of covacua

We want to prove that the sheaf of covacua V(V1,,Vn) is a vector bundle on the Hurwitz stack Hur¯(Γ,ξ)g,n . This will in particular imply that also its dual V(V1,,Vn) is a vector bundle, and that its rank is constant on Hur¯(Γ,ξ)g,n . Since we already know that V(V1,,Vn) is coherent, one method to exhibit local freeness is to provide a projectively flat connection on it. In this section we provide a projective action of THur¯(Γ,ξ)g,1/k(-log(Δ)) on V(V) , showing its freeness when restricted to Hur(Γ,ξ)g,1 . We will explain in detail how to achieve this in the case n=1 , and postpone to the end of the section the situation with more marked points.

The tangent to Hur¯(Γ,ξ)g,1

Let (X~X,σ)Hur¯(Γ,ξ)g,1(Spec(k)) and recall that in Remark 2.14 we saw that the tangent space of Hur¯(Γ,ξ)g,1 at (X~X,σ) is isomorphic to the tangent space of Mg,(1+deg(ξ)) at (X,σR) . The latter, which is the space of infinitesimal deformations of (X,σR) , can be explicitly described as the space Ext1(ΩX/k,O(-R-σ(S)) [[1], Chapter XI] which sits in the short exact sequence



where the last term is supported on the singular points of X.

We now use the assumption that (X,σR) is a stable marked curve to ensure that there exists a versal family XS with a reduced divisor σX+RX deforming it and such that the subscheme of S whose fibres are singular is a normal crossing divisor Δ . Call s0 the point of S such that X|s0 is X. The versality condition means that the Kodaira–Spencer map



is an isomorphism, so that we identify the tangent space of Hur¯(Γ,ξ)g,1 at (X~X,σ) with the tangent space of S at s0 . The conclusion is that to provide a projective connection on V(V) is equivalent to provide a projective action of TS/k on V(V)X for every versal family X~qXπS . As aforementioned, we will however not be able to provide a projective action of the whole TS/k , but only of the submodule TS/k(-log(Δ)) , which via the Kodaira–Spencer map is identified with R1π(TX/S(-R-σ(S))) .

Tangent sheaves and the action of Γ

In view of the previous observations, we assume that (X~qXπS,σ)Hur¯(Γ,ξ)g,1(S) is a versal family, so that the locus of points s of S such that the fibres Xs (or equivalently X~s ) are non smooth is a normal crossing divisor Δ of S. We give in this section a description of TS/k(-log(Δ)) and TS/k , by realizing it as a quotient of certain sheaves of derivations. We already introduced in Sect. 3.1 the OS -module θL/S of continuous OS -linear derivations of L and we define now θL,S as the OS -module of continuous k-linear derivations of L which restrict to derivations of OS . Observe that θL/S and θL,S depend only on the marked curve (XS,σ) , so the following well known result belongs to the classical setting.

Proposition 4.1

The sequence of OS -modules



is exact.

In similar fashion we now describe the subsheaf TS/k(-log(Δ)) as quotient of appropriate sheaves of derivations. Following the notation of [[20]], we denote by θA/S the sheaf of derivations fTX~/S and in view of Proposition 2.6, we write θA/S(-R) to denote (f(TX~/S))Γ . In a similar way we consider the action of Γ on the pushforward to S of TX~,S , the sheaf of k-linear derivations of OX~ which restrict to derivations of f-1OS and we call θA,S(-R) the sub module of Γ -invariants.

Remark 4.2

Recall that we defined L~ as limNZ0flimnZ>0(qIσ)-N/(qIσ)n and define now



or equivalently θL~/S is the OS -module of continuous derivations of L~ which are OS -linear. Thanks to Proposition 2.6, the OS -submodule of Γ -invariants of θL~/S is identified with limNZ0πlimnZ>0TX/S(-R)OXIσ-N/Iσn which equals limNZ0πlimnZ>0TX/SOXIσ-N/Iσn as R and σ(S) are disjoint. The latter is the OS -module of continuous and OS -linear derivations of L , which is θL/S .

The previous remark implies moreover that θA/S is a submodule of θL/S .

Remark 4.3

Observe that the action of TX~/S (resp. of TX~,S ) on gkOX~ by coefficientwise derivation is Γ -equivariant. This implies that (qTX~/S)Γ (resp. (qTX~,S)Γ ) acts on h and we will say that the action is by coefficientwise derivation. In particular θA/S(-R) (resp. θA,S(-R) ) acts on hA by coefficientwise derivation and the same holds for θL/S and θL,S acting on hL .

Proposition 4.4

The sequence



is exact.


As taking Γ -invariants is an exact functor ( char(k)=0 ) and Γ acts trivially on TS/k(-log(Δ)) , it suffices to prove that the sequence



is exact. This statement does not depend on the covering, and appears in [[20]] and [[24]].

The Virasoro algebra of L

Now that we can express TS/k(-log(Δ)) as θA,S(-R)/θA/S(-R) , we will define a projective action of θA,S(-R) on V(V) which factors through that quotient.

In order to achieve this result, we will follow the methods of [[20]] and define as first step the Virasoro algebra θ^L/S of L as a central extension of θL/S . We report in this section the construction of θ^L/S as explained in [[20], Section 2], for which we will use the same notation. As mentioned before, the OS -module θL/S does not depend on the covering, and the same holds for its central extension θ^L/S . The reader who is already familiar with the construction, can therefore skip this section.

The Lie algebras l and its central extension l^ . We denote by l the sheaf of abelian Lie algebras (over S) whose underlying module is L . The filtration FL gives the filtration Fl . Denote by Ul the universal enveloping algebra, which is isomorphic to Sym(l) since l is abelian. This algebra is not complete with respect to the filtration Fl , so we complete it on the right obtaining



Remark 4.5

Note that in this case the completions on the right limnUl/UlFnl and on the left limnFnlUl\Ul coincide because l is abelian. The element iZ>0t-iti belongs to U¯l , as well as iZ>0t-(i)mti for every mZ>0 . However iZ>0t-it is not an element of U¯l .

We extend centrally l via the residue pairing, defining the Lie bracket on l^=lOS as



for every f,gl and r,sOS . The filtration of l extends to a filtration of l^ by setting Fil^=Fil for i0 and Fil^=FilOS for i0 . The universal enveloping algebra of l^ is denoted by Ul^ and U¯l^ denotes its completion on the right with respect to the filtration Fl^ . Note that since is a central element, we have that U¯l^ is an OS[] algebra so that we will write 2 instead of and similarly n for every nZ>0 .

Remark 4.6

Since l^ is no longer abelian, completion on the right and on the left differ. Take for example the element iZ>0tit-i which belongs to U¯l . It does not belong to Ul^¯ : an element on the completion on the right morally should have zeros of increasing order on the right side, but in this case, in order to "bring the element ti on the right side", we should use the equality tit-i=t-iti+i infinitely many times, which is not allowed.

The Virasoro algebra of L . We want to use the residue morphism Res:ωL/SOS to view θL/S as an OS submodule of U¯l^ and induce from this a central extension. Let DθL/S , and since ωL/S and θL/S are L dual we identify D with the map



Notice that since Res(D(α)β)=Res(D(β)α) , we have that ϕD is an element of (Sym2(ωL/S)) . Moreover, since the latter is canonically isomorphic to the closure of Sym2(l) in U¯l , we will consider ϕD as an element of U¯l . We define C:θL/SU¯l by setting 2C(D)=ϕD .

Remark 4.7

Assume for simplicity that R=k and identify L with k((t)) . For every iZ we set αi=t-i-1dt and ai=ti so that Res(ai,αj)=δij and {αi} and {ai} are linearly independent generators of ωL/S and L . Then we can write explicitly



In general, let {αi} and {ai} be linearly independent generators of ωL/S and L with the property that Res(ai,αj)=δij . Then we can write



which is a well defined object of U¯l thanks to the previous remark.

As explained in [[20], Section 2], the central extension l^ and the inclusion C:θL/SU¯l^ induce a central extension θ^L/S of θL/S . We recall here how this is achieved. Consider now ll , and call l2 its image in Ul^ . This means that l2=llOS modulo the relation fg=gf+Res(gdf) . Denote by l2¯ its closure in U¯l^ and observe the following diagram


where [-] is the reduction modulo the central element OS so that the short sequence is exact.

Definition 4.8

We define θ^L/S to be the pullback of θL/S along [-] . Equivalently its elements are pairs (D,u)θL/S×l2¯ such that C(D)=umodOS .

Denote by C^:θ^L/SU¯l^ the injection C^(D,u)=u and we write [-]θ for the pullback of [-] along C so that we have the commutative diagram with exact rows


Observe, for example using Remark 4.7, that the map C is not a Lie algebra morphism, and so θ^L/S does not arise naturally as a Lie algebra which centrally extends θL/S .

We however want to induce a Lie bracket on θ^L/S from the one of U¯l^ by conveniently modifying C^ . To understand how to do this, local computations are carried out.

Definition 4.9

Choose a local parameter t so that locally LOS((t)) . Define the normal ordering :::Sym2(l)¯l2¯ by setting



and extend it by linearity to every element of Sym2(l)¯ .

The map :: defines a section of [-] , so that (Id,::C) is a section of [-]θ . Once we make the choice of a local parameter defining the ordering :: , we will denote by D^ the element (D,:C(D):)θ^L/S . Consider the following relations which hold in U¯l^ and which are proved in [[20], Lemma 2.1].

Lemma 4.10

Let DθL/S and Di=ti+1d/dtθL/S , Then we have

  • [C^(D^),f]=-D(f) for every fll^ ;
  • [C^(D^k),C^(D^l)]=-(l-k)C^(D^k+l)+k3-k122δk,-l .

This suggests to rescale the morphism C^ and to define



which is injective and its image is a Lie subalgebra of the target. Denote by c0 the element (0,-) which is sent to 1 by T. By construction we obtain the following result.

Proposition 4.11

[[20], Corollary-Definition 2.2] The Lie algebra structure induced on θ^L/S by T is a central extension of the canonical Lie algebra structure on θL/S by c0OS . This is called the Virasoro algebra of L .

Sugawara construction

In this section we generalize to our case, i.e. using h^L in place of g^L , the construction of



described by Looijenga in [[20], Corollary 3.2], which essentially represents the local picture of our situation. In the classical case the idea is to use the Casimir element of g to induce, from C^ , the map C^g:θ^L/SU¯g^L which, in turn, will give the map of Lie algebras Tg . When in place of gL we have hL , we can run the same argument using the element Casimir c of hL .

As in Sect. 3.1, we consider the normalized Killing form defined on g . Recall that it provides an isomorphism between g and g , hence it gives an identification of gg with Endk(g)=gg . Moreover, as σ(S) is disjoint from the ramification locus, we also have that (|)hL provides an isomorphism of hL with hL , giving in this way an identification of hLLhL with EndL(hL) . The Casimir element of hL with respect to the form (|)hL is the element in hLLhL corresponding to the identity IdhL via the identification provided by (|) . We denote it by c .

Remark 4.12

We could have defined the Casimir element of hL via the local isomorphism of hL with gL . Let c(g) be the Casimir element of g , and observe that via the inclusion ggL , we can see it as an element of gLLgL . Since c(g) is invariant under automorphisms, it is invariant under Γ , hence it gives an element hLLhL which equals c .

Since (|) is a symmetric form, we have that also c is a symmetric element of hLLhL and moreover c lies in the centre of UL(hL) . As hL is simple over L , this implies that there exists hˇk such that ad(c)X=2hˇX for all XhL , where ad(-) denotes the adjoint representation of hL .

Remark 4.13

Locally, for every bases {Xi}i=1dim(g) and {Yi}i=1dim(g) of hL such that (Xi|Yj)hL=δij we have the explicit description of c as i=1dim(g)XiYi . It follows that hˇ is given by the equality i=1dim(g)[Xi,[Yi,Z]]=2hˇZ for every ZhL .

Let denote by U¯h^L the completion on the right of Uh^L with respect to the filtration Fh^L given by FnhL for n1 . We now construct γ^c:l¯U¯h^L which composed with C^ will give C^h:θ^L/SU¯h^L .

Let consider the map γc:lOSlhLOShLUh^L given by tensoring with c . This map uniquely extends to a map of Lie algebras l2Uh^L as follows. Using local bases as in Remark 4.13 and the symmetry of c we deduce the following equality



and recalling that Remark 3.4 implies that (dXi|Yi)=-(dYi|Xi) , we conclude that



We then define γ^c:l2Uh^L by sending to cdim(g) and acting as γc on ll . Such a map can be extended to the closure of l2 in U¯l^ once we extend the target to U¯h^L , obtaining γ^c:l2¯Uh^L . We define C^h as the composition



As for C^ , also in this case the morphism C^h does not preserve the Lie bracket, and thanks to local computation we understand how to solve this issue. Following [[25]] we first of all extend the normal ordering defined in Definition 4.9 as follows.

Definition 4.14

Let fix an isomorphism between L and R((t)) for a local parameter tIσ . Let Xtn and Ytm be elements of gL=gR((t)) . Then we set



This definition is Γ -equivariant, hence defines a normal ordering on hLhL .

This defines a section from the image of γc to the image of γ^c which makes the diagram to commute:


For any DθL/S , we write C^h(D^) to denote the element γcC(D)=γ^c:C(D): .

Remark 4.15

As we have done in Remark 4.7 we can write locally the element C^h(D^) in a more explicit way. Consider the morphism 1(|):ωL/ShLωL/ShL and, after tensoring it with hL , compose it with Resh to obtain the pairing Res(|):ωL/SLhL×hLOS . Let {Ai} and {Bi} be orthonormal bases of ωL/ShL and hL with respect to Res(|) . Then for every DθL/S we have



where we see D as a linear map ωL/SL , so that D(Ai)hL .

As in [[20], Lemma 3.1] we have the following result.

Lemma 4.16

The following equalities hold true in U¯h^L :

  • [C^h(D^),X]=-(c+hˇ)D(X) for all XhL and DθL/S ;
  • [C^h(D^k),C^h(D^l)]=(c+hˇ)(k-l)C^h(D^k+l)+cdim(g)(c+hˇ)k3-k12δk,-l where Di=ti+1d/dt .

As Lemma 4.10 also Lemma 4.16 suggests to rescale C^h and consider instead the map



which is compatible with the Lie brackets of θ^L/S and U¯h^L[(c+hˇ)-1] , proving the following statement.

Proposition 4.17

The map Th is a homomorphism of Lie algebras which sends the central element c0=(0,-) to (cdim(g))/(c+hˇ) . We call Th the Sugawara representation of θ^L/S .

Fock representation

We induce the representation Th to the quotient F+(hL) of U¯h^L defined as



By abuse of notation call Th the composition of Th with the projection of U¯h^L to F+(hL) , so that F+(hL) is a representation of θ^L/S . We can depict the result as follows


where the first vertical arrow maps c0 to cdim(g)(hˇ+c)-1·Id and by abuse of notation we wrote Th instead of Th(-) .

Remark 4.18

We give a local description of how the action looks like. Choose for this purpose a local parameter t of Iσ so that we can associate to DθL/S the element D^θ^L/S . Let XrX1 be representatives of an element of F+(hL) with XihL . Then the action of θL/S is described as follows



where D(Xi) denotes the image of Xi under coefficientwise derivation by D (Remark 4.3).

Projective representation of θL,S

We define in this section a map of Lie algebras PTh,S:θL,SPEnd(H(V)) which is induced by Th and which will lead, in a second time, to a projective connection on the sheaves of covacua. By duality, this will induce a projective connection on conformal blocks. The construction of PTh,S in the classical case is the content of [[20], Corollary 3.3].

Let F0θL/S be the subsheaf of θL/S given by those derivations D such that D(F1L)F1L , and similarly we set F0θL,S to be the subsheaf of θL,S whose elements D satisfy D(F1L)F1L .

Remark 4.19

Assume that L=OS((t)) so that every element of F0θL/S is written as D=i0aitid/dt . The element Th(D^) acts on V as the operator a0-2(+hˇ)c where c is the Casimir element of hL , hence the action is by scalar multiplication. Combining this with Remark 4.18, we obtain that F0(θL/S) acts on H(V) by coefficientwise derivation up to scalars.

As in the classical case, also in our context this observation is the key input to define PTh,S . In fact we let F0θL,S act on H(V) by coefficientwise derivation so that we obtain a map



which uniquely defines the Lie algebra homomorphism



and hence the central extension θ^L,SθL,S and the map Th,S:θ^L,SEnd(H(V)) .


We only have to prove that the Lie algebra generated by F0θL,S and θL/S is θL,S . This can be checked locally, where the choice of a local parameter t allows us to split the exact sequence



hence to write θL,S as θL|STS/k . We can in fact decompose every element DθL,S as DverDhor which are uniquely determined by the conditions

()DverθL|S,Dhor(t)=0andDhor(s)=D(s)for allsOS.


This implies that F0θL,S=F0θL/STS/k , concluding the argument.

Remark 4.20

Assume that L=R((t)) so that we can write every element DθL,S as D=Dver+Dhor satisfying () . Then Remark 4.18 tells us that the action of D on H(V) is given by componentwise derivation by D plus right multiplication by T(D^ver) .

Remark 4.21

We want to remark that in the case in which V is the trivial representation, then the central extension θ^L,S is isomorphic to θ^L/STS/k , viewed as a Lie subalgebra of gl(H(0)) , where the action of TS/k is by coefficientwise derivation. In fact in the previous proof we saw that locally on S, and up to the choice of a local parameter this is the case. By looking at Remark 4.19 and the previous proof, we note that the obstruction to deduce this statement globally lies in the action of the Casimir element ch on V . When V is the trivial representation ch acts as multiplication by zero, hence there is no obstruction. In particular, the central charge c0=(0,-)θ^L,S acts by multiplication by dim(g)/(+hˇ) .

The projective connection on Vℓ(V)

The aim of this section is to induce, from PTh,S , the projectively flat connection :TS/k(-log(Δ))PEnd(V(V)X) . In Proposition 4.4 we realised TS/k(-log(Δ)) as the quotient θA,S(-R)/θA/S(-R) , so that the content of this section can be summarized in the following statement.

Lemma 4.22

The actions of θA,S and of θA/S(-R) on H(V) induce a projective action of TS(-log(Δ)) on V(0)X . In particular V(V)X is locally free if restricted to S\Δ .

As a consequence of it, we obtain that V(V) is locally free on Hur(Γ,ξ)g,1 . This is the first step to the proof of Theorem 3.21.

Corollary 4.23

The sheaf V(V) on Hur¯(Γ,ξ)g,1 is equipped with a projectively flat connection with logarithmic singularities along the boundary Δuniv . In particular V(V) is locally free on Hur(Γ,ξ)g,1 .


As pointed out in Sect. 4.1 the tangent space of Hur¯(Γ,ξ)g,1 at a versal covering (X~qXπS,σ) is identified via the Kodaira–Spencer map with the tangent bundle TS/k(-log(Δ)) . The previous theorem gives the projective action of the latter on V(V)X , concluding in this way the argument.

Proof of Lemma 4.22. We first of all prove that the action of θA,S(-R) on H(V) descends to V(V)X .

Proposition 4.24

The projective action of θA,S(-R) on H(V) preserves the space hAH(V) , hence induces a projective action on V(V)X .


By the local description of the action of θA,S(-R) explained in Remark 4.20, it suffices to show that the action of θA,S(-R) on hA by coefficientwise derivation is well defined. This follows from Remark 4.3.

We denote by PThA,S the morphism θA,S(-R)V(V)X induced by PTh,S . To conclude the proof of Lemma 4.22 we are left to show the following proposition.

Proposition 4.25

The morphism PThA,S:θA,S(-R)PEnd(V(V)X) factorizes through




We need to prove that θA/S(-R) acts on V(V)X by scalar multiplication. As this can be checked locally, we can assume to have a local parameter, so that we can associate to DθA/S the element D^θ^L/S . We need to prove that, up to scalars, Th(D^) lies in the closure of hAhL in U¯h^L[(c+hˇ)-1] .

For this purpose we use the description of C^h(D^) provided in Remark 4.15. Let consider the orthonormal bases with respect to Res(|) given by elements {αi,βj} and {ai,bj} of ωL/ShL and hL and with aihA . From Remark 4.15 we can write



Observe that up to an element in cOS we have the equality D(αi)ai=aiD(αi) , so that to conclude it is enough to show that D(βj)hA . To do this, we first need to identify where βj 's live. Since the basis is Res(|) -orthonormal we know from Lemma 3.9 that (1(|)hL)(βj)ωAhA .

Recall that in Lemma 2.9, we decomposed h as i=0p-1g(-i)Ei . Using this decomposition, and the fact that (|)h provides an isomorphism between g(-i)kEi and (g(i)kEp-i(R)) for i0 , we deduce that



It follows that



and hence is contained in hA=i=0p-1g(-i)kπEi|X .

Projective connection on Vℓ(V1,⋯,Vn)

As we did in Sect. 3.2.3, whose notation we are going to use here, we extend also the projective connection to the case in which more points on X are fixed. Observe first of all that the identification of the tangent space of Hur¯(Γ,ξ)g,n at a versal covering (X~qXπS,{σi}) with TS/k(-log(Δ)) still holds. Since Proposition 4.4 still holds, this implies that we are allowed to provide the projective connection on V(V1,,Vn)X in terms of a projective action of θA,S(-R) on V(V1,,Vn)X .

We denote by θL/S the direct sum of θLi/S , and we obtain a central extension θ^L/S thereof as the quotient of the direct sum of θ^Li/S which identifies (0,i)θ^Li/S with (0,j)θ^Lj/S . The Sugawara representation Th:θ^L/SU¯h^L[(c+hˇ)-1] is induced from the Sugawara representations of θ^Li/S and gives the projective action of θL,S on H(V1,,Vn) .

Combining all these elements with the case n=1 we obtain the following generalization of Corollary 4.23.

Corollary 4.26

For every i{1,,n} let ViIrRep(σi,univh) . The coherent module V(V1,,Vn) is equipped with a projective action of THur¯(Γ,ξ)g,n(-log(Δ)) . In particular it is locally free over Hur(Γ,ξ)g,n .

Factorization rules and propagation of vacua

We show in this section that the sheaf V(0) descends to Hur(Γ,ξ)g by means of the propagation of vacua, and we provide the factorization rules which compare the fibre of V(0) over a nodal curve X with the fibres of the sheaves V(V) on its normalization XN . We will proceed following the approach of [[20], Section 4].

Independence of number of sections

In this section we want to show that the sheaf V(0) actually descends to a vector bundle on Hur(Γ,ξ)g as a consequence of Proposition 5.1. Following [[3], Proposition 2.3] we state and prove the aforementioned proposition, called also propagation of vacua, because it shows that we can modify the sheaf of covacua by adding as many sections as we want to which we attach the trivial representation to obtain a sheaf isomorphic to the one we started with.

Setting and notation

In this section we fix the following objects.

  • Let (X~qXπS=Spec(R),σ1,,σn,σn+1,,σn+m) be an element of Hur(Γ,ξ)g,n+m(S) .
  • Denote by B:=OX\{S1,,Sn} and by A:=OX\{S1,,Sn,Sn+1,,Sn+m} and set hB:=π(hB) which is contained in hA:=π(hA) .
  • For every i{1,,n} fix ViIrRep(i):=IrRep(σih) and for every j{1,,m} we fix WjIrRep(n+j):=IrRep(σn+jh) .

Under these conditions we notice that hB acts on each Wj since σn+jπhB maps naturally to σn+jh and the latter acts on Wj by definition.

Proposition 5.1

The inclusions WjH(Wj) induce an isomorphism



of OS -modules.


We sketch here the main ideas of the proof, using the same techniques used by Beauville in [[3], Proof of Proposition 2.3]. By induction it is enough to prove the assertion for m=1 , so that we need to prove that the inclusion WH(W) induces an isomorphism



The morphism is well defined on the quotients as the inclusion of hB in hLn+1 factors through hBhA . Since the inclusion WH(W) factors through H~(W) , we prove the proposition in two steps.

Claim 1

The inclusion WH~(W) induces an isomorphism



Claim 2

The projection map



is an isomorphism.

We give the proof of Claim 1, as for Claim 2 one can refer to [[3], (3.4)]. We just remark that in the proof of Claim 2 it is used that the level of W is bounded by and the local description of the maximal submodule Z of H~(W) .

Since checking that ϕ~ is an isomorphism can be done locally on S, there is no loss in generality in assuming that the Ii 's are principal so that O^R[[ti]] and that there are isomorphisms hLigLi . Observe that the exact sequence of R-modules



splits because the quotient h-:=hA/hB is isomorphic to hLn+1/hO^n+1 which can be identified with gkR[tn+1-1]tn+1-1 . Moreover we observe that since the residue pairing is trivial on h- , this is a Lie sub algebra of hA , hence we are left to prove that



is an isomorphism. Observe that this statement no longer depends on the covering X~X , so once we choose isomorphisms hLigLi , this follows from the classical case.

As previously announced, this proposition has important consequences.

Corollary 5.2

For all n and mZ>0 there is a natural isomorphism



of vector bundles on Hur(Γ,ξ)g,n+m .

Which leads to the following result.

Corollary 5.3

The vector bundle V(0) defined on Hur(Γ,ξ)g,1 descends to a vector bundle on Hur(Γ,ξ)g .


We can construct the sequence


where the horizontal morphisms, which are faithfully flat, are given by forgetting one of the sections. The vector bundle V(0) on Hur(Γ,ξ)g,1 then descends from Hur(Γ,ξ)g,1 to Hur(Γ,ξ)g because Corollary 5.2 provides a canonical isomorphism ϕ12 between f1V(0) and f2V(0) . The compatibility of the isomorphisms ϕij on Hur(Γ,ξ)g,3 holds by construction.

Remark 5.4

When we defined V(V) on Hur¯(Γ,ξ)g,1 , we assumed that the complement of the section σ was affine. Corollary 5.2 allows us to remove this assumption: in fact if this is not the case, we can add finitely many sections to which we attach the trivial representation and set V(V) to be V(V,0,,0) . The same holds for V(V1,,Vn) on Hur¯(Γ,ξ)g,n .

Nodal degeneration and factorization rules

In this section we want to compare the sheaf of covacua V(0)X attached to a covering of nodal curves X~X , to the sheaves of the form V(V)XN , attached to the normalization X~NXN of the covering we started with.

Setting and notation

We will consider the following objects.

  • Let (X~qXπSpec(k),p1,,pn)Hur¯(Γ,ξ)g,n(Spec(k)) and assume that X has one double point pX(k) .
  • Let XN be the partial normalization of X separating the branches at p and set qN:X~N:=X~×XXNXN . The points of XN mapping to p are denoted p+ and p- .
Remark 5.5

Observe that qN is a Γ -covering with the action of Γ induced by the one on X~ , so that it is ramified only over R . The Lie algebra hN:=h×XXN is then isomorphic to the Lie algebra of Γ -invariants of qN(gkOX~N) . Furthermore, the normalization provides an isomorphism between the k-Lie algebra h|p and hN|p± .

Let πN:XNSpec(k) be the structural morphism and consider the Lie algebras






which are the analogues of hA and hL for the marked covering (X~NXN,{pi}) . Observe that since X and XN are isomorphic outside of p , the Lie algebras hLN and hL are isomorphic.

As observed in the previous remark, since h|p and hN|p± are isomorphic, every representation W of h|p , is also a representation of hN|p± . Let denote by W the dual of W and view WkW as a representation of hN|p+hN|p- , with hN|p+ acting on W and hN|p- on W . This induces an action of hAN on WkW as



where []p± denotes the reduction modulo the ideal defining p± . Let bW denote the trace morphism End(W)=WOSWOS which is compatible with the action of h|p . We can formulate the factorization rules controlling the nodal degeneration as follows.

Proposition 5.6

The morphisms {bW} induce an isomorphism



The proof of this result is a mild generalization of the proof of [[20], Proposition 6.1], which in turn is a consequence of Schur's Lemma. We give an overview of it.


Fix an isomorphism between h|p and g so that IrRep(h|p) is identified with P . Denote by Spec(A)=X\{p1,,pn} and Spec(AN)=XN\{p1,,pn} and let IpA be the ideal defining p , so that the normalization gives the diagram


whose rows are exact. As in the classical case, we consider a similar diagram of Lie algebras, which, in contrast to the classical case, is not obtained by tensoring by g . Define hI as the tensor product IpAhA , and observe that the quotient hA/hIp is h|p , which is then isomorphic to g . Repeating the construction on XN , we obtain the commutative diagram of Lie algebras


Consider the hAN -module H(V1,,Vn) and observe that its quotient M:=hIp\H(V1,,Vn) is a finite dimensional representation of gg , because the quotient hA\H(V1,,Vn) is finite dimensional and the quotient hA/hIp is one dimensional. It is moreover a representation of gg of level less or equal to relative to each factors. Since hIp acts trivially on WW , the maps {bW} induce the morphism



Observe, using the above diagram, that if we consider M as a g -module via the diagonal action, and we denote this g -representation by MΔ , then g\MΔ is exactly hA\H(V1,,Vn) . After these considerations, the proof of the proposition boils down to showing that if M is a finite dimensional representation of gg of level at most , then the morphisms {bW} induce the isomorphism



Schur's Lemma ensures that the set of morphisms between irreducible Lie algebra representations is a skew field, and since without loss of generality we might assume M to be an irreducible gg representation of the form V1V2 for ViP , we conclude.

Denote by hAN the Lie algebra πN(hNOXN\{p1,,pn,p+,p-}) . Then Proposition 5.1 allows us to rewrite the previous proposition as an isomorphism



and in particular implies the isomorphism



where we see XN naturally marked by p+ and p- .

Remark 5.7

Observe that in the case in which p is a non separating node, i.e. when XN has the same number of irreducible components of X, then the genus of XN is one less the genus of X. By repeatedly applying the factorization rules, it is possible then to reduce the computation of the rank of sheaves of covacua on Hur¯(Γ,ξ)g,n to the case of covacua over Hur¯(Γ,ξ)0,N .

Remark 5.8

Let (X~XS,σ)Hur¯(Γ,ξ)g,1(S) and assume that it is possible to normalize the family (for example assuming that the nodes of X are given by a section ς:SX ). Then Proposition 5.6 still holds by replacing the index set IrRep(h|p) with IrRep(ςh) .

Locally freeness of the sheaf of conformal blocks

In this section we show how to use a refined version of the factorization rules to prove that the sheaves of covacua V(V1,,Vn) , and hence the conformal blocks V(V1,,Vn) , are locally free also on the boundary of Hur¯(Γ,ξ)g,n , concluding in this way the proof of Theorem 3.21. For simplicity only we will assume n=1 .

Canonical smoothing

As previously stated, we want to prove that V(V) is a locally free sheaf on Hur¯(Γ,ξ)g,1 . For this purpose we describe here a procedure to realise a covering of nodal curves as the special fibre of a family of coverings which is generically smooth. The idea is to induce a deformation of the covering X~X from the canonical smoothing of the base curve X provided in [[20]]. As already noted in Remark 2.14, it is essential that the branch locus R of the covering q:X~X is contained in the smooth locus of X.

Let (X~q0Xπ0Spec(k),σ0)Hur¯(Γ,ξ)g,1(Spec(k)) with pX(k) the unique nodal point of X. The goal of this section is to construct a family X~X belonging to Hur¯(Γ,ξ)g,1(Spec(k[[τ]])) which deforms (X~X) and whose generic fibre is smooth, i.e. it lies in Hur(Γ,ξ)g,1(Spec(k((τ)))) .

The intuitive idea

The idea which is explained in [[20]], is to find a deformation X of X which replaces the formal neighbourhood k[[t+,t-]]/t+t- of the nodal point p with the k[[τ]] -algebra k[[t+,t-,τ]]/t+t-=τ . This can be achieved with the following geometric construction. We first normalize the curve X obtaining the curve XN with two points p+ and p- above p . We blow up the trivial deformation XN[[τ]] of XN at the points p+ and p- and note that the formal coordinate rings at p± in the strict transform are of the form k[[t±,τ/t±]] . We then obtain the neighbourhood k[[t+,t-,τ]]/t+t-=τ by identifying t+ with τ/t- . The deformation X~ of X~ is induced from the one of X because the singular point p does not lie in R .

Construction of X~→X

We will realise the canonical smoothing of X~X it by constructing compatible families



where k[τ]n:=k[τ]/(τn+1) for nZ0 . As these are infinitesimal deformations, we only need to change the structure sheaf. As we have previously done, we normalize X~ and X obtaining (X~NqXNπSpec(k),σ0,p+,p-)Hur(Γ,ξ)g,3(Spec(k)) . We fix furthermore local coordinates t+ and t- at the points p+ and p- .

Let U be an open subset of X and nZ0 . If U does not contain p we set OXn(U):=OX(U)[τ]/τn+1 . Otherwise, if pU , we set





is the k[τ]n -linear morphism given by t+(t+,(t-)-1τ) and t-((t+)-1τ,t-) , and



sends ψOXn(U\{p}) to (ψ+,ψ-) where ψ± is the expansion of ψ at the point p± using the identifications OXn(U\{p})=OX(U\{p})[τ]/τn+1=OXN(UN\{p+,p-})[τ]/τn+1 .

Remark 6.1

Observe that the completion of OXn at the point p is isomorphic to k[[t+,t-]][τ]/(t+t-=τ,τn+1)=k[[t+,t-]]/(t+t-)n+1 . In fact note that once we take the completion of OXn(U\p) at the point p we obtain exactly k((t+))[τ]τn+1k((t-))[τ]τn+1 , the map βn becoming the identity. The kernel of αn-βn is then identified with k[[t+,t-]][τ]/(t+t-=τ,τn+1) as claimed.

Observe furthermore that once we take the limit for n , then the formal neighbourhood of p will be k[[t+,t-,τ]]/t+t-=τ as asserted in Sect. 6.1.1. The map αn describes the process of glueing the formal charts around p+ and p- .

Note moreover that for all nZ>0 there are natural maps gn:Xn-1Xn induced by the identity on topological spaces and by the projection k[τ]nk[τ]n-1 on the structure sheaves.

Lemma 6.2

For every nZ>0 the family Xn is a curve over Spec(k[τ]n) deforming X.


We need to prove that OXn is flat and proper over Spec(k[τ]n) . Once we show that the Xn is of finite type, we can use the valuative criterion to deduce that Xn is proper over k[τ]n . Observe that the kernel of the map gn:OXnOXn-10 is τnOX . Outside p , as the deformation is trivial, this is true. On an open U containing p , the snake lemma tells us that this is the kernel of


where αn and βn are the gluing functions defining τnOX . We can conclude that OXn is of finite type by using induction on n and observing that X0=X . This moreover shows the flatness of the family.

This deformation of X induces a deformation of X~ which, in rough terms, is obtained as the trivial deformation outside the points p1,,pp of X~ lying above p , and for every j{1,,p} , the formal neighbourhood of X~n around pi will be isomorphic to the formal neighbourhood of Xn around p .

To do this, let denote by pj,+ and pj,- the two points of X~N mapping to pj . We fix local coordinates ti,± at pj,± so that



and let consider U an open subset of X~ . If U is disjoint from q-1(p)={p1,,pp} , we set OX~n(U)=OX~(U)[τ]/τn+1 . Let i{1,,p} and if U contains pi but not pj for all ji we set


where the maps α~n and β~n are defined as in the case of Xn .

Remark 6.3

As was shown for Xn , also X~n is a curve over Spec(k[τ]n) deforming X .

Let denote by Rn the trivial deformation of the branch locus R inside Xn . The natural map qn:X~nXn which extends q0:X~X realizes X~nXn as a Γ -covering which is étale exactly outside Rn since the map qn is étale on p by construction. Furthermore, as σ0 is disjoint from the singular locus, it follows that for every nZ0 we can set σn to be the trivial deformation of σ0 .

By taking the direct limit of this family of deformations we obtain the Γ -covering of formal schemes X~X over Spf(k[[t]]) . To prove that X~X is algebraizable, i.e. that is comes from an algebraic object X~XSpec(k[[τ]]]) , we can invoke Grothendieck's existence theorem [[13], Théorème 5.4.5] so that we are left to prove that the family (X~nXn)n is equipped with a compatible family of very ample line bundles. This is true because given a smooth point P of X which is not in R and m sufficiently big, we know that O(mP) is a very ample line bundle on X whose pullback to OX~ is also very ample. Since P lies in the smooth locus of X these line bundles extend naturally to very ample line bundles on Xn and on X~n , providing the wanted family of very ample line bundles.

We refer to the covering (q:X~X,σ) that we have just constructed as the canonical smoothing of (q0:X~X,σ0) . Observe that the generic fibre of X~X is a covering of smooth curves over k((τ)) because, as one can deduce from Remark 6.1, the formal neighbourhood of p is given by k[[t+,t-]]((τ))/t+t-=τ .

Local freeness

The aim of this section is to show that, in the setting of the previous section, V(V)X is a locally free k[[τ]] -module. We can depict the situation that we described in the previous section in the following diagram


where the covering X~ηXη is a Γ -covering of smooth curves and we denote by p the nodal point of X. Let VIrRep(σ) so that H(V) is a k[[τ]] -module. We use the subscript 0 to denote the pullback along 0, i.e. the restriction to the special fibre, so that V0 denotes the induced representation of σ0h .

Remark 6.4

Observe that there is a canonical injection of k[[τ]] -modules H(V)H(V0)[[τ]] which is an isomorphism modulo τn for every nZ>0 . Moreover we have by construction that (hA)0 is isomorphic to hA0=hA and so V(V)X0 is isomorphic to V(V0)X .

The main result is that V(V)X is the trivial deformation of V(V0)X as stated in the following theorem.

Theorem 6.5

There is an isomorphism



of k[[τ]] -modules. In particular V(V)X is a free k[[τ]] -module.

Proof of Theorem 6.5


In what follows we denote by O^N:=k[[t+]]k[[t-]] the k-algebra which is the coordinate ring of the disjoint union of the formal neighbourhoods at the points p± in XN . Similarly LN:=k((t+))k((t-)) represents the disjoint union of the punctured formal neighbourhoods at the points p± in XN . Moreover we will write k[[t+,t-]] in place of k[[τ,t+,t-]]/t+t-=τ . Recall that this is the completion of OX at the point p .

Lemma 6.6

The canonical smoothing identifies k[[t+,t-]] with the subalgebra of LN[[τ]] consisting of elements



via the map sending t+ to (t+,t--1τ) and t- to (t+-1τ,t-) .


Taking the limit of the definition of OXn we identify the formal neighbourhood of X at p with



where α(t+)=(t+,t--1τ) and α(t-)=(t+-1τ,t-) .

In view of Proposition 5.6 we identify V(V0)X[[τ]] with



or equivalently with



Recall that h^L is a filtered Lie algebra, hence this induces a filtration on Uh^L and by consequence on F+(h^L) . Since for every WIrRep(h|p) the k-vector space H(W) is a quotient of F+(h^L) , also the latter is equipped with a filtration FH(W) inducing the associated decomposition H(W)=d0H(W)(d) where H(W)(d)=FdH(W)/Fd-1H(W) .

Remark 6.7

Once we choose local coordinates and an isomorphism between hL and gL we observe that the elements of F+(h^L) are k[(c+)-1] -linear combinations of elements Xrt-krX1t-k1e0 with krk10 and r0 , where e0 stands for 1k . We can explicitly write the graded pieces of F+h^L as



so that it is not zero only for d0 and in particular F+(h^L)(0)=k which shows that H(W)(0)=W .

The key ingredient to provide a morphism between V(V)X and V(V)X[[τ]] lies in the construction of the element ϵ(W) given by the following Proposition which we can see as a consequence of [[20], Lemma 6.5].

Proposition 6.8

Let WIrRep(h|p) and bW0:WWk be the trace morphism. Then there exists an element



satisfying the following conditions:

  • the constant term ϵ(W)0WW is the dual of bW0 and for every dZ0 we have ϵ(W)dH(W)(-d)H(W)(-d) ;
  • ϵ(W) is annihilated by the image of hk[[t+,t-]] in U¯h^LN[[τ]] .

We choose an isomorphism between hLN and gLN , as well as an isomorphism between hO^p and gO^p . The construction of ϵ(W) essentially lies in showing that the pairing bW(0):WWk extends to a unique pairing



such that for all (u,v)H(W)H(W) we have

6.1 bW(Xt+mu,v)+bW(u,Xt--mv)=0


for all mZ and Xg and that bW is identically zero when restricted to H(W)(d)H(W)(d) if dd . This is essentially [[25], Claim 1 of the proof of Proposition 6.2.1] to which we refer.

We saw how to attach to any representation W the element ϵ(W) : we now use these elements to obtain the isomorphism map between V(V)X and V(V0)X[[τ]] . The following statement, combined with Proposition 5.6 implies Theorem 6.5.

Proposition 6.9

The k[[τ]] linear map



induces the isomorphism



of k[[τ]] -modules.


In order to prove that EhA is an isomorphism we first quotient out by τ and using the identifications observed in Remark 6.4 we get the map



which sends the class of u to u0ϵ(W)0WIrRep(h|p) . Property (a) of ϵ(W)0 tells us that [EhA]τ=0 is, up to some invertible factors, the inverse of the morphism induced by the {bW} , which we showed to be an isomorphism in Proposition 5.6. Since hA\H(V) is finitely generated, Nakayama's lemma and the fact that the right hand side is a free k[[τ]] -module guarantee that EhA is an isomorphism.

Remark 6.10

The argument we used run similarly if instead of starting with a covering of curves over Spec(k) , we had considered a family of coverings (X~qXπS,σ) where the singular locus of X is given by one (or more) sections of π and whose normalization is a covering of versal pointed smooth curves. Using these assumptions we are able to construct the canonical smoothing X~X of X~X over S[[τ]] which is moreover a versal deformation of (X~qXπS,σ) . Once we have this construction, the analogue of Theorem 6.5 follows.

We have now all the ingredients to prove Theorem 3.21 which, we recall, stated that V(V1,,Vn) is locally free on the whole Hur¯(Γ,ξ)g,n .

Proof of Theorem 3.21

Let consider only the case n=1 . From Corollary 4.23 we already know that V(V) is locally free on Hur(Γ,ξ)g,1 , so we have to check that this property extends to the boundary. Let (X~qXSpec(k),σ0) be a k-point of Hur¯(Γ,ξ)g,1\Hur(Γ,ξ)g,1 . As already mentioned we are left to show that V(V) is locally free on a neighbourhood of (X~qXSpec(k),σ0) , i.e. that for one (hence any) versal deformation (X~XS,σ) of (X~XSpec(k),σ0) , the OS -module V(V)X is locally free. Assume, for simplicity only, that pX(k) is the only nodal point of X. Consider the normalization (X~NXN,σ0,p+,p-) of (X~X,σ0) and denote by (X~NXNS,σ,P+,P-) its universal deformation. Since we can see X~X as a fibre of the covering obtained from X~NXN by identifying P- and P+ , the previous remark allows us to conclude.


The main results of this paper are part of my Ph.D. thesis, which was written in 2017 at the Universität Duisburg-Essen under the supervision of Jochen Heinloth. I am indebted to him for the constant support, for the useful discussions and comments on a preliminary version of this manuscript. Many thanks to Christian Pauly and Angela Gibney. I am grateful to the anonymous referee for their comments and suggestions.

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By Chiara Damiolini

Reported by Author

Conformal blocks attached to twisted groups.
Autor/in / Beteiligte Person: Damiolini, Chiara
Zeitschrift: Mathematische Zeitschrift, Jg. 295 (2020-08-01), Heft 3/4, S. 1643-1681
Veröffentlichung: 2020
Medientyp: academicJournal
ISSN: 0025-5874 (print)
DOI: 10.1007/s00209-019-02414-6
  • 14D20
  • 14H10
  • 17B67
  • Affine Lie algebras
  • Galois coverings of curves
  • Parahoric Bruhat–Tits groups
  • Sheaves of conformal blocks
  • Nachgewiesen in: DACH Information
  • Sprachen: English
  • Document Type: Article
  • Author Affiliations: 1 = Department of Mathematics, Princeton University, Fine Hall, 304 Washington Rd, 08544, Princeton, NJ, USA
  • Full Text Word Count: 23458

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