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University Library Catalogue
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- Deutsch 165 Hits
- Literatur 147 Hits
- Schriftsteller 31 Hits
- Deutschland 29 Hits
- Deutschland (Bundesrepublik) 29 Hits
45 additional values:
- Prosa 19 Hits
- Deutschland (DDR) 15 Hits
- Roman 15 Hits
- Geschichte 12 Hits
- Deutsches Sprachgebiet 10 Hits
- Judenvernichtung (Motiv) 10 Hits
- Juden 9 Hits
- Literarisches Leben 8 Hits
- Rezeption 8 Hits
- Gruppe 47 7 Hits
- Kollektives Gedächtnis 7 Hits
- Geschichte 1945-1985 6 Hits
- Grass, Günter (1927-2015) 6 Hits
- Film 5 Hits
- Geschichte 1945-1949 5 Hits
- Geschichte 1945-1980 5 Hits
- Geschichte 1945-2000 5 Hits
- Geschichte 1968 5 Hits
- Wiedervereinigung (Deutschland) 5 Hits
- Berlin 4 Hits
- Biografie 4 Hits
- Böll, Heinrich (1917-1985) 4 Hits
- Drittes Reich (Motiv) 4 Hits
- Erzähltechnik 4 Hits
- Geschichte 1945-1960 4 Hits
- Geschichte 1990-2000 4 Hits
- Judenvernichtung 4 Hits
- USA 4 Hits
- Wiedervereinigung (Deutschland, Motiv) 4 Hits
- Amerikabild 3 Hits
- Christliche Literatur 3 Hits
- Erinnerung (Motiv) 3 Hits
- Frauenliteratur 3 Hits
- Geschichte (Motiv) 3 Hits
- Geschichte 1900-1980 3 Hits
- Geschichte 1945-1970 3 Hits
- Geschichte 1945-1975 3 Hits
- Geschichte 1945-1983 3 Hits
- Geschichte 1945-1988 3 Hits
- Geschichte 1945-1995 3 Hits
- Geschichte 1980-1990 3 Hits
- Geschichte <1945-1975> 3 Hits
- Gesellschaftskritik 3 Hits
- Kultur 3 Hits
- Kulturelle Identität 3 Hits
Media Type
- Arnold, Heinz Ludwig (1940-2011) 7 Hits
- Reich-Ranicki, Marcel (1920-2013) 7 Hits
- Lützeler, Paul Michael (1943-) 5 Hits
- Hage, Volker (1949-) 4 Hits
- Anz, Thomas (1948-) 3 Hits
45 additional values:
- Koebner, Thomas (1941-) 3 Hits
- Kunisch, Hermann (1901-1991) 3 Hits
- Kurz, Paul Konrad (1927-2005) 3 Hits
- Mayer, Hans (1907-2001) 3 Hits
- Raddatz, Fritz J. (1931-2015) 3 Hits
- Weber, Dietrich (1935-2008) 3 Hits
- Wende, Waltraud (1957-) 3 Hits
- Williams, Arthur (1940-) 3 Hits
- Witzel, Frank (1962-) 3 Hits
- Agazzi, Elena (1961-) 2 Hits
- Braese, Stephan (1961-) 2 Hits
- Briegleb, Klaus (1932-2024) 2 Hits
- Busch, Bernd (1954-) 2 Hits
- Böttiger, Helmut (1956-) 2 Hits
- Davidis, Michael 2 Hits
- Delabar, Walter (1957-) 2 Hits
- Drews, Jörg (1938-2009) 2 Hits
- Durzak, Manfred (1938-) 2 Hits
- Grub, Frank Thomas (1972-) 2 Hits
- Gödden, Walter (1955-) 2 Hits
- Hahn, Hans-Joachim (1967-) 2 Hits
- Hermand, Jost (1930-2021) 2 Hits
- Heukenkamp, Ursula 2 Hits
- Horst, Karl August (1913-1973) 2 Hits
- Kammler, Clemens (1952-) 2 Hits
- Keller, Jost 2 Hits
- Kramer, Sven (1961-) 2 Hits
- Kreuzer, Helmut 2 Hits
- Lamping, Dieter (1954-) 2 Hits
- Platen, Edgar (1962-) 2 Hits
- Pongs, Hermann (1889-1979) 2 Hits
- Schlant, Ernestine (1935-) 2 Hits
- Schnell, Ralf (1943-) 2 Hits
- Serke, Jürgen (1938-2024) 2 Hits
- Steinecke, Hartmut (1940-2020) 2 Hits
- Wehdeking, Volker (1941-) 2 Hits
- Wilczek, Reinhard 2 Hits
- Winkels, Hubert (1955-) 2 Hits
- Zimmermann, Hans Dieter 2 Hits
- Adorno, Theodor W. (1903-1969) 1 Hit
- Ahonen, Pertti (1952-) 1 Hit
- Albrecht, Jörg (1981-) 1 Hit
- Ames, Konstantin (1979-) 1 Hit
- Améry, Jean (1912-1978) 1 Hit
- Aspetsberger, Friedbert (1939-) 1 Hit
287 Hits
WEINHEIM, BASEL: Beltz, 1982Monograph, Printed ResourceAccess:
2., neuverf. Aufl.. - Stuttgart: Kröner, 1984Edited collection, Printed ResourceAccess:
München: Beck, 1990Monograph, Printed ResourceAccess:
Reinbek bei Hamburg: Rowohlt, 1990Monograph, Article collection, Printed ResourceAccess:
Bern [u.a.]: Haupt, 1982Monograph, Academic Publication, Printed ResourceAccess:
1. - 3. Tsd.. - Berlin: Argument-Verl, 1985Article collection, Edited collection, Printed ResourceAccess:
Berlin: Literarisches Colloquium, 1964Edited collection, Printed ResourceAccess:
[1992]Monograph, Academic Publication, Printed ResourceAccess:
München: Beck, 1975Edited collection, Printed ResourceAccess:
Erstausg.. - Reinbek bei Hamburg: Rowohlt, 1981Monograph, Printed ResourceAccess:
STUTTGART: AKADEMISCHER VERLAG HEINZ, 1982Monograph, Printed ResourceAccess:
1. - 3. Tsd.. - Berlin: Argument-Verl, 1982Article collection, Edited collection, Part of a work, Printed ResourceAccess:
Orig.-Ausg., 1. [Dr.]. - Frankfurt am Main: Luchterhand-Literaturverl, 1990Monograph, Article collection, Printed ResourceAccess:
Stuttgart: Kröner, 1971Article collection, Edited collection, Printed ResourceAccess:
Hamburg: Gruner + Jahr, 1979Monograph, Printed ResourceAccess:
Heidelberg: Winter, 1987Monograph, Academic Publication, Printed ResourceAccess:
Bern: Lang [u.a.], 1975Monograph, Article collection, Printed ResourceAccess:
1. Aufl.. - Berlin: Siedler, 1988Article collection, Monograph, Part of a work, Printed ResourceAccess:
München: Ed. Text + Kritik, 1988Article collection, Edited collection, Printed ResourceAccess:
Stuttgart: Metzler, 1986Monograph, Printed ResourceAccess: