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Fotomechan. Neudr. d. Orig.-Ausg. Weimar, Arion-Verl. 1958. - Leipzig: Zentralantiquariat d. Dt. Demokrat. Republik, 1978Catalogue, Other, Edited collection, Printed ResourceAccess:
Leipzig: Eichblatt, 1932Monograph, Bibliography, Printed ResourceAccess:
Weimar: Böhlau, 2011Edited collection, Part of a work, Printed ResourceAccess:
Heidelberg: Winter, 1968Edited collection, Part of a work, Printed ResourceAccess:
New York [u.a.]: Lang, 1996Monograph, Part of a work, Printed ResourceAccess:
New York [u.a.]: Lang, 1996Monograph, Part of a work, Printed ResourceAccess:
Heidelberg: Winter, 1965Edited collection, Part of a work, Printed ResourceAccess:
Heidelberg: WinterBibliography, Series, Edited collection, Printed ResourceAccess:
München: Saur, 2000Monograph, Part of a work, Printed ResourceAccess:
München: Saur, 2000Monograph, Part of a work, Printed ResourceAccess:
München: Saur, 2000Monograph, Part of a work, Printed ResourceAccess:
Weimar: Böhlau, 2000Edited collection, Part of a work, Printed ResourceAccess:
Stuttgart: Reclam, 1991Monograph, Bibliography, Printed ResourceAccess:
Leipzig: Hirzel, 1932Catalogue, Other, Edited collection, Printed ResourceAccess: