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University Library Catalogue
469 Hits

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Search tip University Library Catalogue: Search terms are automatically combined with AND. Combining terms with OR is achieved by using "|", combining terms with NOT needs a "-" (minus) in front of the term. Quotation marks can be used to search for phrases.
Examples: (castle | palace) -medieval, "vocational education"

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469 Hits

  1. Hans-Albert Walter
    Stuttgart: Metzler, 1978
    Monograph, Part of a work, Printed Resource
  2. Hans-Albert Walter
    Stuttgart: Metzler, 1988
    Monograph, Part of a work, Printed Resource
  3. Uwe-K. Ketelsen
    Schernfeld: SH-Verl, 1992
    Monograph, Printed Resource
  4. Kunstverein für die Rheinlande und Westfalen ; Düsseldorf, Kunsthalle. [Katalogbearb. und Gestaltung: Karl Heinz Hering, Ewald Rathke]
    Düsseldorf: Winterscheidt, 1958
    Catalogue, Other, Edited collection, Printed Resource
  5. Gregor Streim
    Darmstadt: WBG (Wiss. Buchges.), 2009
    Monograph, Text book, Printed Resource
  6. Brigitte Bruns. Hrsg. vom Deutschen Theatermuseum, München
    [Leipzig]: Henschel, 2007
    Exhibition catalogue, Edited collection, Printed Resource
  7. Bärbel Schrader ; Jürgen Schebera
    Wien [u.a.]: Böhlau, 1987
    Monograph, Printed Resource
  8. Stefan Jonsson
    New York: Columbia Univ. Press, 2013
    Monograph, Printed Resource
  9. [Ausstellung und Katalog: Werner Berthold, Brita Eckert und Frank Wende]
    München [u.a.]: Saur, 1993
    Catalogue, Exhibition catalogue, Other, Edited collection, Printed Resource
  10. Donna K. Heizer
    1. ed.. - Columbia, SC: Camden House, 1996
    Monograph, Printed Resource
  11. Walter Delabar
    Berlin: Akad.-Verl, 2010
    Monograph, Text book, Printed Resource
  12. Hans-Albert Walter
    Stuttgart: Metzler, 1978-2017
    Monograph, Series, Printed Resource
  13. Schulte, Sanna (1985-) ; Zech, Christian ; et al.
    Article collection, Edited collection, Part of a work, Printed Resource
  14. Stuttgart: Metzler, 1982
    Resource, Monograph, Part of a work, Printed Resource
  15. Stuttgart: Metzler, 1981
    Resource, Monograph, Part of a work, Printed Resource
  16. Angela Huß-Michel
    Stuttgart: Metzler, 1987
    Monograph, Bibliography, Printed Resource
  17. Thomas B. Schumann
    [Neubearb.]. - Berlin: Guhl, 1983
    Monograph, Printed Resource
  18. hrsg. von John M. Spalek und Joseph Strelka
    Bern [u.a.]: Francke, 1976
    Edited collection, Part of a work, Printed Resource
  19. hrsg. von John M. Spalek und Joseph Strelka
    Bern [u.a.]: Francke, 1976
    Edited collection, Part of a work, Printed Resource
  20. Lutz Winkler (Hrsg.)
    1. Aufl.. - Kronberg/Ts.: Scriptor-Verl, 1977
    Edited collection, Part of a work, Printed Resource

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